I Was Kidnapped By a Yandere Writer

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Ah, I found it!

A voice resounded from the other side. Right after the voice echoed, Eun-ah turned around and approached Dokyun with a bright smile on her face. In her hand, she held a small nail clipper.

G-give me a moment


As Eun-ah approached Dokyun, he naturally raised his arm to make room for her to enter.

Once the space was created, Eun-ah sat on it, leaning her back against Dokyun. With fidgeting movements, she began to find a comfortable position for herself.

Dokyun narrowed his eyes and glared at the back of Eun-ahs head, who was sitting on his thigh. He had casually extended his thigh, making it all too convenient for herself.

Seeing his own actions, confusion surged within him. His body was gradually becoming accustomed to her.


He felt the need to escape quickly. The fact that he was gradually being influenced by her felt somehow dangerous.

While Dokyun continued his thoughts. Eun-ah placed a nail clipper in Dokyuns right hand.


Thank you. So, where should we start?

As Dokyun finished speaking and extended his left hand, Eun-ahs hand descended onto it. It was a hand noticeably smaller thin and delicate than his.

Her skin was transparent to the point where blood vessels were visible, making it pale white. When he slightly squeezed and lifted her hand, he could feel her fingertips trembling.

Feeling the movement, Dokyun smiled and said to her.

Why are you so nervous?

Ah, its not

Eun-ah answered as if muttering and bowed her head. Dokyun couldnt see her expression because she was leaning her back on his chest, but she seemed embarrassed that her earlobes were red.

Shall we start now?


Lifting the hand he was holding slightly, Dokyun raised his head slightly over her shoulder and started to examine her nails.

They were untidy and uneven, with bits of his skin torn around the nails. Dokyuns brow furrowed as he meticulously examined the nails.

At this point, I should trim them neatly and get rid of all this now.

Then, in case of any misfortune that might occur, his skin would not be torn in the same way as last time.

His finger moved to hold the area beneath her nails. It felt rough and calloused.

Looking at the irregularly lightly scarred scars, Dokyun wondered if they were scars caused by biting.

Moving his right hand, he positioned the nail clipper in front of her right index finger.


Carefully, starting from the tip, he cut her nails bit by bit. A stillness filled the air. The rhythmic sound of nails being clipped filled the space.


With the scent of shampoo wafting to his nose, a faint smell of her skin invaded Dokyuns senses. It was somewhere warm and addictive, a scent that subconsciously kept his attention.


The hair gently brushing his cheeks, or the sound of shallow breathing that he only began to feel as the distance drew closer, lingered in his ears.


One by one, the nails were trimmed, and the once untidy fingertips became smooth.


After trimming the last thumb and smoothing the edges, he lowered her right hand that he had been holding, and she lifted her head to look at him.

Her head turned upward, and the hair that covered her face fell down, revealing her immaculate face.

Her pale white skin, almost to the point of being translucent, was flushed with a rosy hue and filled with vitality. Her eyes, which gently folded when she looked at Dokyun, and the plump puffs of her cheeks caught Dokyuns attention.


A light laugh rang in Dokyuns ears.

This is driving me crazy..

Dokyun felt like his mind was in a daze. Was this the Stockholm syndrome or something? He was in a state where he couldnt think about his own position and just kept looking at her.

I had to keep my mind straight. I-I had to deal with her by calming my heart, drawing a smile on my lips, using the utmost rational judgment, and paying attention to her every word.

Should we look at the nails on the other hand too?


Once again, her hand landed on Dokyuns hand. The feeling of her soft, slender hand touching his palm tickled him.

Lets calm down!

He gritted his teeth and seized his mind. Dokyun wondered, was it a mistake to create a situation where he had to have contact with this woman?

All his five senses continued to chase after her. It felt like his heart was squeezing tightly.


Clip her nails I only had to focus on that. Dokyun moved his hand and pushed the nail clipper toward the front of her nails.


Dokyun had to trim them very short so that there was no chance of them tearing his skin again. He opened his eyes wide and concentrated on trimming the tips.

As the untidy edges were trimmed, the nails took on a nicely shaped appearance. The straight oval-shaped nails sitting neatly on the fingertips were quite cute.


His thoughts wandered again.

Focus I had to focus.


It was a time of upsurge and struggle. It was clear that Dokyun had made the wrong choice.


He shouldnt have created a situation where he would have to touch her and get close to her with his own hands.


The feeling of the fingertips was too tickling.



A sigh of regret escaped Dokyuns mouth. When he came to his senses, all the nails had been trimmed, leaving behind ragged edges.

It was over. It seemed that the crisis had passed. Dokyun let out a small breath and opened his mouth.

You did well, not moving.


Her response sounded lukewarm. As Dokyun looked down at her, her face seemed somewhat sulky.

Huh? Whats wrong?


Her eyebrows furrowed in the middle. Did I make a mistake? Dokyun checked her hand, thinking maybe there was a snag or something, but her hand was neatly arranged.

While Dokyun continued to ponder, he felt a hand gently tugging at his collar.

Hey, Mr. Bee


When Dokyun looked at her, Eun-ah trembled and spoke while touching her fingertips.

And my t-toes too

The face that looked at him looked like it would start crying right away at any word. Somewhere, it looked like a puppy caught in the rain, so Dokyun felt like he would burst out laughing without even realizing it.

Is that so?

Without realizing it, Dokyuns mouth opened.


He should have refused, but once again, his mouth acted on its own. He felt miserable and angry.


Looking at her wide-open eyes, Dokyuns stomach shook again.

He raised the corners of his mouth and forced a smile.


Eun-ah, who had been smiling widely, got off his lap and moved to the side. As the tiny warmth that had pressed against him the whole time disappeared, a sense of emptiness filled Dokyuns chest.

Above his hand, her foot came up. It was such a small, tiny foot that could fit in his hand. As Dokyun moved his hand to hold it, her toes flinched and curled up.


Was it ticklish? Laughter came from beside him.

Her toes were dancing at his touch.


Once again, Dokyuns head grew cloudy. It wasnt easy to regain his composure. He tilted his head slightly and opened his mouth.

Shall we start then?


When Dokyun lowered his gaze, he could see her toes. Unlike fingernails, they were smooth and well-groomed, showing slightly protruding toenails.

They dont look that long, He thought and brought the nail clippers there.


Was this rather fortunate?

Unlike when Dokyun clipped her nails, he could faintly hear warmth or the sound of her breathing. It was easier to release some tension and focus on clipping the toenails.


When Dokyuns finger touched them, they slightly recoiled but then obediently spread along his touch, like a well-trained puppy.


Dokyun thought he had to be careful not to pick up the toenails that werent very long.


Her toenails, like her fingernails, grew evenly and had a lovely shape.


As Dokyun continued to trim, starting from the little toe and moving up to the thumbnail, a random thought came to his mind.

There is no ingrown toenail.

She had been blessed with good genetics.

After Dokyun finished trimming all the toenails on his right foot, he finally noticed the top of her foot. Beyond the extended top of the foot, the raised peach bone was visible.

Dokyuns eyes went higher and higher without realizing it. He could see her calves stretched out in a straight line. It seemed a bit peculiar, but when viewed this way, the slight curve with just the right amount of flesh looked soft and fascinating.

Moving further up, his gaze that crossed the round knee stared at the immaculate thighs. Lost in thought, he followed it absentmindedly and noticed a glimpse of a dress hem covering the thigh and gently flowing down.

Underneath the dress, he seemed to be able to see something at first glance, so he directed his gaze toward that spot.



He remembered something he had forgotten.

The sudden glimpse met his face. With a reddened cheek, slightly moistened and downward-drooping eyes-

I-I wanted to see

Dokyuns lips opened on their own with trembling, and embarrassing words came out. His hands moved and began to gently lift the hem of her dress.

An exclamation of dismay burst from Dokyuns mouth.

Ah, no!


Dokyun raised the corners of his mouth to form a smiling expression and spoke.

I should do the other side too, right?

Ah, y-yes

Her face, now blushing, nodded slightly. Eventually, her opposing foot rose above Dokyuns offered left hand.

As Dokyun held it and began trimming the toenails, he let out a relieved sigh inwardly.

I almost messed up big time

That was really dangerous just now. He had forgotten that she wasnt wearing underwear.

Not now it was not appropriate to look now. The urge was too strong, so he shouldnt look.


I cant hold it in

Dokyun clenched his teeth. Yes, he had to admit it. he couldnt hold it in right now. He shouldnt act first because he might lose control.

Throughout the day, or rather since the first day, her actions have consistently shown positive signals, making it difficult for him to make a proper judgment.

Dokyuns thoughts were interrupted by the noisy buzzing of his mind, warning him constantly.

The fact that he kept thinking maybe was proof that it was not a normal accident.

Should I trigger something??

He thought of deliberately causing a seizure just to distract himself, indicating that his condition was not good.

While struggling to control the turbulent feelings unknowingly, as the nails were getting trimmed one by one, he finally thought that he would be able to end this strange situation soon. And then, his mouth opened.

W-Well, then

Is there something wrong?


As Dokyun couldnt understand her words, she shook her head horizontally, denying him. Dokyun, feeling slightly flustered, asked her.

Um, is there anything else to trim?

Well, it was not like he had to shave her head or anything.

Y-Your Mr. Bee too


I, I will

She hesitated in her words. Dokyun patiently waited for her to continue.

I will trim it for you

As she said that, Dokyun felt a hand reaching out to him. Feeling embarrassed, Dokyun looked down at his hand, checked its length, and opened his mouth.

I think mine is still short, so its okay.

There was nothing to trim, he even did that last week. As Dokyun said that, a look of disappointment crossed her face, and then she nodded.


Her expression showed discomfort and pain. Feeling her inner turmoil, Dokyun gathered his composure and opened his mouth to definitively conclude the situation.

Come to think of it, isnt it dinnertime now?

Considering the considerable amount of time they spent in conversation, it would make sense. Finally, the growing size of her eyes confirmed that Dokyuns expectation was correct.

Afterward, her hand reached out and untied the rope hanging around Dokyuns neck.

W-Well, shall we go eat?

Yes, please take care of me today.

Yes, y-yes!

When he said that while lightly stroking her hair, she nodded while spraying excitement, and quickly walked to the kitchen.

Phew, that was a close call.

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