I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Chapter 190 - She’s a Splendid Doctor

Chapter 190 - She's a Splendid Doctor

After I promised to cooperate with them in the future and finish the IV drip for Noir-san, Dr. Fear kindly offered us tea, and the three of us are now sitting around the table in the room next to the examination room, chatting.

There seemed to be fewer patients today and she had more time, and when I noticed that, Dr. Fear laughed and said “It’s good that the doctor isn’t busy.” as she prepared tea for us.

[……This tea is delicious, isn’t it? It also makes my body feel kinda warm……]

[Ahh, you can tell? It has medicinal herbs in it. It has a relaxing effect.]

[I see…… By the way, Dr. Fear, can I help you with that?]

[I- It’s fine……]

The tea that Dr. Fear prepared for me isn’t only delicious, but also relieving and soothing, and that’s apparently because it contains medicinal herbs.

While telling her my thoughts, I asked Dr. Fear, who was wiping up the “tea on the floor” if I could help, but Dr. Fear smiled and said it was fine.

I guess she’s really as she described herself or something…… as just like a klutz, Dr. Fear had accidentally knocked over her own cup.

[Fufu, Dr. Fear is still the same as always. She’s reliable when she’s treating someone but……]

[Ahaha, good gracious, I’m feeling ashamed.]

Apparently, Dr. Fear has already got this kind of impression from before, as Noir-san is smiling as if she’s looking at something she’s used to seeing.

Well, putting aside her clumsiness, this tea is really good…… I see, so this is what she meant by it having a relaxing effect huh…….

The first thing that came to mind when I heard that was Lilia-san, who is always troubled.

One cup of tea won’t help solve her troubles, but if it can relax Lilia-san’s mind at least a little bit……

[……Ummm, Dr. Fear, if you don’t mind me asking, can I ask where this tea is sold?]

[Ahhh, that’s my blend, so they don’t sell it anywhere, you know? I can give you some tea leaves if you want?]

[Eh? Is that alright?]

[Unnn. I’ve made some unreasonable requests to Miyama-kun after all. Hold on a bit, I’ll wrap it up now……]

Apparently, this tea was Dr. Fear’s specially-made blend and isn’t something that is bought from others, but thankfully, Dr. Fear offered to share some tea leaves with me.

Just as Dr. Fear stood up and was about to go get the tea leaves, I heard a loud shout.

[Doctor!!! Please help us!!!]

[!? ]

Hearing a desperate cry, Dr. Fear quickly runs off in the direction of the voice…… opposite of this room, towards the entrance of the church that leads to the examination room.

Curious about the situation, Noir-san and I also quickly followed Dr. Fear out of the room.

When I ran into the church, I found two men near the entrance door.

One of them seemed to be the person who had just screamed, and had a look of crisis on his face as he held another man in his arms.

And the man he was holding……

[!? ]

[What in the world happened!?]

In the other man’s leg, something like a wooden stake pierced out of his thigh, and the blood flowing out looked impossibly painful, making me reflexively look away.

Noir-san was just as astonished as I was, and stepped back with her hand over her mouth.

As expected of a doctor, Dr. Fear didn’t seem to be shaken, as she ran up to them and called out to them.

[H- He…… fell down while working…… and on the place where he fell down, there was a scrap wood……]

[……Uuuu…… Uuuuu……]

[……Let me see!]

Hearing the words of the uninjured man, Dr. Fear immediately senses what’s going on and touches the injured man who is moaning in pain.

The man who was holding him decided that she shouldn’t be disturbed, and as soon as Dr. Fear came near, he moved away from the injured man and just looked with a worried expression on his face.

[……It’s been deeply pierced. If I just use Recovery Magic like this, some splinters may stay in your leg…… Keep a bit more distance away!]

[!? Y- Yes!]

After a quick visual check of the injured man’s condition, Dr. Fear told the other man to step back, before she snapped her fingers.

Thereupon, a translucent membrane of some sort spread out in a dome around Dr. Fear and the injured man.

[I’m going to temporarily paralyze your leg.]

[……Y- Yes.]

Perhaps, that dome is acting like a sterile room, and while they’re enclosed within it, Dr. Fear starts removing the wood stuck in the man’s leg.

Telling the injured man that she is going to paralyze his leg, she held her hand over the injured man’s thigh…… and in the next moment, Dr. Fear unhesitantly pulled out the wood stuck in the injured man’s leg.

For a moment, I thought blood would spurt out from his wound…… but it seems that she’s using magic with her free hand, and no new blood was flowing from the injured man’s leg.

[……I’ll get rid of the remaining splinters inside first before applying Recovery Magic. Don’t worry, you will be healed.]

[Y- Yes…… Thank you very much.]

[……With this…… Alright! Well then, I’ll start casting Recovery Magic.]

Dr. Fear’s hands were moving so quickly that I had no idea what she was doing, but before I knew it, something that looked like tweezers was in her hand and several splinters were placed next to the sitting Dr. Fear.

After a few seconds of removing the splinters, Dr. Fear calmly announced and held her hand on the injured man’s leg.

The man’s leg, which had looked like a bloody mess, quickly healed as powerful magic power flowed out of Dr. Fear’s body.

Seeing a scene that looked like a true miracle, I couldn’t help but forget how to speak as I watched.

[……Here. With that, you should be alright……]

[T- Thank you very much!]

[Unnn. However, the blood you lost won’t just magically come back…… so let’s go get you an IV drip.]

[Yes…… Ahh, d- doctor, the treatment cost……]

It seems the treatment is over and the injured man thanks her with tears welling up in his eyes, and the man who was accompanying him also looked relieved.

And then, just as the injured man reached into his pocket to pay for his treatment…… Dr. Fear shook her head.

[You don’t have to for this time.]

[Eh!? B- But……]

Hearing Dr. Fear’s words telling him that he doesn’t need to pay for the treatment, the man has a puzzled look on his face.

While I look at them, Noir-san walks up beside and whispers.

[……People who can use healing magic are really rare.]

[……Come to think of it, I remembered hearing something like that.]

In a world like this where magic exists, Recovery Magic that heals wounds in an instant also exists but…… Not everyone is able to use it.

In the first place, there aren’t many people who can firmly use magic in the Human Realm and can rightly be called mages.

It’s for this reason that magic tools have become so widespread…… And within such a realm where magic is difficult to learn, healing magic seems to be a very difficult magic.

Moreover, since it was basically a magic that you control based on the target’s wounds, it isn’t something that can be replicated by magic tools.

I’ve seen Kuro use healing magic frequently, so I didn’t get the impression that they’re rare, but that’s just because Kuro is powerful.

In fact, Lilia-san, Lunamaria-san and Sieg-san who should have high positions among the Humans, couldn’t use healing magic either, and among the Humans I’ve ever met…… The only one who can use it was Rei-san, who is a former court mage.

[So, essentially, having your wounds healed by using Recovery Magic is very expensive.

[……I think I can somehow understand.]

Because of how few the users of Recovery Magic is, where only a handful of so-called geniuses are able to use it…… Just as advanced methods of treatment are expensive in my previous world, treatment with Recovery Magic is probably very expensive in this world.

And perhaps, the man who was injured seemed to know that as common sense, and that’s why he took out his purse to pay with the money he had, but Dr. Fear smiled and shook her head.]

[……It’s fine, you’re expecting a baby soon, right? Don’t part with your money here, spend it for your children.]

[……H- However……]

[You’re persistent, aren’t you? In the first place…… Putting aside your injury, you’re still very tired, right? You haven’t been sleeping much, have you?]

[!? ]

[It’s all well and good to try to make money for your wife and kids, but it won’t do you any good if you get hurt because of it…… You should take care of yourself.]


Dr. Fear’s face was so compassionate as she gently admonished him, making her seem to look like the Holy Mother.

[Anyway, I won’t take money from a person who is already like that. Now go, put your purse away.]


[If you’re grateful to me, you need to get well and make your wife and unborn child happy…… Come see me something when you three are all well. That’s the best remuneration you can pay with.]

[!? Y- Yes……]

Hearing Dr. Fear’s words, the man is overcome with emotion, large tears flowing from his eyes, bowing his head to Dr. Fear again and again.

As she gazes at the scene with a small smile on her face, Noir-san, who was standing next to me, smiled.

[……Dr. Fear is always like that. For her medical treatment, she would be happy with what the people can pay…… With renumerations that are almost free, she treats lots of people without any discrimination.]

[That’s amazing.]

[Yes, that’s why Dr. Fear is so popular around here. Everyone says she’s the best doctor in the Symphonia Kingdom.]

Not asking for remunerations, not sparing in her use of the rare Recovery Magic, and saves a lot of lives…… How should I say this… It’s like she’s the very definition of a doctor.

I’ve only known her for a short time, but I feel lots of respect for Dr. Fear.

[Okay, well then, let’s go to the examination room and give you some I—– Vgyuuaaaahhh!?]

Saying that, Dr. Fear was about to get up, but she slipped on the bloody floor and loudly crashed down…… Just as Noir-san said, there’s really a huge gap between when she looked really reliable when she was treating someone, and when she wasn’t.

[O- Ouch…… I slipped again.]

[H- Hahaha……]

Seeing Dr. Fear, who looked different from the dignified expression she had earlier, a smile appeared on the injured man’s face as well.

[Ahaha, why can’t I just cleanly settle the situation like normal…… Well, anyway, your treatment. You can quickly return back to your work, but you should rest for one day. Understood?]


As Dr. Fear stood up with a wry smile that somehow looked friendly, and yet, still looked dazzling as if the Holy Mother was smiling at us.

Dear Mom, Dad—— Dr. Fear is a bit clumsy, somewhat laid-back of a person, but I think she’s a very splendid doctor who is very good at her craft and beliefs. From the bottom of my heart, I really respect her——— as she’s a splendid doctor.


{Author’s Notes}

Serious-senpai: [What the heck is that Demon King, doesn’t she look more like a saint…… Unnn, with the atmosphere around here, I think it should be OK. I think my turn is about to……]

{The next chapter after the next, Sieg’s arc begins}

Serious-senpai: [……I’m just…… going home……]

T/N: 54/237


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