I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 88: You guys are so screwed!

Chapter 88: You guys are so screwed!

Green raced towards me and reached out for my hand. As soon as we came into contact, I transferred all the dark energy I had and poured it inside his core. That obsidian element would amplify all of his abilities and turn them into dark attacks.

I would still keep this power with me and use it in the future, considering that my system already studied its information. I only transferred my arcane and enhanced Green's attack for a short duration.

Within a few seconds, Green absorbed all the mana from me. My magic made him wield the dark element without the aptitude. Dark stains covered his hands, together with the tip of his sword. A jet-black light enveloped his body, improving his senses by two-folds than what he had before.

It took me five seconds before pouring all the contents inside of me to Green. But the king had original plans and charged straight towards us, planning to disrupt my focus.

However, I already foiled his plans as I successfully gave Green the boost he needed against the tyrant ruler. Despite giving my dark element to Green, I was still ready to fight using my Clarent gripped in my hand.

"I see. you used the dark residue from the atmosphere as your own. I already thought of that, but I never expect someone like you to crack it," the king exclaimed, while scrutinizing me. "Arthur, you have my respect. But alas, you have to say goodbye, together with your friends."

The man charged straight at me, wishing to kill me. I, who still had the effect of Clarent, slammed my sword against his dark weapon. My Clarent considered the situation and used the remnants of dark magic from our surroundings to amplify its power. Since I already used my dark magic, I could not pour any obsidian mana into my sword, unlike Green. However, Clarent already did that and gave me a fighting chance against this ruler.

As soon as we came into contact, our collision blasted the two of us apart, slamming me against the wall. Some of my bones cracked, while my other organs got ruptured from the crash. I even spitted blood as soon as I fell flat on the ground and lost the grip of my sword.

However, my enemy got it better. The king survived the damage, with his shadows catching his fluttering body before it could even hit the ground.

But before the king could even make a move from that fight, Green sneaked up on him and shattered the king's defences using his darkened blade. A painting of dark light broke free from the king as soon as the sword crashed against the barrier. The bastard sword did tremendous damage to the king, disabling him from casting any abilities for the next few seconds. Since Green cancelled any magic skills, the battle became a duel with swords as their weapon.

However, the king still had a dirty trick in his sleeves. He refused to admit defeat, even when the situation dictated his downfall.

That bastard crown called forth reinforcements in his one-on-one battle, overpowering Green with his numbers. Five of the elite soldiers emerged on the platform, ambushing the lone soldier. I, with worn-out muscles, trundled to his side and posed my battle stance.

"You're already wounded, Arthur! You should hurry back and mend those injuries before it gets worse!" Green insisted, while signalling his hand for me to retreat.

However, I disregarded his suggestions and replied, "You're one to talk, Green. Go fight the king! I'll handle these small fries from you."

There was no chance for me to win against elite soldiers from the army. Although I had a system and boosted statistical power, my attacks won't land against them.

Green reluctantly agreed and leapt from the ground, meeting with the crowned ruler. As I fought against the elite soldiers, Green would take down the king. Since these elite soldiers got their hands busy against me, they cannot support their boss from his battle.

"Hey! My eyes are up here!" I said, and charged straight like a madman would do.

I grasped at the only hope I had with my Clarent and swung my sword like there was tomorrow. Luckily for me, my first strike hit as I sent the elite soldier back to his sleeping mat. However, the same did not go well for the other four enemies in front of me.

Although these people called themselves soldiers, they could still use some magic ability. I already exhausted my mana, so I cannot add any magical power to my body.

But as long as I had my Clarent, everything should be okay.

The girl in front of me channelled her attack whilst gathering fire elements around her sword. As soon as the knight finished collecting her magic, she charged at me with intense range, hoping for a kill.

The three other knights did the same and dashed straight at me like lunatics inside a bar. All of them had distinct elements fused with their weapons. Some of them could even launch long ranged attacks, firing stones at me from afar, almost hitting their allies.

But thanks to my system, I prolonged the fight and maintained my balance. However, I did not know how much time I could pull this off while using my abilities.

As if fate had yet mocked me, Clarent's abilities wore off. That deactivation decreased my overall status power and base stats, which became my greatest disadvantage. Compared to my four enemies, I moved like a snail. I also felt like wielding a stick in my birthday suit.

And since these elite knights noticed my weakness, they charged forth and attacked me with everything they had. Considering that this world did not have to save states, I would eventually die from getting beaten up by people. And if this continued, I would probably kiss the ground goodbye and my goal being a hero.

The soldier, using the flame element, punched me in the gut while wrapping her arms around my neck. After locking my body, the remaining soldiers feast at me. It was as if I was a pinata hung above the ceiling.

"I-I... need to fight... or else. these villagers. will suffer," I cried, while trying to stay sane.

Those were the words that kept me alive, even after getting hit by those barrages of attacks. I did not know if the game made my body out of steel or recklessness, considering the time I became a punching bag.

Those four bastards never gave me a breather and continued slamming me at every angle. I remained awake despite those punches, forcing myself to uphold my promise. But after the soldiers kicked me at my balls, I fell on my knees and caressed my two sunny sides up eggs. I just hoped that I could still mate with my wife, even after this battle.

"N-Not the eggs.," I cried, while hugging myself.

The four knights just laughed at my request and continued beating me up again. Within a few seconds, I might see Aferous calling out for my name, screaming at me for joining him above the clouds.

But before I could even meet the grim reaper of death, the wall behind shattered like glass, revealing a figure jumping inside the room. Even the king and Green got startled by the dynamic entrance of the wolf girl.

"Arthur, how're you doing? Oh... that's gotta leave a mark. By the way, I already cleaned up the knights outside. There's no one out there but their sleeping bodies.," Fenrir said, while faintly laughing at me. "I-I didn't kill them! I swear! B-But if they died, that's not on me! I promise!"

"Just in the nick of time.," I commented, and finally crawled my way back to the debris. "You guys are so screwed right now!"

Fenrir viewed the room and spotted the king and Green fighting against each other. She also pointed her fingers at the four mercenaries who feasted on me earlier.

"So our enemies are these four humans and this king human? And why are you covered in black miasma, Green? Ew, it reeks like a dead mouse! Let me guess, it's Arthur's doi-."

Before Fenrir could even finish her sentence, two elite soldiers went to her and raised their weapons. But instead of slicing Fenrir, that wolf zoomed in on the ground and went beside the two surprised soldiers.

"I was not done talking. And yet, you two... four disgusting humans dare to cut me off! I had enough of you while fighting those one thousand or more soldiers outside! Give me a fucking break!"

It did not even take five seconds before Fenrir took them down. She placed the four soldiers at the side and tied them up using her rope made of arcane. I did not know where Fenrir learned that, but I could only assume she needed that magic ability to round up those soldiers outside.

That girl also honoured my instructions. Those four unfortunate soldiers were still alive, with broken bones and torn muscles.


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