I Was Kidnapped By a Yandere Writer

Chapter 60: Finally with Eunah -2

Chapter 60: Finally with Eunah -2

He looked away and gazed at Eunah's forehead, which was peeking out from his arms.

She lowers her head and hits his thigh with her fist.

It was like advertising, saying "I'm sulking,".


'I felt a bit awkward.'

'Was the week longer than I thought, or had I completely forgotten about her sneakiness?'

Earlier, as they were showering together, he noticed her trying to sneak past the curtain. He stopped her. Although he felt a slight pang of suspicion at her obviously inappropriate intentions, a passing thought of Eunseol's words flashed through his mind, suppressing that feeling.

"Enough. I'll make your bones rattle."

A vague acknowledgment of what had happened between him and Eunah.

Despite saying such things, he somehow managed to separate her and finish the shower, trying to shake off the feeling that doing it once in the morning wasn't quite right.

Since then, it's been the same.

As her continuous complaints increasingly made him feel uncomfortable, Dokyun cautiously opened his mouth with a gentle tone.

"Eunah. Are you upset?"

Choosing his words carefully, fearing that saying she was sulking might worsen the situation, it was a delicate question.

As the question was conveyed, her body flinched, and she suddenly burst into a fit of anger.

"Hey, it's not like the gum fell off!"

Her words were filled with roughness.

"It's, it's waterproof, so it won't fall even in the water!"

She seemed to maintain the gum concept, making it difficult to express her dissatisfaction, yet finding it cute that it didn't fall off, she burst into laughter again.

He felt his lips twitching involuntarily.

'How could I ease the tension?' He pondered on.

"I'm sorry. But since Miss Eunah is a good girl, you can endure a little, right?"


He felt her body trembling.

Immediately after, she lifted her head slightly, and the face that had been hidden among her hair was revealed.

Sharp eyes. Protruding lower lip, asserting herself.

For a moment, as she stared at Dokyun like that, she opened her mouth again, expressing her dissatisfaction once more.

"It's, it's annoying!"

Saying so, she lowered her head again with a thump.

Dokyun thought this wasn't right, but her demeanor stirred something in him, making him hug her tighter.

"Later, just a little later."

As he hugged her tightly without saying a word, she suddenly muttered while avoiding his gaze, "When?"

A demand for a specific schedule.

Suppressing the urge to burst into laughter at her words, Dokyun opened his mouth.

"Just a little while later, um"

As he continued to ponder what to say, he found himself unable to utter the words 'If you do many good deeds.' as it seemed like taking advantage of her obsession with being a 'good girl' would only make her more fixated on it.

What came to mind next was the phrase he had used before, 'Miss Eunah is a good girl.'

A slight sense of self-disgust crept up as he realized he had tried to manipulate her obsession.

The nonchalant way he had said those words before was now starting to turn into regret.

Perhaps his expression had slightly clouded with emotions, as a look of concern appeared on her face as she gently touched his cheek and asked, "Are you hurt, Mr. Bee?"

Seeming fierce yet surprisingly perceptive, she quickly noticed even the slightest change in his expression.

Feeling a twinge of guilt, Dokyun forced a smile and said, "No. Just thinking."


She nodded slightly in agreement, her face still showing signs of worry.

Watching her, Dokyun subtly leaned his head forward.


He lightly kissed her forehead.

Immediately after, she widened her eyes in surprise, her mouth slightly agape, and Dokyun drew a smile on his lips as he spoke, "Let's do it a little later. Today is not the only day, we will be together for a while longer. Right?"

Hoping she wouldn't be anxious, hoping she would just be happy. That was the message he conveyed.

Setting aside the worry of whether he could keep his promise, he simply hoped for a face full of smiles as he spoke, and she blushed as she nodded her head.

"Y-yes! W-we'll be together!"

A bright smile spread across her face, filled with satisfaction, stirring something within him.

Then, turning her back to show her back, she turned around to face him and spoke again.

"From now on, I'll be with Mr. Bee!"

"Yes. Together forever."

Repeating the promise, he embraced the small warmth that came to him, tightly holding onto it, unsure of when it might fade away.


After embracing each other for a while and feeling the warmth, she suddenly raised her head, opened her mouth, and said, "Ah!"


The scene of making a sound as if something had come to mind.

As Dokyun expressed his doubts, she looked at him for a moment before opening her mouth.



As Dokyun expressed his doubts again at her hesitant words, she continued making a sound like 'kng' and then softly asked a question.

"Wh-what did you do with my sister?"

It was an unexpected question.

Dokyun tilted his head for a moment, and soon recalled what Eunseol had told him the day before.

'It'll be filtered reasonably in her mind. Like we went in and out while she was sleeping.'

Indeed, as she said, Eunha seemed to be filtering her gaps in that way.

Continuing to look at her, Dokyun saw her with a tense face, swallowing saliva nervously.

The only thing visible in her expression was tension.

Seeing no other negative emotions, it seemed she wasn't too concerned about her outing, just as Eunseol had said.

Creating unnecessary anxiety was not good.

Having made that judgment, Dokyun smiled at her and spoke.

"Miss Eunseol went to buy a present."

"A present?"

At Dokyun's words, her head tilted slightly to the side.

It was a suitable excuse.

Suddenly, he remembered that Eunseol had also asked him to choose a gift for her. Was this question expected to come up?

Thinking about it for a moment, Dokyun gently brushed her hair while looking at her, and spoke.

"Yes, Miss Eunaseol's gift. It's in the room, would you like me to bring it?"

The clothes he bought that day were neatly displayed in the dressing room.

After finishing speaking, she slightly raised her head and headed towards the back of the living room. Not long after, she came back with a large shopping bag in her arms.

Entering Dokyun's embrace with occasional steps, she pulled out a large shopping bag and murmured as she looked into it.


"Yes, Clothes for you."

Dokyun responded to her murmuring words and looked at her.

Her eyes sparkled as she took out a white dress with a sky-blue ribbon as a point.

She looked at it for a while before shifting her gaze towards me, then back to the dress.

Dokyun spoke to her as she continued to gaze at the dress.

"Do you want to try it on?"


Her tone was filled with joy. Eunah nodded happily at Dokyun's words.

Right after.



At the sight of her suddenly stripping off her clothes right there, Dokyun's head snapped to the side.

Though he had seen more than enough already, when she threw off her clothes so unabashedly, he felt a bit awkward.

The sound of fabric sliding, the sluggish movements could be felt.

Even with eyes closed, there was a slight sensation of blood rushing to the cheeks. In a moment, she emerged from her clothes and called out to him.

"Um, how does it look?"

In response to her words, Dokyun lazily opened his eyes and looked at her.

A deeply blushing face, standing with the hem of her dress tightly grasped.

It was a posture filled with shyness.

Unconsciously, a smile came to his lips for a moment, then as he examined her outfit, Dokyun opened his mouth and exclaimed.

"It looks great on you. It suits you perfectly, Eunah."

It wasn't an exaggeration or flattery, the clothes seemed to fit her as if they were made just for her.

Whether it was the hanger effect or not, the flowing white dress matched her so well that it elicited an involuntary "Wow" from him.

As Dokyun looked at her with such admiration, she blushed even deeper and nestled closer to him.


A hint of happiness emanated from her slight laughter.

Feeling the warmth in the transmitted emotions, Dokyun reached out and patted her back, and as she giggled in his embrace, she spoke again.

"Now, this is No. 1 Treasure!"

No. 1 Treasure .

While it seemed childish and cute to say such a thing, there was also a sense of pride that made his smile deepen.

The effort put into deliberating over the choice was rewarding.

Amidst their laughter, Dokyun, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, playfully asked a question.

"And what about me?"

Slight jump.

Upon hearing his words, she glanced at him, then after a moment of consideration, she rolled her eyes and energetically responded.

"Y-You're Bee No. 0!"

Saying that, she once again nestled into his embrace.

Feeling a sense of satisfaction welling up from deep within, Dokyun hugged her tightly once again.


Following her laughter in his ear, the scent of the new clothes mixed with her own filled his nose.

Thunk. Thunk.

Shallow beats were heard, and small movements tickled his chest.

The senses asserting her presence dug deep into his heart, creating a tidal wave of emotions.

A pleasant frustration.

Even though there was a tightening sensation inside, it didn't feel bad at all.

The rising frustration was just fueling a thirst, creating a restless feeling somewhere within.

As he savored that feeling for a moment, her head lifted slightly, and their eyes met for a while.


Suddenly, the lips that came close to him touched his lips.

A soft and moist sensation brushed past my lips once, then her eyes gently closed.

Peck. Peck. Peck.

Several more kisses followed.


Finally, after one more kiss, she pulled back and opened her mouth.

"Th-thank you!"

The words of gratitude were conveyed, and Dokyun, who had been pondering his emotions in a daze, smiled and replied.

"Thank you too. For liking me."


Laughter flowed again.

As Dokyun raised her hand to bring it above her head, she, with her eyes narrowed, looked at him as he gently stroked her head.

"Do you really like me that much?"


A confident answer came without hesitation to the question asked.

What was so good about it, and why did she like him so much?

A fleeting doubt arose, but he pushed it aside.

He just wanted to savor this moment a little longer, feeling the sweetness that made his tongue tingle.

As he continued to stroke her head for a while, she, who had been brushing her head against his hand, hugged him tightly and spoke.

"I-I like you so much!"

As always, the confession stirred deep within Dokyun, stirring his insides completely.

Enjoying the pleasant turmoil in his heart, Dokyun felt his smile deepen as he gave his answer.

"I like you too."

There was a time when he had said these words before.

In the past, now several weeks ago, there was a moment when he had blurted out these words without realizing it.

She had always shown the same kindness to him, then and now, but he could now confidently say that his feelings were different.

At some point, from an unknown moment, this small warmth had become something he was unwilling to let go of.

He hoped that the smile that bloomed on her face was genuine, and he wished for her continuous happiness.

He felt that he would be okay with a little pain if it was for her sake.

Once again, the confession sprang forth.

"I like you, Eunah."

With his heart full, he said those words.


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