I Was Kidnapped By a Yandere Writer

Chapter 46: The Real Eunah -3

Chapter 46: The Real Eunah -3

Dokyun stiffened his expression and asked her a question.

"Miss Eunseol, do you know about the existence of other personalities?"

"I don't know, other personalities are under my control. I just dismiss them as my own delusions."

His head throbbed.

There were too many implications in the words 'us' and 'brought'.

That personalities were not limited to those three.

In the end, it was as he initially suspected, that she was involved in his kidnapping.



Dokyun's eyes grew cold.

'Giving me a chance to leave was a test.'

A pleased expression crossed her face.

"Did you test me?"

Although the words came out of context, she understood what he meant right away.

"I haven't lied."

There was a faint smile in her response as she half-filled her glass.

"She won't be able to find you immediately even if you leave. She hasn't completely devoured Eunah yet."

"So, ultimately, she will find me."

"It will take at least a few years."

After saying that much, she took a sip of her drink, cleared her throat, and continued.

"Finding you, preparing to bring you here, decorating this house, it's all us. Even if Eunah and that crazy bitch did something, it was just the execution of what was already prepared."

Tap tap. The movement of her fingertips tapping the end of the glass seemed oddly cheerful.

"For her to figure out that method, she has to record and digest all of us, our memories. It will take at least years."

"How can you be so sure of that?"

"There is a precedent."

As she said that, Dokyun felt a shadow fall over his face as he looked at her.

"Are there already consumed personalities?"


A chilling sensation passed over her face, now shaded with a deeper darkness.

"She's a wicked woman. Slowly starting with what she can consume, one by one. She has already devoured four."


Even though four personalities had already been consumed, there were still many left.

As a distant feeling washed over him for a moment, Dokyun opened his mouth with a sudden surge of doubt and asked a question.

"May I ask a question?"

"Of course."

"Start with the weakest. But why did Miss Eunah come first?"

As she turned her head away, sipping her drink, Dokyun, who was watching her, felt frustration building up and added further explanation.

"No matter how bad the condition is, isn't the original owner of the body supposed to come first?"



Thud. A dull sound rang out as she placed the glass on the table.

"Eunchae is the personality representing Go Eunah. It's different from me or any other personalities."

"I think you need to explain in more detail."

"What Eunah wants is to become a 'good child,' and to become a 'good child,' one must do good deeds."

With a calm tone, she continued after speaking.

"To do that, there must be evidence that one has done good deeds."

It was only then that Dokyun could understand the meaning of her words.

"Are you sharing memories?"

"As much as necessary."

It was dangerous.

Even to himself, who lacked professional knowledge, it was a very dangerous situation.

To summarize.

"Can we say that Go Eunah sees Eunchae as herself?"

"That's right. That way, the results of Eunachae's actions become her own."

All other personalities are dismissed as delusions. Only Unnie is considered a complete entity.

However, Go Eunah is easily consumed because she recognizes herself as an individual.

As the two fell silent and a brief silence lingered, she spoke again.

"It's progressing quite rapidly. Don't you feel it too?"

Several things came to mind.

Even in a state not clearly visible enough for Eunchae to see at a glance, there were moments when her actions became more violent than usual.

'The first day.'

On the first day of the kidnapping, her demeanor was arguably the worst it had ever been, even after observing her for days.

"I said she's already halfway devoured. Eunah is being dyed in Eunachae's color. Eunah is a blank canvas. Just a little dye and it becomes glaringly obvious."

I remembered the times when she was squeezing my cheeks, hitting my solar plexus, and slapping my wrists.

It was clear that it was Eunah who moved her body at that time. Nevertheless, the behavior pattern belonged to Eunchae.

I closed my eyes tightly. It felt like my bones were being pulled.

There was too much information to organize, but I needed to find out as much as possible because there was no guarantee when she would return and ask more questions.

I roughly understand up to that point.

"If I explained it like this and you still don't understand, then you're an idiot."

A surge of blood rushed to my head at her grumbling, but that wasn't important. Judging that, Dokyun continued to look at her and asked another question.

"But what does that have to do with me being kidnapped?"

This part didn't make sense to me.

It was true that it was a dangerous situation for Eunah, and for her other personalities.

But I didn't understand how that was connected to me being kidnapped.

As Dokyun looked at her with suspicion, she nodded and opened her mouth.

"Okay, now the question I wanted to ask has finally come up."

She looked quite satisfied.

She emptied her glass and began to explain.

"That bitch started devouring Eunah in earnest, and for quite a long time, the other personalities were asleep."

It was a continuation of the previous story.

"I was in a similar situation. I wasn't asleep, but I couldn't come out either."

The story continued in a low tone.

"Eunah and Eunchae are not completely separate personalities. Moreover, Eunchae is physically much larger, so once he took control of Eunah, there was no room for other personalities to intervene. To tell you the truth, I was almost devoured."

As she continued to speak, she turned her head towards Dokyun and added a word of explanation.

"The Bug Catcher Girl."


Go Euah, a web novel written by the pen name [Goni]. Why she kidnapped him.

Seeing his reaction, she didn't give any further explanation and continued speaking.

"One day, I suddenly popped out. My body was still bleeding as usual, and Eunah's novel was displayed on the monitor."

"It was funny. Even though I couldn't resist going out, suddenly I succeeded and burst into laughter."

"Since I couldn't grasp the detailed situation inside, I needed to know the progress first."

"Why did the control suddenly recover? While searching for clues, I found out that Eunah wants you."

"Only then did I realize that if Eunah can become a 'good girl' without Eunchae, then she doesn't need her. After all, what Eunah wants is the result."

"If there is no need for a representative to take the blame, there is no need to equate him with oneself."

"Just before being devoured, Eunah and Eunchae started to separate."

"Eunchae must have been caught off guard. We were almost there, but it was blocked unexpectedly."

"Perhaps the method Eunchae chose was a temporary retreat. It's about sympathizing with Eunah's emotions and delaying the separation as much as possible. Once the situation is resolved, there will be a certainty that she can eat somehow."

"She must be showing obsession towards you. If you think about separating from Eunah, it will be easier for her to let you go."

The way she spoke, smiling as if she found it amusing, made it clear to Dokyun what she wanted from him.

"Stay by Eunah's side."

As he said that and looked at her, she quietly stared at me, her eyes drawing a curve.

"Is that what you want from me?"

"Indeed, you catch on quickly."

It was a satisfied affirmation.

Only then did he realize something. He hadn't avoided the trigger himself.

'Was separation taking place.'

The more he praised Eunah, the more affection he showed her.

The need for Eunchae disappeared.

Dogyun added one more question to the momentary doubt that came to mind as he thought about her.

"What were you trying to do if I left in front of the entrance earlier?"

A brief silence lingered. She, staring at me as if she could see through me, answered with a muffled tone, resting her chin on her knee.


It was a face full of laughter. A playful tone. But from the returning answer, one thing could be certain.

'She is not an ally.'

What that woman wanted from me was the deletion of Eunchae. She did not consider herself to have a value greater than a chess piece to her.

If he had tried to step outside the door, she would have done whatever it took to hold him back and manipulate him as she pleased.

The slightly loosened rationality sounded another warning.

'It's not easy.'

That woman had not directly revealed her desire throughout the conversation.

Guiding the conversation in a way that stimulates sympathy for Eunah, she indirectly imposes her own intentions.


She may be described as devious towards Eunchae, but in DoKyun's eyes, she was much more devious.

'What does that woman want'

Will the deletion of Eunchae be the end?

It was impossible to know. That woman did not reveal much to me.

Only as much as necessary, she provides information to achieve her goals.

As Dokyun, filled with tension, quietly stared at her, she opened her mouth with a sardonic smile.

"Having many thoughts is good, but if it's too much, it becomes delusion."

The words that seem to penetrate my thoughts.

"I have no intention of being greedy like that woman, if I had such thoughts, this body would have already been devoured by me."


My body trembled.

A feeling of exposing oneself. She seemed to read everything about me from my short silence, expression, and atmosphere.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize."

There was no gap.

Recalling the conversation that followed, Dokyun quickly deduced what she wanted.

'At least.'

What she wanted was not a complete healing of Go Eunah.

Continuing this topic is dangerous. The deeper you delve, the one who loses is yourself.

Judging this, Dokyun opened his mouth again and spoke in a low tone.

"Except for Eunchae, you must be the strongest personality."

Changing the subject.

Perhaps she will not deny this part. She gave herself a clue.

"That's right."

As expected, she spat out a cool answer.

"Just looking at the order, I'm second. If you think about the reason for my existence, I'm practically the strongest."

Control of Eunchae. She said she was created for that purpose.

"If Eunah gets better, I can handle Eunchae. So."

She said, fixing her gaze on Dokyun and jokingly speaking.

"You should tease Eunah a little."

She throws another clue.

'I can handle it.'

She said she could handle it after the separation.

'I can oversee the deletion of personalities.'

She was saying that.

"Your expression is cheap."

"Don't mention it."

The face that shrugged its shoulders was filled with confidence.

She was sure that I would not refuse her proposal.

And the following words provided an excuse to deceive emotions.

"I'm not just asking for it."

You can justify that you are not sympathizing with Eunah, but making a valid deal for yourself.

"50 billion."

Facing her, she raised the corner of her mouth sharply and drove the point home.

"I'll give you 50 billion if you detach Eunchae."

It was like a checkmate.


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