I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 46: Strength in Numbers 26

Chapter 46: Strength in Numbers 26

3rd POV

The school was over, Naomi went to the Akasa Inc. building to make a weapon that she had planned to use as Naomi. Fortunately, she had convenient transportation so she arrived at Akasa Inc.s building in just a moment.

Thanks teach, you can go back to school to finish your job. Said Naomi to Hotaru.

Gah- teach Naomi~ dont be so cold like that! Hotaru bends over like she took damage from Naomi's word and slumped to the ground.

Naomi looked at Hotaru like she was looking at an insect and said. I cant do that, you are my teacher after all. So I wont call you anything other than Teach. Naomi turned and walked toward Akasa Inc.s entrance door.

Wait! It was my fault, Im sorry. Just call me Miss Nobi like usual! Or even better call me Hotaru!! Hotaru runs toward Naomi and clings to her arm.

Release my arm teach! You are a teacher, please act like one! Said Naomi as she tried to make Hotaru released her arm.

I am your bodyguard, not your teacher! Said Hotaru as she clings to Naomis arm tighter.

Fine, I give up. Just dont talk to me in the school alright? Haa- why did the Esper Association made you my bodyguard. Naomi sighed as she stopped trying to release Hotaru from her arm.

Hotaru released Naomis arm as she smiled and said. I can do that.

As I said before, you dont need to follow me everywhere I went. I will call you when I need you. Naomi said as she entered Akasa Inc.s building and went to the top floor by using an elevator.

I cant do that, the Esper Association order me to protect you. Especially after the news about Mugetsus attack yesterday, they asked all PD that works as bodyguards to protect them 24/7. Explained Hotaru. She stood in front of Naomi inside the elevator, supposedly guarding her against any sudden attack.

So its because of those guys!! I will take my word back and cancel Melaines reward! thought Naomi.

Is that so, should I bring a weapon to guard myself if the situation is that dangerous? Asked Naomi.

That is Hotaru was considering Naomis question. If Naomi could use a weapon to defend herself, that would make her safer.

I could use a cold weapon with my Telekinesis, I dont need a firearm if thats what you worried for.  Added Naomi.

There is a chance that overprotective Mom of mine will refuse to let me wield a weapon. Hotaru would be a great help convincing her. Hotaru! Im counting on you!

True, you can bring a weapon if you want. I will ask the Esper Association for your permit. Just tell me what weapon that you choose later. Hotaru said while nodding her head.

Thank you, can you help me convince my Mom about it? I had a weapon on my mind but I am afraid of asking for her permission by myself. Said Naomi as she smiled. But she thinks about a different thing inside her mind.

You need a permit to bring a weapon? Thank god I asked Hotaru.

Un~ I will help you. Its for your protection so I guarantee that she will allow it. Hotaru make guts pose and smiled.

I hope so. The elevator stopped at their destination. Naomi and Hotaru exited the elevator and walked to the only door on the entire floor.

Naomi opened the door without knocking. Inside the room was Naomis office, her parents had provided Naomi with this office for her to work. This is the first time she entered this office after the official opening 2 days ago.

The office was huge because the entire floor was dedicated to it. There is a room for Naomi to welcome the guest, a nap room where Naomi could rest when she is tired, even a shower room.

This is amazing, your office is better than the Esper Associations!! Exclaimed Hotaru.

Why are you so surprised? Asked Naomi as she sits on the chair behind a luxurious table in the room.

Hotaru sit on the chair in front of Naomi and said. I mean, you have a large office for yourself! There are even 2 nap rooms here!

You can live here if you want to. I will call my Mom to ask for permission. Said Naomi.

No no no, I paid for my apartment for 3 years already. I cant move here because of work too. Hotaru denied Naomis offer while waving her hand.

That so, Hotaru. Remember that you will help me convince my Mom to get me a weapon? Asked Naomi.

Of course, we just talked about that a few minutes ago. Answered Hotaru.

I will call my Mom now, I will give you a sign to help me if I need it. Said Naomi as she pulled out her holo phone from her pocket.

Naomi saw Hotaru nodded at her, she dialed her holo phone and called her Mom.

After a few rings, the call was accepted and Mizukis voice comes out from the speaker.

Hello, Naomi? Do you need something? Asked Mizuki.

Hello, mom. I do need something. Answered Naomi.

What is it? You just need to ask, you know? You never asked us anything all these years, so we are happy that you ask something from us. Mizuki was happy because Naomi asked her for something, it was obvious from her tone.

So, its like this. I want to make a weapon for myself. Said Naomi.

Mizuki was silent for a while until she asked Naomi. Why?

Umm, so. The world is dangerous right now, so its better if I had a weapon to protect myself with. Thats what Miss Nobi said to me. Answered Naomi.

Hotaru was panicked when Naomi shifted the blame on her, but she saw Naomis grinning and her face turned blue. She realized that it was Naomis plan from the start to use her as an excuse to get a weapon for Naomi herself, and she had gotten into a trap willingly.

Shh! I didnt say that! Hotaru whispered to Naomi quietly.

Naomi put her index finger on her lips and muttered. Your fault.

Alright, but ask Miss Nobi to teach you how to use it, okay? How about the permit to use a weapon? Asked Mizuki from the phone.

Miss Nobi said that she will ask the Esper Association for the permit. Answered Naomi.

Fine, Ill allow it. Just, be careful okay?

Okay mom, bye. Love you. Said Naomi.

Love you too, Naomi.

Naomi ended the call after Mizuki said that. She turned to look at blue-faced Hotaru and made a peace sign with her hand.

Its like that, so. I will be counting on you, Miss Nobi. Said Naomi as she smiled.

Demon, you are a demon!! Shouted Hotaru as she slumped on the table and released tears from her eyes.

Illustrator: Raven (Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/40961809)

More than 21 Advanced chapters (For both of my works) Are available on my Patreon!! You can find it Here

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