I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 48: Strength in Numbers 28

Chapter 48: Strength in Numbers 28

Excuse me. The door was opened alongside Hotarus voice. Hotaru entered the office while holding a tray with 2 white cups on top of it. She hold the tray with her left hand and walked towards Naomis desk. She set the cup on the table in front of Naomis and Hyun-Woo.

Thank you. Said Hyun-Woo to Hotaru. She nodded and stood behind Naomi still holding the tray in her hands.

Hyun-Woo sipped the tea and gave his impression. This is a good tea, where did you fetch it, Miss Akasa?

Unfortunately, I dont know. All of it was prepared by Miss Nobi here. Naomi said as she pointed at Hotaru behind her. Hotaru smiled when Naomi said her name. Although choosing a good tea was a trivial matter, Hotaru is happy because someone complimented her about it.

Oh? You've got a good subordinate, Miss Akasa. Hyun-Woo put down the cup that he held on the table and smiled.

Thank you, she is indeed a good subordinate. Mr. Lee, how about we got into the main topic? Naomi put her hands on the table and smiled. I heard you wanted to order weapons monthly. I dont want to dig too deep into your matter, but I need to ask this as a weapon manufacturer. Why do you need a weapon?

Hyun-Woo straighten his position and said, For that matter, I suppose you mustve known about the Moon of Akashas frequent attack in this 1 week right?

Naomi nodded at Hyun-Woo and confirmed, Yes, I dont know what happen. But, it seems MUGETSU spearheaded the attack? I thought she was going to disappear for 2 years according to her declaration 6 months ago.

Naomi emphasized the name Mugetsu to Hyun-Woo and smiled. Naomi was not informed about the attack and the fake Mugetsu. The reason why she secluded herself in her office wasnt entirely because of the paperwork, Naomi was sulking for the first time.

Naomi was sulking because she was not invited to join the attack. While shes still working the paperwork, her subordinates have fun fighting.

Hyun-Woo could feel Naomis feeling, sweat poured out in his back, drenched his shirt and suit. He nervously opened his mouth and answered Naomi.

W-well, indeed. I thought like that too, but for some reason, she had appeared in the United States a week ago.

Right, I was wondering about that too. So you wanted to buy a weapon because of them. I assume you wanted the weapons as a means for protection? Naomi asked as she leaned to her chair. She knew that leaning her back is a bad attitude, even Hotaru was eyeing her from behind.

But, she didnt change her attitude, she want to show her superiority to Hyun-Woo. Naomi, as the manager of Akasa Inc., has a higher position than Hyun-Woo, she wanted to make it clear by acting as she please.

Naomi knows that a bad attitude will impact her reputation, but she doesnt care because the other party is Hyun-Woo. If its another person, she would act properly and politely. Naomis attitude was a means to tell Hyun-Woo that she was displeased by the attack. She had no chance to express it earlier because Hotaru is coming back.

Yes, thats correct. We need at least 10 weapons monthly to arm our guards. Answered Hyun-Woo.

10 weapons? Naomi touched her chin with her right hand, she look like she was thinking about it. We cant provide you 10 weapons, how about 5? Naomi said as she snapped her finger.

Im willing to give you 12% of my share in Luna Corporation, how about 8? Hyun-Woo said and smiled.

Oh, 12%? Im afraid 8 is too much, how about 6? And I want 15% of your share. Naomi crossed her leg as she said that.

Hahahaha, Miss Akasa, are you joking? 12% and 7 weapons, this is my last price. Hyun-Woo faked a laugh and waved his hand in front of his face.

Buying a weapon needs a permit, I bet you didnt have a permit right? How about 15% and we will take care of the permits, how about it? Miss Nobi over here is a Public Defender from the Esper Association, so she can request a permit for your company directly to the Director. Hotarus ear perked when she heard Naomi.

She wants me to work again?! Demon, shes a demon!!! thought Hotaru. She looked at Naomi with disbelief. Shes supposed to be a bodyguard, but Naomi treated her like a secretary instead! She was not paid to do all those work!

Indeed, I forgot about the permit. Can you at least make it 13%? 15% is too much as expected. Hyun-Woo picks up his cup on the table and drinks it.

Hmm, what kind of weapons do you need? If its firearms, I cant give it to you for 13%. We need to supply the bullets too if you ordered firearms, so add 2% on top of that 13% for the bullets. Said Naomi as she picked up her teacup and took a sip of it. How about it?

Hyun-Woo put his cup back on the table and touched his chin with his right hand. He seems thinking about the price, after a while, he nodded and said.

Makes sense, I agree with the price. Hyun-Woo extended his hand, offering a handshake to Naomi.

Naomi took Hyun-Woos hand and finished the deal, Its my pleasure to have a business with you.

They both smiled at each other before Naomi pulled her hand. She looked at Hotaru and said, As youve heard, please prepare a permit for his company Miss Nobi.

Hotaru leaned to Naomis ear and whispered, There is no way I could prepare it!! I was not paid to do that kind of job!

Upon hearing Hotaru, Naomi smiled and whispered back, How much did the Esper Association pay you?

Hotaru was puzzled before she answer, Around 750.000 Yen.

Naomi smirked in victory and said, If you get his permit, I will pay you 1 million Yen. E-v-e-r-y m-o-n-t-h. She said the last sentence slowly to entice Hotaru.

Hotaru's eyes shined when she heard Naomi, a letter Y could be seen in her eyes. She straightened her back and saluted.

Please leave it to me, I will prepare your permit as soon as possible.

Hyun-Woo was surprised, no. He was shocked. To think Naomi could persuade a PD officer easily, once again his respect for Naomi grew. He couldnt imagine anyone who could do what Naomi did in the same way.

Im counting on you, Miss Nobi. Hyun-Woo said and smiled at Hotaru.

Hyun-Woo and Hotaru talked about the detail, how many people did Hyun-Woo plan to give a weapon to, and what is the weapon type.

While both of them talked about the detail, Naomi was sipping her tea and think, Easy money, easy subordinates. Hotaru is too easy to deceive, while Hyun-Woo is an idiot. Ive got my weapons ready and the programs are still around 10 months away. Should I visit the base like Hyun-Woo said next week?

As Naomi thinking about her next move, Hotaru and Hyun-Woo had done with their discussion. Hotaru bring a stack of documents to Naomi and asked for her approval. Naomi skimped through the documents and found nothing strange, she took a pen and give her approval.

Naomi handed the documents to Hotaru again and she saw that everything was approved. Hotaru invited Hyun-Woo to another room and he nodded.

Hotaru and Hyun-Woo exited the room leaving Naomi alone.

Hm, what just happened? Did they leave me here? Really?

Naomi was dumbfounded, they left Naomi without telling her a reason or excuse themselves.

Just wait Hyun-Woo, I will visit the base next week! And you will get your punishment! Along with Melaine and the fake Mugetsu. How dare they use my name without informed me and asked my permission!! I can report them to DMCA and they will get a case!!

Naomi chuckled in the room alone, leaving an eerie sound.

In another location, a girl with hair tied in twin-tail shuddered and looking in Naomis direction instinctively.

What is that?! Is Lady Mugetsu thinking about me?!!

She doesnt know Naomis plan, and she will regret it.

Illustrator: Raven (Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/40961809)

More than 24 Advanced chapters (For both of my works) Are available on my Patreon!! You can find it Here

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