I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Chapter 167 - Something Big was About to Move

Chapter 167 - Something Big was About to Move

Receiving the sermon from the teary-eyed Lilia-san…… Unnn, no matter how I think about it, this was my fault.

I’ve known about Neun-san’s identity for months already, and we’ve even been exchanging letters with each other for a long time, so there were plenty of opportunities for me to confirm whether it’s okay or not to tell Lilia-san who she really was.

When I think about it now, I feel ashamed of myself, wondering why I didn’t think of that.

Incidentally, during the long sermon by Lilia-san, Lunamaria-san was showing Acht and the others around the house and serving them tea. I think that this kind of attention to detail makes me think that it’s to be expected from her…… but if only she didn’t have a bad habit of making fun of people, she’d be a good maid……

Anyway, Lilia-san also regained herself, and after exchanging words with Acht and the others, the three of them wanted to move to my room to chat with me.

As expected, I’m quite tired after sitting on seiza for two hours, so I can’t help but let out a sigh as I entered my room.

[Kaito, are you okay?]

[Ahh, well……]

[I’ve roughly heard about why before…… I know she looks tough, but she’s only around her 20s. You should be more concerned about her.]

[I don’t have any words to refute that.]

Acht, who spoke to me with a wry smile on his face, is really like an older brother…… and surprisingly, he seemed to care about women very well.

Perhaps, that’s what it means to be a man who’s popular…… I also need to pay more attention to things in the future.

[Speaking of which, Neun-san. After all this time hiding it, was it okay for you to reveal your identity to Lilia-san?]

[Yes, it’s not like I’m really trying hard to hide it……]

[Eh? Then, why are you usually wearing armor?]

Neun-san is usually in full body armor, and I’ve only seen her true face twice, including just now.

Anyhow, she’s still in that armor, and I don’t know how she does it, but she’s eating even with her helmet on…… In a way, it felt like she was hiding her identity more than Alice does…… but the person-in-question doesn’t seem to think like that at all.

When I voiced out my doubts, fidgeting for a bit, Neun-san shyly shifted her body.

Her face, which is usually hidden by the armor and not visible, is slightly blushing red, and her gestures are very cute.

[……It’s because….. I- I’m embarrassed.]


[I- I mean, there are all these weird exaggerated stories about me all over the world, including my portraits and stuff! Even the Friendship City is named after my name, and there’s even a statue of me, you know!?]

[……I- I see.]

I- Indeed, now that she said it…… For the people of this world, the First Hero was a tremendously big name, and her name still resounds around the world as the Hero.

How should I say this…… I guess it’s like how someone would feel if your portrait is all over the place? Perhaps, the founder of that certain famous fried chicken chain restaurant would have felt that way if he were alive today.

[Moreover, putting aside if it’s just a statue! They’ve even found my old diaries and the letters I’ve discarded, you know!? There’s no way I can show my face in the public anymore!!!]

[I don’t think that’s something you should be particularly concerned about……]

[Eva-sama…… B- But…….]

[Speaking of which, in the Friendship City, don’t they have that Hikari Manjuu pastry over there?]


[Acht!? You really had to add unnecessary details……]

[Ah, sorry.]

Neun-san crouched down, covering her face with her hands…… I know it’s rude to think like this in this situation, but she looks really cute.

Looking at the scene where Acht and Eva are comforting the flustered Neun-san, a small smile appeared on my face.

When I see them getting along like this, I can strongly feel that these people really are family, and even if it’s just for a bit…… I feel a little jealous.

Feeling somewhat calmed, I watched the three of them for a while.

Just as Neun-san has finally calmed down, I suddenly remembered the date with Kuro at the end of this month.

Honestly, I’m still struggling with the whole date course thing, and I wasn’t sure what to do about it but….. If I ask Acht and the others, they might be able to tell me the places where Kuro would be happy to go to.

[……Ummm, I’m going to change the subject but…… Can I consult you for something for a bit?]




When I called out to them, the three of them immediately turned to me and tilted their heads.

Feeling a little embarrassed to start talking, I slowly opened up the topic.

[……I actually invited Kuro to go out…… But I was hoping to ask what place……]

[When is that!?]

[Uwooohhh!? A- Alice? Why are you here……]

[Just put it aside for now, so when is that date!?]

Right after I opened my mouth to consult Acht and the others, Alice appeared in front of me.

Moreover, Alice looks much sharper and tenser than I would normally expect.

Not only that, but it was really unusual for Alice, who should know everything, to be genuinely surprised about this.

[A- Alice…… Errr, I thought you would definitely have known about it already.]

[……Everytime Kuro-san meets Kaito-san in your room, you would always have a strong barrier around your room…… The conversations you and Kuro-san had in this room…… I wouldn’t know about it. A- Anyway, please give me the date!!!]

[O- On the 30th of the Tree month……?]

[The 30th of the Tree month…… It’s much earlier than I expected…… Kuh!? Kaito-san, please do me a favor!]

[Eh, what?]

While being pressured by Alice’s words she rapidly spoke, I tilted my head in response to her words.

I don’t know…… Why is Alice that flustered?

[On the 29th day of the Tree month, the day before you go out with Kuro-san, please come to my shop. Give me a day’s time!]

[Eh? Unnn?]

[Please! This is important!!!]

[I- I understand……]

I didn’t know what Alice meant by her words, but she didn’t feel like she was joking around, and she really had something important to say.

Hearing my words, Alice lets out a sigh of relief, then flipping her chained robe, she shouts.

[Emergency call! All Count-levels, assemble!]

[ [ [ [ Wha!? ] ] ] ]

The moment Alice announced it, ten black-robed beings appeared in my room.

If it’s just as Alice said earlier…… These ten beings are all Count-level high-ranking Demons…… All of whom are beings that you would definitely be counted among the top, even within the Demon Realm.

In front of the four of us who are surprised by their sudden appearance, Alice opens her mouth in a serious tone.

[I will now leave for an urgent business. Until I return, please guard Kaito-san…… If you get even one graze on Kaito-san, you can expect that all of your heads will fall off. And also, it goes without saying, but respond to Kaito-san’s orders as if his orders receive priority over everything else……]

[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Yes! ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

With a single, uniformed movement, the ten high-ranking demons get down on one knee and afterwards, immediately disappear.

If Alice’s words are correct…… then all of them are my hidden guards. What the heck is that, it’s making me uncomfortable…… Where did my privacy go?

[……Kaito-san, I’m sorry. I’ll be gone for a few days…… In the meantime, if you have any orders, one of my subordinates will deal with it, so feel free to let them know what you need.]

[Eh? Y- Yeah……]

[Now then, by your leave.]

Telling that to the still confused me, Alice disappears too.

I wonder what this is, this feeling…… It was as if there was an abnormal situation, but why is this happening?

No, I mean, all I said was that I will be going out with Kuro, right? She was so tense that it feels like a great war is about to start……

Dear Mom, Dad——- I was about to consult Acht and the others about my date with Kuro when Alice suddenly appeared. She looked different than usual, acting really serious…… It was as if—— something big was about to move.


{Author’s Notes}

Serious-senpai: “Riding the night bus, I have come! It’s finally my turn!!!]

That’s right, the Kuromueina Arc finally begins…… It’s Serious-senpai’s final battle!

Serious-senpai: “……Final?”


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