I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 39: Strength in Number 19

Chapter 39: Strength in Number 19

Author Note:

Nothing serious!!

I just want to tell my readers that this series average words have increased from the normal 1K - 1,1K to 1,3K starting from chapter 49!

I gained some experience in these 2 months and managed to increase my word count.

I can keep writing because of your, my readers, and those that support me in Patreon!

I really am thankful for your support, I hope you still enjoy the series that I write.

Well, just like that.

Enjoy the chapter!!

Everyone besides Naomi and Melaine was surprised. They didnt believe that the girl in front of them was older than them.

Recovering from the surprise first, Rekka said. Princess, I dont doubt you. But, that is too absurd.

Yeah, Princess. How could a little girl that cute be older than us? I mean, my brother is around 24 right now. Exclaimed Anna.

Well, Its normal if they didnt believe it. Even I thought she was a crazy pervert until she told me her ability. Naomi thought as she looked at Melaine that stood proudly with her arms crossed.

She is one of the oldest Esper. Well, actually the mansion that you had watched earlier was her's. Naomi said as she sat on the couch again.

Rekka let out a sigh when he heard that. He had guessed that something was wrong when a destroyed mansion was aired on the TV. But, if the mansion was the residence of the girl in front of him then the story was different.

I cant sense her power before because Princesss was masking her. But, now that I concentrate, she holds enormous power. She holds power even greater than me. Thought Rekka.

Maybe because Dan-Bi sensing the awkward atmosphere when no one saying anything. She approached Naomi and asked.

Princess, do you want anything to drink? And Lady Melaine too, do you want anything to drink? I will prepare it.

Naomi turned to Dan-Bi and said. Ah, no need for me.

I kept refusing Dan-Bis offer because I wear a mask, I feel bad for it. Should I order a mask that had a feature to open the lower part of the mask?

Black tea without sugar, please. Said Melaine to Dan-Bi.

Dan-Bi nodded and said. Please wait for a while. I will prepare it. Mr. Rekka, Anna. Do you want any? Dan-Bi turned to Homuhara Siblings and asked.

Black Coffee for me please. Said Rekka.

Let me help, Dan-Bi! It must be hard to prepare it alone. Anna said as she approached Dan-Bi.

Its just 4 Anna, whats hard with making 3 drinks? Just let me do this. Dan-Bi shook her head and refused Anna.

Well, then can you make me a coffee too? With a lot of milk!

Okay, please just wait for a while. Dan-Bi nodded and walked to the kitchen.

As Dan-Bi went to the kitchen to make drinks, Naomi remembered about her message to Rekka this morning and asked him.

Rekka, how was the suppression went?

Melaine got interested in what Naomi said and approached her. She sat beside Naomi like it was natural.

On the other hand, Rekka turned his attention to Naomi and answered her.

Yes, we found 1 of their base on a certain island. There is someone that used our organization name, even my name to rob some places. We exterminated the base together with its member, but we took their leader with us. Right now, their leader was being questioned by Chi. Answered Rekka.

Good job, so Melaine. Do you know anything about it? You are their leader right? Naomi crossed her leg and put her hand on top of it.

Melaine's body stiffened as she looked at Naomi. Rekka didnt understand what Naomi mean, thats why he only listened right now.

Naomi turned to look at Melaine and said. You were the one that hired them. Of course, you will take the responsibility right?

O-Ou. Of course, I will. I will destroy them by myself. Said Melaine as she pats her chest with her right hand.

No need to go by yourself. Rekka. This time Naomi turned to Rekka and gestured him to come closer.

Yes, Princess? Rekka approached Naomi and stopped in front of her.

As you heard, this Melaine was the one that hired the impostors. She did it for a foolish reason too. Thats why she will join you to exterminate them. Make sure to leave no trace of them. Said Naomi.

Certainly! I will exterminate them without any trace. Right after we got the intelligence about their base from Chi, we will dispatch immediately.

Good. Naomi nodded her head. Melaine. Naomi leaned towards Melaine's head and whispered.

If you do a good job, I will give you a reward. She softly whispered to Melaines ear in a slightly seductive tone.

Melaines ear perked up when she heard that. She stood up and grabbed Rekkas hand and said.

I will be back tomorrow. I hope the reward is ready!! And Melaine disappeared with Rekka.

What just happened? Did she just kidnapped Rekka and disappeared? thought Naomi.

Naomi just tried to say something like in the novel when the Boss rewarded their subordinates for their work. But, she didnt expect this outcome.

This, I should not mess with this. This move is too strong!

Somehow, they disappeared. Said Anna as she looking at Rekkas previous position in the room. Will they be okay Princess?

Well, if Melaine is there. Then Rekka will be safe. That girl, even I will choose to flee instead of fighting her. Said Naomi.

She will definitely try to touch my body after all. And Im not ready for that. Add Naomi to her mind.

Anna, who didnt know what Naomi had in her mind, was surprised. If Princess chooses to flee instead of fighting Melaine, then how strong is that little girl?

Dan-Bi that was making drinks in the kitchen entered the room bringing a tray with 3 cups. She was confused when she looked around the room to find Rekka and Melaine were not there.

Um, where is Mr.Rekka and Lady Melaine? asked Dan-Bi.

Well, Lady Melaine just took my Brother and disappeared. I guess they are going to deal with the rest of our organizations impostors. Answered Anna.

So, what about these drinks? I made 3 cups, if I drink one then there is still a leftover. Said Dan-Bi as she put the cups on the table.

I will take the coffee, I will drink it outside. Said Naomi as she picked up the coffee one and walked out the room.

Naomi jumped to the roof and sat. She took off her mask and she looked up to the sky sipping a coffee.

Being a boss is harder than I thought My subordinates are an idiot, a lunatic believer and now a pervert. Haa~ I cant wait for the next exciting battle, I hope my enemy is not a pervert though.

Naomi was chilling on the roof while drinking coffee, not knowing that many places in the world will be burned because of a pervert and a lunatic believer.

Illustrator: Raven (Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/40961809)

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