I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 98: Fenrir and the System (3)

Chapter 98: Fenrir and the System (3)

Fenrir's Perspective


I pushed those thoughts aside and proceeded down the stairs. There was nothing I could do about these thoughts swirling inside of me. Although Arthur and I shared some qualities, we came from different situations.

As soon as I reached the lobby, Arthur and Merleen greeted my eyes. But they got themselves focused on talking to each other and never noticed my figure. I did not want to announce myself to the pair, since it was a waste of time.

So I stood on the ground and waited for Arthur and Merleen to notice me as I listened to their conversation.

The two of them talked about our circumstances while adding situations. Arthur mentioned fitting in someone's shoes, particularly at me. Since Arthur and Merleen knew little about my past, they wanted to understand my actions. But all I did to this pair was shove them around as if they were mushrooms found on roads.

But Arthur concluded their conversation by saying something that caught my interest. Merleen also amplified that thought first, which won her the kind of an image inside my head. Among all the humans I met throughout hundreds of years, Merleen and Arthur were the only people who cared about me..

Usually, people would call me many names, especially a monster. And since those people hunted us down, our pack tried attacking them. We did not want to back down without giving up a fight, considering that we had more unique abilities than them. But with those numbers that humans had, we always choose our battles.

But these two changed it all. Arthur and Merleen never treated me as an enemy or someone that could pose a threat. These two people treated me as their equal, while introducing me to the villagers of this place.

Arthur and Merleen even influenced others to like me, especially the kid, before entering this shelter. That child went to me and hugged me while saying, "you saved us! Thank you!". Those kind gestures made my day. And it was all thanks to these two individuals.

They did not care if I was a werewolf that came from a mysterious origin. Arthur never asked about my past life, and Merleen never insulted me.

While lost in thought, I continued looking at their conversation. It looked like the two had already finished talking about the topic. So I had to step forward and break the silence.

"Of course. Of course, we will support Fenrir." Arthur said to Merleen while caressing her head.

Merleen coloured her face with a Fuschia hue like the flowers planted inside a garden. But that was not all. I did not know if I wanted to focus on the head pat Arthur did or the words came out from his mouth.

However, all those thoughts went to the drain as the two finally noticed my figure.

"What are you two doing?" I asked, while raising my brow.

"Patting Merleen? What? She likes it!" Arthur retorted, while shrugging his shoulders.

"Come on. Let's leave this place already before sunset. I don't want to travel at night. It's hard to see and fight against monsters and bandits," I said, and went towards the door. "You know I can't leave without the two of you. You're my guide and map!"

But before I could leave the shelter, Arthur called out for me. I turned around and complied with his instructions while crossing my arms.

"What do you want right now?" I asked.

Arthur went towards me, with Merleen tagging behind. Nobody was inside this room right now. And if I could give a hunch, Arthur and Merleen had planned something without including me. It was all written on their faces.

"I want you to have this," Arthur mumbled, and activated something that I did not know.

A brilliant colour escaped from his hands while conjuring multiple magic circles at once. He fiddled something in the air, which made me lean my head to the side. Within a few seconds, a transparent box appeared, which was not there originally.

[Fenrir is currently a member of your party. Do you wish to share the system with her?]

Those were the words written on the box floating in mid-air. Nobody told me what was happening at my fore.

Merleen, who was usually a scaredy-cat for these circumstances, deemed this normal to her eyes. She did not react at all and let Arthur do his work.

Two options written below the box said those words. Arthur slid his fingers and answered "yes" at the minimized box. After a few seconds, the glowing light went inside of me. That luminance travelled through my arcane veins and amplified every skill I had as a werewolf.

[Congratulations, Fenrir! You have unlocked your system thanks to Arthur's sharing skill! Because you're initially a party member even without your system, the system will transfer all the past bonus experience points you missed to you.]

Upon reading the first box, my mana and strength increased by three folds. I tried moving around for a while and tested my abilities. And after fooling around, I concluded that the system's words had an absolute effect.

"What do you do now?" I asked, unsure about my next course of action.

"Just like what you saw from me before. Click the next button or slide the box towards your right. It's like flipping a book," Arthur answered.

I followed Arthur's suggestions and swept my hand towards my right. It was what Arthur had mentioned. The box changed and delivered the next written text in front of me.

"Can you see this?" I asked.

Arthur answered by nodding his head.

I resumed reading the box with widened eyes. [Because you partied with Arthur and Merleen, the three of you will share the same experience points. If you do quests or kill living beings, the experience points from those would transfer to all of you.]

There were thousands of things I did not get, considering the terms used in these boxes. Arthur was without a doubt an otherworlder who possessed various arcane far from this world. However, I did not fathom that his abilities could extend like this. It amplified all my skills, including the ones I rarely use. The abilities that I deemed worthless had proved me otherwise after receiving countless enhancements from Arthur's systems.

"So this is the power you possess." I grumbled. "Why did you choose me to have a system? Did you realise I could kill you and use this system of my own accord?"

"Even if you say that, Fenrir, I wouldn't believe you," Arthur replied.


"If you really want to kill me, you would have done it already. I laid out multiple chances already where Merleen and I were vulnerable to you. But you never harmed us at all. I didn't say you're harmless. But you value our lives and other people. I mean, you saved this kingdom, and those injured villagers, after all. Calling you a murderer would mock me, not you," Arthur explained, while nodding to himself.

Merleen went towards me and continued Arthur's lengthy speech. "We don't treat you as a monster, Fenrir! You're one of us! Although you may be grumpy sometimes. But that's just you, Fenrir! I really love you! And I really want to talk with you!"

After hearing their thoughts, I froze in place and stared at the two of them. Arthur and Merleen painted their faces with a beam and invited me to the door.

"Now that you have a system, travelling would be more fun and easier! Those bandits that you've talked of won't stand a chance against us, not with my Clarent around!" Arthur exclaimed, while raising his rusty sword.

"No fair, Arthur! I'm strong too! I have more arcane than you!" Merleen retorted.

The two of them quarrelled like a child as they went ahead without me. Even though they went outside, Arthur and Merleen knew I would follow behind them.

After gathering my thoughts, I clenched my feet and ran straight outside to meet them. As I had expected, those two waited for me with a wagon resting in front of us. Even the mercenaries stood tall beside the caravan, greeting us with blissful smiles.

"Here's your reward for saving this kingdom. and saving the injured villagers," Galehaut, the chief of this kingdom, announced.

He showcased the carriage and toured us inside. Galehaut also mentioned that the mercenaries amplified the defences of this wagon, making it immune with bow and weak physical attacks. It could even withstand a blow from a bastard's sword, which Green demonstrated.

"Thank you, Galehaut! I'm surprised you even upgraded this bad boy for us!" Arthur replied, with his eyes studying the caravan.

"It's nothing compared to what you did for the kingdom," the chief replied, while looking at us three. "It seems that it's time for your party to go. We will miss you, Arthur, Merleen, and Fenrir."

Even the old man of this village treated me as someone else and not a monster.


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