I Was Kidnapped By a Yandere Writer

Chapter 55: Eunsam the Community Addict -1

Chapter 55: Eunsam the Community Addict -1

I felt it right away.

That woman is addicted to the community.

When I think about it in Eunseol's words, it's been only a few months since that personality came out, but the first thing a person who comes out after a few months does is look at the community?

And there, the words she spat out.

"Welcome, honeybee."

It was a striking statement. Tension rose.

"That's real."

That woman was the real deal among the real.

Suddenly, the words Eunseol had given me the day before came to mind.

'You two will get along well.'

A bitter laugh escaped.

Wrong. He would never get along with that woman.

Her thoughts were somewhat understandable. Since they were users in the same community, they probably thought they would get along well with each other.


That place was a battlefield. Everyone in the community was enemies to each other.

Just by posting a review on the community, he was in a relationship with all sorts of pests who stuck to him and asked about each other's parents.

Also, among the unwritten rules of the community, there was this.

'Anyone who brings the community from outside is crazy.'

People are good? So what if they're good? Right now, that woman is advertising 'I'm a crazy b****' in just one word.

'If I were to express my feelings right now'

"Oh, screwed."

That one word could explain everything.

His body trembled with despair.

For a moment, silence followed, and while Dokyun was holding his throbbing forehead, she spoke again.

"Hey, gay? Where does it hurt?"

He flinched.

Another malignant community word.

As Dokyun glanced at her with a slight opening of his eyes, she met his gaze, intensifying the grim expression that had been floating above her face as she continued to speak.

"Win win! Hey, you need to take care of yourself today!"

'Ah, my stomach turns.'

"Just take a legendary shot."

He wanted to ignore it. He didn't want to be associated.

As much as possible, forever.

However, Dokyun wasn't in a position to do that.

That woman is another personality of Eunah. He didn't want to admit it, didn't want to deny reality, but it was true.

And then.

'Car owner...'

Though it absolutely didn't match, that woman was the driver.

A community addict, obsessed with car camping. She was the epitome of a villain.

'If caught, I didn't know what would happen.'

Feeling that he couldn't let his guard down even for a moment, Dokyun tried to control himself as much as possible, plastering a smile on his face.

Then, lowering the hand that was touching his forehead, she extended it towards his chest, shaking him and greeting him.

N-Nice to

A polite greeting.

In the midst of exchanging greetings, Dokyun quickly changed his words, sensing a shadow passing over her face for a moment.

Nice to m-meet you!

His voice trembled.

Self-disgust enveloped him.

Whether she knew Dokyun's feelings or not, the woman facing him smiled again in response to the greeting, opening her mouth.

Oh yeah, I'm Eunsam!

Damn it.

Swear words surged up to his throat, but Dokyun bit them back, forcing another smile and speaking again.

Yes uh, Eunsam is a gay!

Even as he spoke, shivers ran down his spine.

The hand that had been hidden behind him clenched tightly, expressing his intense emotions.

After a moment in that state, she suddenly rose from the sofa, approached Dokyun, and patted his shoulder energetically, speaking cheerfully.

Hey, I always read the reviews written by the gay people! How about reviewing my novel sometime!

He felt breathless.

What confidence to shamelessly promote herself in the community.

Judging by her speaking style, she must be referring to a novel written by a separate personality, not Eunah's novel.

She was asking him to advertise her novel on the reader community.

It was a smooth declaration of relentless linguistic violence.

As Dokyun's body trembled with the onslaught of relentless language, her voice reached him once again.

Hey, why the long face?

What was going through his mind? Even in her confusion, she spat out the term "community addict."


He felt like crying.

Dokyun, who no longer had confidence to continue the situation, opened his mouth, hiding the feeling that tears might fall.

"Uh, I mean, Eunseol, um?"

When he asked her to be careful with her words, even thinking of Eunseol, she blinked a couple of times, smiled briefly, and replied.

"Gays with armbands doesn't criticize people like this!"


A word meaning community manager.

Because Eunseol took on the role of controlling personality, it seemed like she was being referred to that way.

In his mind, every word seemed to be replaced with community words, and each word pierced him deeply.

Why doesn't Eunseol stop that?

He internally vented a mixture of sadness, resentment, and self-loathing, but there was no Eunseol here to hear it.

He simply choked back his emotions and managed to reply to the words he heard.

I see, thats right...

As Dokyun managed to respond to her, she laughed heartily, continuing her words with a teasing tone.

"Wow, it feels good to meet 'colleagues' after so long!"

His eyes shut tightly.

It's over.

He even feels a sense of belonging to the community.

His expectations, that as long as Go Eunchae's crazy behavior didn't come out, everything would somehow be okay, had completely missed the mark.

For him, that woman was a more difficult opponent than Go Eunchae.

In the midst of his gloom, she, who had been sitting on the floor, started talking to me again.

"Yeah, now that Gay is awake, how about slowly getting something to eat?"

Dokyun, who had encountered a type of person he never wanted to meet in his life in such an unexpected place, replied to her with as much lethargy as a drifting raft in a flood.

"Uh, sure So what should we, uh, eat?"

Words didn't come out properly.

As Dokyun struggled to speak with a forced smile, she replied in a casual tone.

"Our Gay looks a bit exhausted too How about some 'spongy' chicken?"

Her mischievous eyes drew a sinister line.

The words she added with a strange accent gave Dokyun a chilling sense of revulsion.

Unable to judge what expression he might be making, Dokyun covered his face with his hand and replied.

"Uh, sure"

Today was going to be a very long day.


The body wasn't particularly tired.

That woman poured all her energy into browsing the community on her smartphone all day, so I didn't have much to suffer about.

However, the occasional sarcastic remark was steadily gnawing at Dokyun's spirit, tormenting him.

Even when eating.

"Hey, that 'young chicken' flesh is so tender, it just oozes with beauty!"

Even when coming out of the shower.

"Indeed, coming out refreshed makes your body so smooth and silky!"

Even while lying on the sofa looking at the smartphone.

"Oh my, you are so~ rude. A parrot can speak better than you!"

All day long, all the time, she spat out words that tormented him.


The kid was a nobleman. No, an angel.

What she did wasn't as annoying as that.

Once again, he missed Eunah.

Closing his eyes, he saw her approaching with a bright smile, embracing him warmly.

She comes running. She embraces me with a bright smile.

And greets me warmly with a cheerful expression.

"Hey gay."

His eyes flashed open, cold sweat trickling down his back.

"Damn it"

Feeling his mind being devoured, his head became numb.

Suddenly, such a thought occurred to him.

Is today harder than the first day of being kidnapped? Actually, isn't she the final boss?

As Dokyun continued to feel his body trembling with nervousness, he closed his eyes tightly again as she, who had finally torn her gaze away from her smartphone, opened her mouth.

Hey gay.

Upon hearing her voice, Dokyun once again tightly closed his eyes and responded.

"W-what, what is it?"

In fact, he wondered if there was any need to mimic that tone, but Dokyun, who couldn't bring himself to imitate it because the shadowy face he had initially seen was too terrifying, responded to her words with self-reproach as a community member.

As his hands trembled with the thought of what might happen if he stuck his foot in his mouth again, he heard her voice once more.

"Now it's getting late. How about we have a meal together?"

Even the suggestion of having a meal blurred his mind.

Dokyun felt her gaze on him, then turned to her with a smile and replied to her words.


"Yeah, let's go!"

With energetic words, she swiftly got up from the couch, put on a coat, and came out to the living room.

Dokyun shifted his gaze to her attire.

She wore a thick long padding over her previous short-sleeved shirt and shorts, presenting a casual yet warm appearance.

'What is she implying?'

As he pondered filled with a momentary sense of unease, she, now dressed, approached him with a smiling face.

"It's a memorable day, we should go out for a drink!"

A bombshell declaration.

Dokyun's mouth hung open at her words.


Going outside.

Although there hadn't been a single moment of crisis throughout the day, this moment felt more like a crisis than any other moment they had experienced today.

Talking with that woman, with that cyber specter, in this tone.

'Drinking outside?'

His mind went blank.

A dizzying sensation as if stars were twinkling in front of his eyes.

The trembling that started from his fingertips had spread throughout his body, shaking Dokyun.

Shortly after, Dokyun, under the determination to somehow prevent that situation, began to persuade her with a tone full of urgency.

"Um, how about reconsidering? It's cold outside and crowded"

Dokyun continued speaking without even knowing what he was saying.

It can't be. Absolutely not.

He couldn't muster the strength to withstand going out with her.

He continued to persuade her, unable to imagine himself carrying on such a clumsy conversation with her in front of others.

He dug up every word in his mind and continued speaking until he ran out of things to say, then finally took a deep breath and stopped.

"So how about eating at home?"

He had spoken too much.

His breath became short, and his shoulders tensed.

Dokyun breathed deeply and looked at her.

She seemed perplexed somewhere, with a contemplative expression and a furrowed brow.


Closing her eyes and gently stroking her chin, she continued to contemplate.

Dokyun stared at her intently, his nerves on edge, until she opened her eyes.

Her lips curved upwards slightly, her eyes twinkling with a mischievous smile. She raised her thumb towards herself.

He understood immediately.

'She got it.'

That woman hadn't been listening to a word he said.

As Dokyun trembled with rising despair, her lips parted.

"Hey, Gay."


Dokyun, who had no energy left to mimic her tone, responded politely, but she seemed unfazed and simply opened her mouth to ask a shocking question.

"Who are we?"

Another continuation of the conversation.

Once again, his hand covered his face.

He didn't want to answer. He didn't want to agree. He just wanted to remain a stranger, maintaining a clear boundary with her, living in their own separate spheres in silence.

As Dokyun maintained his silence for a moment, she stepped forward and stared at him intensely, asking the question again.

"Who are we?"

Unable to find the courage to answer, he remained silent again, but she persisted, undeterred.

"Who are we?!"

Emphasizing each word with an accent.

'Once again, I'm overwhelmed by intangible pressure.'

Dokyun, feeling there's nowhere else to escape, responded with a tone saturated with deep despair.

"You, prankster."

The answer she desired.

Reluctantly succumbing to the conveyed pressure, he raised his hand above his head. She cheered with the most energetic voice of the day.

"Let's go!!!"

"L-Let's go!"

Self-disgust enveloped him. That repulsive monster was trying to bury him in this society.

Deep sighs of despair flowed from within.


He wanted to die.


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