I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Chapter 246 - I Conveyed my Gratitude

Chapter 246 - I Conveyed my Gratitude

The 13th Day of the Wind month. Lilia-san and I had a big problem at the beginning of our vacation at Carrel, but after that, we were able to enjoy our stay, and both Lilia-san and I were able to fully achieve our original goal, taking a break.

And the best thing about it is that the situation we’d been in after Amalie-san’s party was resolved in a good way.

After the party and after we became lovers, Lilia-san was a little nervous and we couldn’t continue our conversations, but after staying together for three days at Carrel, she became more relaxed. By the time we returned home, Lilia-san was as relaxed as she was before…… No, we are now able to exchange words with each other much more intimately than before.

In that sense, I’d have to thank Lunamaria-san for pulling the strings behind the scenes for this one.

Well, but then, that Lunamaria-san…… As soon as we got home, she was slapped by Lilia-san and was “buried in the wall” but…… Well~ I didn’t know that people can have half of their body buried in a wall like that……

Well, Lunamaria-san was stuck on that wall for about an hour but…… it may just be that the people in this world aren’t weak. If I take a slap like that, my head will physically fly off…… I’ll make sure that I don’t do anything that would upset Lilia-san that much.

[……Alright, Bell, you’re looking good.]


[Thank you for helping me, Lynn.]


With that in mind, I finished brushing Bell.

Thanking Lynn for her help, I then held her in my chest as the both of us lean against Bell, who was laying down in a prone position.

I’m very proud of Bell’s fur, which I don’t miss brushing and washing every day, and it feels nice, silky and fluffy.

[Good job, Kaito-san.]

[Sieg-san too, good job. Are you done with your patrol?]

[Yes, I was working on the night shift, and I just finished.]

After exchanging greetings with a smile, Sieg-san hands me a beverage and asks if she can sit next to me.

Of course, I don’t have any reason to say no, so I agreed. Sieg-san then elegantly sits down on the lawn and leaned against Bell, just as I did.

[Haahhh…… Bell-chan’s fur feels nice.]

[Yes, I don’t skip a day in brushing him.]


Having a leisurely conversation with her, I put Lynn on my lap after she finished eating her dried meat, and she started to curl up my lap and fall asleep, feeling sleepy after feeling up her stomach.

Bell wasn’t asleep, but that fact that he’s in a relaxed, prone position means that he may be dozing off.

Well, it’s certainly the perfect weather for a nap, and I know how he feels……

[……Fuahh…… Ahh, I’m sorry.]

[Ahh, Sieg-san was working on a night shift, right? It can’t be helped if you feel sleepy.]

Hearing Sieg-san let out a small, adorable yawn, I looked in her direction and saw her rubbing her eyes as if she was a little sleepy, probably because she was on night duty.

Smiling at her adorable actions, I called out to Sieg-san.

[Isn’t it fine if you take a nap here, right?]

[That is…… a very tempting proposition.]

[Ahh, before that……]

[What’s the matter? Kaito-sa—— Eh?]

I thought it was just the right time, so I took a small wooden box from my magic box…… the music box that I had made for Sieg-san, and handed it to her.

Sieg-san’s eyes widened as if she was completely struck unprepared by the situation, and dumbfounded, she stared at the music box she received.

[……This is?]

[Errr, a music box.]

[Music box? Eh? However, didn’t you give this to Lili……]

[Ah, yes. Of course, this is different from the one I gave to Lilia-san. Ummm, you see, Sieg-san has always been a great help to me, and since you also helped me with that previous situation…… This is my gratitude.]

Hearing my words, Sieg-san exchanges glances between my face and the music box over and over again.

The music box I gave to Sieg-san is different from the one I gave to Lilia-san, and is made of emeralds and other green jewels.

When it was opened, the magic crystal lit up, and with the mechanism written in it, a tree and a bow emerged, the emblem of the Elves.

Well, I didn’t have enough time and didn’t know where to go, so I’m using jewels that I bought at the store but……

The song was also composed by Alice to suit Sieg-san. The song makes one feel like they’re in a vast, lush wilderness. It kind of reminds me of the folk songs back in my world.

[……Can I really have it? I mean, I didn’t really…… help you that much……]

[Not at all. You have been taking care of Bell and Lynn while I was busy, and you even gave me food to eat while I was working. Thanks to you, I was able to work hard. Thank you so much.]


When I honestly expressed my heartfelt gratitude, Sieg-san looked surprised, and yet very happy, holding the music box I gave her with both hands and hugging it tightly in front of her chest, as if it was something precious.

[……Thank…… you. I will cherish it.]


[……This is, errm, what should I do…… I feel so happy that I can’t get the words out of my mouth.]

Her cheeks blushing and some tears blotting from her eyes, Sieg-san moved her gaze several times as if she’s searching for words, but in the end, she still didn’t know what to say, so she looked down once, shook her head, and then, gently leaned her head on my shoulder.

As her beautiful red hair swayed slightly, when I felt a comfortable weight on my shoulder…… Sieg-san calmly and softly said.

[……I don’t want to bother you but…… Can I fawn on you for a bit? Right now, I feel like I need to be near you.]

[Yes. I wouldn’t feel bothered by that at all. I’m rather happy about it instead.]

[……Thank you.]

Saying that, Sieg-san leans on my shoulder and closes her eyes with a smile on her face.

A comfortable silence passes and happiness floods my chest.

[……This is happiness.]


No further words were needed, yes, just feeling peace from the presence of the other by our side, I surrendered my body to the warm sunshine and slightly refreshing breeze.

Dear Mom, Dad——– Returning back from the summer resort, I thought it was a good time to give my thanks to the people who have helped me out before. Starting with Sieg-san——- I conveyed my gratitude.



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