I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor

Chapter 43: Projection (1)

Chapter 43: Projection (1)

Translator: Dreamscribe

After Park Dae-ri’s line, everyone on set closed their mouths. The several cameras filming Park Dae-ri and the middle-aged woman also stopped.

Of course, the same goes for Park Dae-ri and the middle-aged woman.


Suddenly, the scene fell quiet, the screams of the woman and the pleasure-filled voice of Park Dae-ri had disappeared.

It stayed like that for about 10 seconds.

The person who broke the heavy silence was, of course, PD Song Man-woo.

“Cut!! OK!!”

The scene was over.

“We’ll use this take for this scene!”

Normally, they would shoot the same scene several times, but PD Song Man-woo seemed to have no intention of doing that. The current take was enough. They usually don’t shoot intense or exaggerated scenes multiple times anyway.

As soon as the OK sign was given, Kang Woojin quickly changed back to his normal self and got rid of the Park Dae-ri character,


He untied the rope that was around the neck of the middle-aged supporting actress. His movements were incredibly fast. Then, supporting her shoulder, he quietly asked her,

“Are you okay? I’m sorry.”

The woman, who had just given a passionate performance, answered while catching her breath.

“···Yes? Ah, yes. I’m fine.”

“Do you have any pain anywhere?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Let’s get a proper check up.”

The brutality of a moment ago ago had completely disappeared. This was why the supporting actress was slightly startled by Woojin.

‘This kid is really good? Look at how quickly he’s changed his character.’

Moreover, Kang Woojin’s eyes were even filled with genuine concern. A stark contrast to the madman, Park Dae-ri.

“Please get up carefully.”

Of course, all of Kang Woojin’s actions were sincere at this moment.

‘Is she really okay??’

Any actor would have felt the same way after that scene. Plus, the supporting actress was around the same age as Woojin’s mother, which made him even more worried.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Your neck area has turned a little red.”

“It’s really okay; your hand has turned redder, hasn’t it? You put a lot of strength into it on purpose.”

Indeed, he had. During the strangling scene, Woojin had tightened his grip to the extreme. The cord around the supporting actress’s neck had been loose, but he put a lot of force into his hand to express its tautness.

Kang Woojin was becoming more adept at using his acting skills.

That’s why the clarity of the character, engraved by repeated readings (experiences), was increasing, but he could also maintain his sanity as Kang Woojin while acting.

At this moment, the staff and PD Song man-woo rushed over.

“What? Are you hurt??”

“Are you okay?!”

In fact, the female supporting actress didn’t have any major problems. The acting had been very realistic, and she had been carried away by Kang Woojin’s performance, but she hadn’t been wounded or hurt. However, Kang Woojin’s concern amplified the surrounding worries. Thanks to his seriousness.

Still, Woojin continued to watch her with a solemn face.

“PD, could you please check her neck and arm areas?”

“Huh?? Why?”

“I think the dragging scene was a bit too intense.”

Kang Woojin continued to support the female supporting actress and handed her over to the staff. His poker face remained, but his eyes were sincere.


“I’m going to the restroom.”

Woojin, who had been watching the supporting actress’s condition, slowly moved away. It wasn’t that he was avoiding the situation, but as soon as he felt relieved about the supporting actress’s condition, his tension eased.

‘Ugh, I need to pee.’

He genuinely needed to relieve himself. Physiological phenomena are fair to everyone. A few female staff members who were watching Woojin’s retreating figure whispered.

“It seems like he’s going to regain his emotions. Well, that scene just now was really intense.”

In the meantime, actors like Ryu Jung-min and Hong Hye-yeon did not follow Kang Woojin, only watching him with their eyes.

‘I should talk to him after he recovers his emotions.’

‘It’s a relief he didn’t throw up; being able to compose oneself after that scene is also a talent.’

It was only natural to give Kang Woojin time to recover his emotions. Regardless, Woojin’s pace quickened as he urgently needed to use the restroom.

‘Gotta go, go. Ugh.’

However, he shouldn’t make it too obvious. It might look silly.

As Kang Woojin was gradually moving away.

“CEO, I’ll go after him!”

Among the Kang Woojin team gathered in the staff area, Jang Su-hwan moved, but was stopped by CEO Choi Sung-gun.

“It’s okay. If you go now, you’ll just get in the way. Are you thinking he is really going to the bathroom?”


A cold response came from Han Ye-jung.

“He must be going to calm down. Most method actors do that.”

At this time, someone tapped on the shoulder of the crossed-armed Choi Sung-gun. When he turned around, he saw a familiar face. Choi Sung-gun was a little surprised.

“You’re Mr. Kim, from the Eoulrim Film Company, right?”

“Yes, you remember me. Long time no see.”

“Of course, I have to remember, haha. I heard you’re preparing a new project with director Kwon Ki-taek.”

“Yeah- you still have good information, even though we haven’t even officially announced it.”

“But what brings you here…”

For a moment, the quick-witted Choi Sung-gun changed his expression to a serious one and whispered softly.

“Did you come to see the actors? Ah- right. The man with the mask from earlier. That was Director Kwon.”

“You’re still quick-witted. Let’s go together, CEO Choi.”

“···Director Kwon saw Woojin.”

Mr. Kim, smiled, as if confirming the answer. Soon, Choi Sung-gun, who had been rapidly calculating in his head, followed him, and they arrived at the vacant parking lot, and in front of a gray van, they saw a man in a mask.

Who else could it be?

‘Director Kwon Ki-taek.’

The answer that Choi Sung-gun muttered to himself was correct. Director Kwon Ki-taek removed his mask and greeted him.

“CEO Choi, how have you been?”

He said smoothly with a smile. They had met before.

“Yes, Director. It’s been a while since I last saw you. The last time we met was with Hye-yeon, right?”

“That’s right. But today is not about Hye-yeon.”

“It’s about our Woojin.”

“That’s right.”

Then, Director Kwon Ki-taek recalled Kang Woojin’s acting as Park Dae-ri that he had seen earlier, and the sincerity he showed.

“He was amazing.”

“Thank you.”

“He speaks English at a native level. You know that Kang Woojin self-studied acting abroad, don’t you?”

Choi Sung-gun was a little surprised.

“How do you know that?”

“Ah- I heard it roughly from PD Song.”

“···Wait. So today wasn’t the first time you saw Woojin?”

“No. I’ve been watching him for a few weeks now. I saw his acting on the interrogation room set too.”

Upon hearing the answer, Choi Sung-gun screamed internally. No, it was admiration for Kang Woojin.

‘Is that guy a magnet for masters??! From Woo Hyun-goo to Kwon Ki-taek, masters are automatically lining up one after another??’

Director Kwon Ki-taek, with a small smile, spoke in a low voice.

“Honestly, I was going to talk to Woojin today, but the situation became a bit weird after that great acting earlier.”


“It’s kind of embarrassing for me to talk to that kid with those intense emotions left. It’s something I’ve seen a lot as a director.”


“I’ll be leaving for today.”

“What?? You came all the way here and you’re just leaving?”

“It’s okay, I’m satisfied since I got to see such great acting. Instead.”

Director Kwon Ki-taek, who opened the door of the van, asked.

“Let’s make a proper appointment, not on set. When would be good?”

Choi Sung-gun, who quickly recalled his schedule, quickly gave an answer.

“How about the morning of the day after tomorrow?”

Two days later, on April 13, Monday.

It was morning. The entertainment news was still like a battlefield.

『SBC, MBS, TVM upcoming tri-network war; Communities Already Abuzz』

The media had been stirring up a new battle for days, and the heated atmosphere quickly turned into public opinion.

『[StarTalk] Growing Anticipation for Drama War; Top Actors’ SNS Suddenly Becomes Active』

The more it was talked about, the more the broadcasting stations SBC, MBS, and TVM added fuel to flame by promotion. Regardless of whether it’s provocation or rumors, pulling out now would result in a rapid decline in recognition.

At this moment, PD Song Man-Woo was in the SBC Drama Department head’s office.

He had been editing all night after finishing filming yesterday, so he was in no shape to talk. His beard had grown a lot as well. Of course, his routine had been almost the same recently.

Shooting, editing, shooting, editing. Repeat.

But as a veteran, he had made a lot of progress. Writer Park Eun-mi was also speeding up, finishing the script for episode 12.


“PD Song.”

Sitting on a five-person sofa, the rather chubby Drama Department head said to PD Song Man-Woo, who was sitting on the next sofa.

“You saw how the reporters are going crazy, right? Talking about a war and stuff.”

“Yes, I saw it, of course.”

They looked close. No wonder. They had a long-standing senior-junior relationship. When the head was a PD, Song Man-Woo PD was an assistant PD. They had nearly 20 years of experience together.

Regardless, the head shook the script of ‘Profiler Hanryang’ episode 5 in his hand.

“You know, try to appease Writer Park and tell her to add some romance starting from episode 5. The script is killer, but isn’t this too dry?”

“Ha- Director. No, bro. What’s the point of putting that in ‘Profiler Hanryang’? Where do you want me to put it?”

“That’s for Writer Park to figure out. I’m not saying to cram it in, but sneak it in subtly like a seasoning. Do you want to abandon all the viewers who like romance? MBS is doing rom-com, BS is doing rom-com and there’s a rumor that TVM smells like it too.”

PD Song Man-woo snorted.

“If you mix that in, it’ll all become crap. Love in this genre is meaningless. If that’s the case, you should direct it, bro.”

“Come on! I’ve been sitting at a desk for years now! You know, right? How much has been invested in ‘Profiler Hanryang’? Including writer Park and actors like Ryu Jung-min and Hong Hye-yeon and so on. If this fails, you and I are done for. Hey, I conceded to you putting in an unknown like Kang Woojin or Kang Woojun, didn’t I?”

“Do you think the ratings will skyrocket because of him? And how much of our money went into outsourcing anyway?”

“It’s not just about money, but there’s also a matter of face, right? The CEO is watching too. Do you know how much I was scolded at this morning’s meeting?”

Soon, PD Song Man-woo, who was checking his wristwatch, sighed and muttered.

“Then you tell her yourself, Director.”

“What? Tell her what?”

“To add the romance. It’s time anyway.”

“Hey, hey, that’s-”

At that moment.


Writer Park Eun-mi, who had put on a lot of makeup, appeared in the department head’s office. During their conversation, PD Song Man-woo had sent her a message. In other words, she already knew all the department head’s intentions. As soon as he saw Writer Park Eun-mi, the department head suddenly laughed.

“Oh dear, Writer Park. How’s your health?”

However, Writer Park Eun-mi, with her long permed hair, had a very stern expression.

“Should I cancel?”

“···Huh? Cancel what?”

“The drama. Should I cancel it? You’ve had the experience once before. When I disappeared to France for a year.”

“Ah, no. Calm down, Writer Park.”

“Should I disappear? You think I can’t?”

“Pa, Writer Park.”

“Should I cancel?”


“Should I book a flight?”

After staring at Writer Park Eun-mi for a while, the department head shook his head.

“I’m sorry, Writer Park. Please write it as you wish.”

So, two hours later, news about Writer Park Eun-mi, who had a phone interview with the media, was thrown out as an article.

『Profiler Hanryang’ writer Park Eun-mi ‘There will be no romance in this new work’』

People were even more enthusiastic by her confirmation.

Meanwhile, in Sangam-dong, at Eoulrim Film Company.

Kang Woojin and Choi Sung-gun were seen in the hallway of the large film company. Woojin’s, who was expressionless, attire was somewhat formal. Because he was wearing a blazer. Both had serious expressions, and the rest of the team was waiting in the underground parking lot.



Kang Woojin arrived in front of a conference room glass door. At the same time, Choi Sung-gun met Woojin’s eyes.

“Woojin…this time,”

But Choi Sung-gun trailed off. The full sentence was ‘Please think long-term this time.’ This was because he had been too quick to refuse director Woo Hyun-goo. However, he swallowed his words. The right to choose a project was also in the contract.

“Sigh- No, but really, director Kwon Ki-taek is even stronger than director Woo Hyun-goo. I mean, in terms of reputation or honor.”

“Yes, I know.”

It was genuine, not bravado or bluff. Kang Woojin had researched Director Kwon Ki-taek after hearing about this meeting. Of course, he had heard the name but looked it up to know more.

‘He’s impressive indeed. He’s won a lot of awards at prestigious international film festivals.’

However, maintaining his persona, Kang Woojin wasn’t as nervous as he thought. Even though he was about to meet a renowned master director. He had never met Director Woo Hyun-goo before, but this time it was a direct meeting. Yet Woojin was subtly calm.

‘Is it because it doesn’t feel real?’

Or maybe it was because he had only been acting for two months. You know what they say, the less you know, the braver you are. Thanks to that, Director Kwon Ki-taek’s awe was somewhat diminished. Instead, Choi Sung-gun was more nervous.

“Why do I feel like I’m the only one nervous? Well, you, Woojin, usually don’t get nervous easily, do you? I’m not as good as you, but I’m kind of like that too, but this director Kwon Ki-taek, he has some sort of aura…”

Taking a deep breath, Choi Sung-gun opened the glass door.


Inside, Director Kwon Ki-taek was already seated at the middle of a ‘ㄷ’-shaped desk. A few film company employees were also seen around. Soon, Kang Woojin and Choi Sung-gun bowed politely.


“Hello, Director.”

Director Kwon Ki-taek immediately approached the two.

“Nice to meet you, CEO Choi. And.”

His gaze settled on the silent Kang Woojin.

“I finally get to see you up close, Woojin.”

“I heard you often come to the set.”

“Haha. Yes, I do. Your voice sounds even better up close. It would sound incredible if recorded.”

A compliment right away? It was embarrassing. Kang Woojin tried to hide his shyness and answered in a low voice.

“…Thank you.”

At that moment, Director Kwon Ki-taek, who was smiling here, suddenly handed a bundle of papers to Woojin.

“Take this, the script for my next work. A few actors have already received it.”

It was the script.

“First, let’s sit down and skim through this, and then we’ll talk.”

Alright. Internally agreeing, Woojin expressionlessly lifted his index finger. Of course, he had to show no reaction.


He tapped the black square next to the script. Then, Woojin entered the void space. Kang Woojin, who was in the endless dark space, felt his slight nervousness melt away in no time.

Then he said,

“Let’s see-”

and he moved to the white rectangles listed nonchalantly. As expected, one more was added just now.

-[1/Scenario (Title: Exorcism), A Grade]

-[2/Script (Title: Profiler Hanryang Part 1), S Grade]

-[3/Scenario (Title: Island of the Missing), D Grade]

The title of the scenario given by Director Kwon Ki-taek was ‘Island of the Missing’. The problem was.

“…D Grade?”

That the grade was low, and additionally, Kang Woojin tilted his head. The reason was simple.

-[3/Scenario (Title: Island of the Missing), D Grade]

-[*This is a movie scenario with low completion rate, 60% reading is possible.]

Not only was the grade low, but for some reason, the completion rate was low too.

“Why is the completion rate so low?”

He couldn’t help but feel puzzled.



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