I Was Possessed By An Unknown Manga

Chapter 118: I’ll Be Back

Chapter 118: I’ll Be Back

It was like a love comedy situation right after waking up, but fortunately, it passed without issue.

“…Really, nothing happened, right?”

“Well, I blacked out, so I’m not sure.”

Even when I asked, Mei Ling left an ambiguous possibility in her answer.

It seemed pointless to pry further since she wouldn’t give a straight answer, so I decided to let it go.

Anyway, we tidied up the futons and then had breakfast.

Unlike the lavish meal from last night, breakfast consisted of small fish pieces, pickled vegetables, white rice, and mushroom soybean paste soup.

It was a typical Japanese breakfast.

We sat facing each other on the terrace, overlooking the outside scenery, and ate in silence.

Perhaps because we had just woken up, we didn’t have the energy to talk.

After pushing the rice and soup into my mouth and clearing the empty dishes, I asked Mei Ling,

“What now?”

Mei Ling, sipping her after-meal tea, answered,

“Check-out is at 12, so I’m thinking of going to the hot spring one more time.”

Certainly, it would be a pity to come all this way and only take a hot spring bath once.

I should also go in once more, not to waste the money.

Meanwhile, leisurely sipping her tea, she gazed at the scenery of Mount Fuji and said,

“This place is really beautiful. It’s like time has stopped.”

Hearing her words, I turned my head.

Indeed, the mist-covered lake seemed to embody the grandeur of nature.

Like the stars seen from the bath last night, it was a scene one could never see in the city.

That’s probably why this place was so popular as a tourist destination.

“Come back again later.”

Then Mei Ling looked at me.

“Will you come with me next time, too?”

“If I’m free, why not?”

“Hehe, it’s a promise then.”

Mei Ling said with a faint smile and stayed on the terrace until her tea cooled.

After soaking in the hot spring, we started packing to head back home.

In fact, there wasn’t much to pack, as the only thing we brought was a backpack.

Dressed in the clean clothes from yesterday, we headed to the counter, where the innkeeper and the female staff member who had been taking care of us were standing.

The innkeeper, looking back and forth between me and Mei Ling, asked with a smile,

“Did you enjoy last night?”

“Yeah, sort of.”

I handed over the room key I was holding.

Then, the innkeeper scanned the barcode on the key and informed me of the lodging fee.

“The total, including the beer you purchased from the shop yesterday, is 53,200 yen.”

“…Here you go.”


It felt good to eat and drink, but the price made me hesitant to hand over my card when it came time to pay.

Had Mei Ling not offered to pay, it was money I would never have spent, but indeed, it was a lot for just one night’s stay.

After taking my check card, the innkeeper swiped it through the machine and asked for my signature.

After I signed, the innkeeper handed me the card and receipt with a broad smile.

“Thank you for staying with us.”


Goodbye, my precious 50,000 yen.

With a surge of emotion, I slightly lifted my head, put the card in my wallet, and said,

“Let’s go now.”

Mei Ling then bowed slightly to the innkeeper and the staff member, quietly following me.

Now, we were really heading home.

The fact that we spent the night out alone was kept a secret from my parents.

I was worried that Mrs. Imija might misunderstand that her son was leading a dissolute life, but I thought it unnecessary to cause unnecessary trouble.

Since Mei Ling and I had agreed on a story beforehand, I said I stayed at a friend’s house, and she claimed to have met someone she knew.

Anyway, a day passed and…

“Mei Ling! It’s here!”

On the fifth day of Mei Ling’s stay at our house, her awaited credit card finally arrived.

In the meantime, Mei Ling, who had been helping out at my parents’ store and acting as the poster girl, made a strange expression when she saw the letter I brought.

“Why? You don’t seem happy.”

Then, Mei Ling, taking the letter I offered, smiled bitterly.

“I’m happy, but receiving this means I no longer have a reason to stay here.”


I belatedly realized.

With her lost card reissued, she no longer needed to stay at our house.

Hearing my voice, my parents in the kitchen peeked out and said,

“That’s good, Miss.”

“Lucky. Now you can go home.”

“Sir, Ma’am…”

Mei Ling looked at my parents with a tearful expression, then bit her lip and bowed.

“Thank you so much for feeding and housing me all this time. I will never forget your kindness, even when I return to my country.”

My mother waved her hand dismissively, chuckling.

“Oh, it’s nothing. We just fed you, after all. Don’t make it a big deal, dear.”

“No, without you two, I might have starved on the streets. You are like benefactors to me.”

Bowing respectfully, Mei Ling then looked up at me and said,

“Kim Yu-seong, I owe you an immeasurable debt of gratitude… Thank you for everything.”

Speaking in a stern tone but ending with a soft smile, she said she would pack her things and go upstairs.

Watching this, my mother nudged me, urging me to personally escort her to the airport.

After all, she had been like family for the past few days.

I agreed and waited for her at the front of the store on the first floor.

About ten minutes later, Mei Ling came out with the same suitcase she had on the first day.

It felt like we had been together for a long time, even though it was just a few days.

We hailed a passing taxi and headed for Tokyo International Airport.

As the taxi started moving, Mei Ling gazed at our neighborhood, where she had spent the last few days.

It was as if she was trying to memorize every detail.

After a while, we arrived at Tokyo International Airport.

I carried her suitcase out of the taxi, and Mei Ling thanked me.

“Oh, I need to repay the money I borrowed from you.”

Then, as if just remembering, she quickly headed to a bank at the airport.

At the bank counter, after a brief conversation with the staff, she used her card to withdraw money.

Then, having issued her plane ticket on the spot, she approached me and handed over an envelope with money.

“I’ve included not only the 50,000 yen I borrowed from you but also enough for my stay and meals.”

Hearing this, I peeked inside the envelope to check the money.

There were 20 green bills inside.

“Isn’t this too much?”

Mei Ling shook her head.

“I wanted to give more, but I thought it might be too much for you. Please accept it as a token of my gratitude.”


Unable to refuse after her words, I put the envelope in my pocket.

“When is your flight to China?”

“It’s in one hour.”

“So soon?”

“It seems there was one business class seat left. I bought that one.”

To go through the departure process, we should start queuing now.

I was surprised at the suddenness of our parting, but I decided to act composed.

“Since it’s not a forever goodbye, there’s no need to be too sad, right?”

Mei Ling nodded with a smile.

“I’ve memorized your home address. When I come to Japan again, I’ll visit you first.”

“Then I’m glad to hear that.”

Since we had time to spare, I decided to stay with her until the end.

Slowly, the line in front of us dwindled, and soon, it was Mei Ling’s turn.

She placed her suitcase on the conveyor belt and went through the body check.

Watching her, I realized it was finally time to part when she approached with her luggage.

“Well, I should be going now.”

“Yes. I wish you a safe return.”

After saying that, I extended my right hand.

As I extended my hand, Mei Ling, who had been staring at it intently, reached out with her right hand and accepted the handshake.

After shaking it up and down a couple of times, as I was about to release her hand, Mei Ling, for some reason, did not let go of mine.

“Mei Ling? What’s the matter?”

Instead of answering my question, Mei Ling’s response was something completely different.

She suddenly pulled my arm towards her.

Caught off guard, I was pulled towards her, and Mei Ling sprang up unexpectedly.



It was an unexpected kiss.

The contact was very brief, but the impression it left was incredibly strong.

Only then did Mei Ling let go of my hand, chuckling as she spoke.

“Was that your first kiss?”

In a dazed voice, I replied.


“Since everything else seems difficult, I’ll at least take this.”

With those words, she ran off beyond the gate.

“See you then! Let’s meet again sometime!”


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