I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Chapter 219 - It Seems Like the Last Boss will be Shiro-san

Chapter 219 - It Seems Like the Last Boss will be Shiro-san

After I finished talking with the three Supreme Gods, the next step was finally to talk to Shiro-san…… And since the next one is the unpredictable Shiro-san, I began bracing myself for her to do something outrageous again.

However, when she moved to stand next to me, she remained silent as she poured alcohol into my cup, before staring at the scenery swaying in the wind.


Feeling that she’s acting somewhat out of the ordinary, I tilted my head and called Shiro-san’s name, to which Shiro-san slowly turned her head in my direction.

Her beautiful golden eyes quietly gazed at me, and her silver-white hair, shimmering in the onsen water, accentuates her divinity.

[This is a good opportunity. I said before that I wouldn’t talk about it until the time was right, but I think we should talk a bit.]

[……About what?]

[About that “wish” you told me back then.]

Shiro-san’s words that she said without any inflection…… told me about something I asked her to do before.

It’s about what I’m going to do after the year I’ve spent in this world…… after the Festival of Heroes ends……

I had already decided what I want to do myself, but it wasn’t something I could accomplish on my own. That’s why I asked Shiro-san that wish.

At that time, I remembered Shiro-san said that “she promises to help me”, and that “we would talk about the details later”. In other words, what we’re going to talk about now will be about that.

[I don’t mind fulfilling your wish. However, it takes lots of effort to fulfill your wish…… Do you understand that?]


It’s true that what I asked Shiro-san to do was, in a way, unreasonable and selfish.

That’s why I was prepared…… that there would be some kind of conditions to fulfill it.

Quietly nodding, I waited for Shiro-san’s next words.

[Therefore, I will give you one condition in fulfilling your wish.]


These conditions…… that Shiro-san presented, I wonder what they are? At least, I can tell from the atmosphere that it’s not just something like a date.

That’s why I felt some anxiety sprout within my mind but…… Shiro-san lightly moved her hand there.

Understanding that she was encouraging me to drink my alcohol, I gulped down the sake in my cup, and as Shiro-san poured me more, she spoke.

[……In Kaito-san’s world, there’s something called an RPG, right?]

[Eh? RPG? Are you talking about the game?]


Why did she suddenly mention that? Unnn. I’ve liked games before, and I certainly have done a whole lot of RPGs, but why mention that in this situation?

When I ask her back while tilting my head, without any change in her expression, Shiro-san continues.

[In these RPGs, there’s a being called Last Boss, acting as the final ordeal you need to overcome, right?]

[Y- Yeah…… That’s generally what they are……]

[Well then, I’ll let you know about this now.]

After announcing that much, Shiro-san, looking at me with eyes that I couldn’t read any emotion at all, told me the shocking words.

[From your arrival to this world, until the Festival of Heroes ends…… If you take that as one story, then, “I am the Last Boss” for you.]


What is she talking about? Shiro-san is the Last Boss for me? Why?

[You’ve met so many people, formed so many bonds. But it’s not enough.]

[……Not enough?]

[Yes, at least, it still isn’t now…… Let’s go back to the condition.]

[!? ]

The moment Shiro-san told me this, a feeling of intimidation weighs down on me, so heavy that I can’t find the words to express it.

It was difficult to even breathe, and while releasing a pressure that seemed to crush every single cell in my body, the Absolute God quietly announced.

[From now until the Festival of Heroes ends, gain more experience. Weave as many bonds as you can. Turn those bonds into your own wings, not for the sake of anyone else, but for your own sake instead, and then…… Stand before me. At that time, “Show that you can triumph over me”.]


[……This is the condition I offer to you.]

Win against Shiro-san? Me? Against an authentic God who is said to be the most powerful in this world and holds nearly omnipotent abilities?

No matter how I think about it, that’s impossible…… Does that mean my wish won’t come true?

As I’m thinking like that, Shiro-san reads my thoughts and quietly speaks.

[Don’t worry. I’m not going to offer you a condition that you can’t achieve. I’m not asking you to fight me.]

[…… T- Then, what in the world are you……]

[After the Festival of Heroes ends, I will put you through an ordeal. You must overcome it.]

[……What if I can’t overcome it?]

An ordeal that Shiro-san, the God of Creation, would impose on me…… Honestly, I can’t even imagine what it’s like.

So, those words reflexively slipped out of my mouth.

[In that case, the choices you will have in front of you are the same as the rest of the otherworlders.]


[However, if you have survived my ordeal…… Even if it means “crossing blades with the God of your world”…… I will grant you your wish.]

I don’t know why Shiro-san gave me such a condition.

However, I think this is something important for Shiro-san…… That’s probably why the atmosphere around us sounds solemn and serious.

[If you wish for more than that, you need to prepare for that…… Show me your true worth.]


[If you show me your true worth…… I will “ask you to marry me”.]


Arehh? That’s weird…… Was the atmosphere so tense earlier that it made my ears go crazy? I thought I just heard a word that was completely out of place there.

[……Ummm, Shiro-san? What did you just say?]

[If you overcome my ordeal, I will ask you to marry me.]


It really is strange…… I kinda feel like I heard something that sounded like she was going to ask me for marriage.

Eh? Was I just confessed to? Eh? Why?

[I have feelings for you.]

[Hwehh!? Ah, errr, yes…… Eh?]

[However, all these things are new to me, so I don’t know what to do next.]

[H- Huhh……]

Shiro-san has feelings for me? I can feel from the atmosphere that she isn’t joking…… but with her face still expressionless, I don’t feel that it’s real, or rather, how should I say this……

[So, I want to see a definite proof that you’re someone difficult to acquire and a being that is unlike others. Show me your true worth, and give me a reason to believe you’re worthy.]

[……Can I ask one thing?]


[……I’m sorry if I’m just misunderstanding it. However, could it be…… that those stuff about condition is just something to break the ice……]

[It’s just an excuse.]

She just easily declared it!? Without any hesitation, she just said that the condition was just an excuse!?

[And with that, I’m looking forward to being with you.]

[Eh? Ah, yes, please wait a moment there!? Errr, ummm, that means, errr…… S- S- S- Shiro-san, ummm, likes me?]

[Yes. I have feelings for you.]

[I- Is that so…… Thank you very much.]

Shiro-san told me so matter-of-factly that for some reason, I’m the one getting more embarrassed here.

However, the fact that Shiro-san likes me…… To be honest, I’ve never even thought about that.

How should I say this… I really feel like Shiro-san is someone above the clouds, someone unreachable by my human hands…… So, I’ve never been aware of such things before…… No, it might be wrong of me to say that “I’ve never been”.

H- However, what do I think about Shiro-san? Honestly, I’m even more caught off guard that when Sieg-san confessed to me, I honestly have no idea.

[Your reply isn’t required for no.]


[I still don’t know if my feelings for you are strong enough for me to take priority over everything else. So, I will ask you after you finished the ordeal.]

[……I- I understand.]

I have plenty of time to think about it huh…… However, that makes me more and more curious about what the ordeal is.

In a way, that’s an act of trying to get the hand of the Absolute God, Shiro-san…… I guess it would be something really outrageous.

[So, since the Festival of Heroes is still occurring, just like before, let’s deepen our friendship.]

[Ah, yes.]

[Well then, let’s get on with it.]

[Wait a moment, Shiro-san…… Why are you holding my hand!?]

[Just like what you did with the God of Life, we will be deepening our friendship.]

[No, no!? That was the wrong way of deepening friendship…… Hey, don’t bring my hand to your breasts!? Wait!?]

Dear Mom, Dad——– The words that Shiro-san told me were a shock to me. In particular, I was really surprised to hear Shiro-san declare that she has feelings for me. However, the other is still the same Shiro-san…… It was completely unexpected for me, but it really seems that, for me——– It seems like the Last Boss would be Shiro-san.


{Author’s Notes}

Serious-senpai: [I knew that this would happen!!! Even though it was going great until the middle of the chapter!!! How come the conversation went that way!? Why the heck are they flirting in the end!? Author, you idioooooooooottttttt!!!]

T/N: 75/237


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