I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 63: Kingdom of Caerleon (1)

Chapter 63: Kingdom of Caerleon (1)

There were many things I still did not know about Fenrir. Although I could also say the same with Merleen, Fenrir was beyond my expectations. Adding the cherry on top, that wolf girl could stab me in the back if she found me worthless in her time.

However, thinking about those things right now would not help me. There was no way for me to change Fenrir's personality. I could only pray that she wouldn't pierce a knife in my chest, killing me for the sake of her goals.

And now that I gave her additional powers, Fenrir could use it to do something good. It was also the reason I would be careful spreading the system. If my enemies in this world had access to my power, they might become an unstoppable force against me.

Since this game offered both villains and heroes, I would likely face someone that would want to steal the Excalibur from me.

After ending our conversation, the three of us camped out once again. Nobody said a word when we prepared all our equipment when fixing the campsite.

Fortunately for us, we were just a few hours away from the Kingdom of Caerleon. But since the moon already floated up the sky, staying in for tonight became the wisest decision.

Although we could handle the monsters with ease, taking them all at once during our trip would be a hassle. Exhaustion would become our primary enemy, not the vicious creatures in the forest.

Despite the occurrence we experienced, Fenrir got to bed early. Merleen, who should sleep right now, woke up and sat beside me.

"What's going to happen... after seeing Fenrir like that?" Merleen asked.

She also voiced her concerns after seeing Fenrir's figure earlier. Merleen knew Fenrir was still a kind girl. However, that image told us otherwise. If Fenrir had no trouble killing anyone, she could also turn against us if she wanted to.

That problem alone was enough to induce anxiety for the two of us.

"Thinking about it won't help. And the most important thing is right now. Fenrir's sleeping. I mean, look at her. she can't even harm us in that state, right? We could also kill her, but we didn't. It means that Fenrir trusts us... That's what I believe," I answered, while keeping up a faint smile.

Those words were the phrases I wanted to believe. Since it had come to this, I did not want to worry Merleen about the problem.

"Trust Fenrir, so she could trust you too," I continued, while caressing Merleen's cloud-like hair.

The anxious eyes of Merleen fled from her body, which also showed on her face. All the tension she had from before vanished, replacing the downward lips with a smile.

"Now, tell me what happened about your change in tone I mean, sentences. It all happened so fast! And I still don't know how you did it!" I exclaimed, with my hands waving high.

Merleen's face turned bright pink while averting her gaze from me. I leaned my head to meet her eyes, but the magician girl refused to look at me.

"Well, if you're that embarrassed, I won't pressure you on explaining it to me. You should sleep right now before I could eat your sleeping time-,"

"When I saw you lying on the ground with all that blood I didn't know what to do," Merleen cut me off while narrating her story. "I didn't know any healing spells or herbs. Those mercenaries also surrounded us... They wanted to kill you, Arthur I just I felt afraid of losing you. You're the only one that believes in me and my magic abilities I treated myself as a monster."

When Merleen finished her sentence, I grabbed her body and gave her a warm hug. It was my first time hugging someone I just felt like it was the best medicine that I could give to her right now.

"I, u-uh I'm sorry. I just thought that you needed one.," I reacted, with my body wanting to run away.

But before I could even jerk backwards, Merleen's hands gingerly hauled me closer to her and squeezed me. If I had to guess, it was also Merleen's first time holding someone.

"No It's alright. I want this feeling...it's. warm. Like my light."

A grin emerged from Merleen's mouth as we continued embracing each other. However, that pleasurable feeling came to a halt when Fenrir's voice echoed beside us. As we both turned around, the blaring sound came from Fenrir's direction, with her mouth gaped wide. And when we finally reached beside Fenrir, she continued snoring up a storm.

The wolf that massacred dozens of monsters was in front of us, sleeping like a tamed puppy.

"I should get some sleep," Merleen said, while unlatching herself from my body.

However, I gently pulled her back, selfishly asking for something I yearned for Merleen. "Can we stay like this for longer? I-I want this."


I woke up from the noise coming beside me. When I first felt the world, I thought Merleen was the one doing all these shenanigans. However, Merleen hummed behind me, with all the wooden make-shift plates clashing against each other. I could only guess that she was fixing our things before we could leave this place.

As I peeled my eyes open, Fenrir's tail kept wagging on the ground, showering me with all the dirt clinging to her fur. That hound did this on purpose.

"What's the big idea, Fenrir?!" I asked, while rubbing off the dirt stuck between my eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, love bird. I can't control my tail. I got so excited watching you two making love yesterday."

I almost spit out the dry saliva inside my mouth after hearing such a crude sentence. And I knew nothing like sleeping together happened last night.

Merleen also stammered, nearly tossing the dishes aside. She mumbled to herself, saying, "what d-do you m-mean? I-It's nothing l-like that!"

I finally gathered my courage and stood from my temporary bed. I met Fenrir in the eye and claimed my right to speak up!

"We were just hugging. That's all. And wait a minute! I thought you're asleep, Fenrir!" I yelled.

I swore to god that Merlene and I did nothing like that! I did not even dare to ask her something so perverted! If I had the chance to say it, it would be inside my dreams, with Merleen as my heroine. But right now, that did not happen.

"Oh, is that so? Okay." Fenrir answered.

She switched her gears and acted as if not interested in the topic. Fenrir was a mischievous girl in my eyes. And she showed it more in this occurrence.

After finding a conclusion, the three of us packed our things and went straight on our journey.

It took us around five hours to walk before reaching the cliff-side. Fenrir suggested, looking at the scenery on high ground.

I heeded her instructions and went near the cliff's edge. As soon as the three of us stood at the mountain's top, the entire terrain of Caerleon's kingdom greeted our eyes.

Although the castle appeared small the building still became visible in my eyes. Those figures were villagers from various towns walking to the gate. And guards inspecting all tourists entering the kingdom. If I squinted my eyes, soldiers roamed the plain land while some fought against monsters ruining the field.

It was a peaceful kingdom. And there was nothing more for me to hate it rather than the crowd of people passing by! Since I lived my life trapped inside my room, meeting other humans became the pests inside my mind.

Well, except for Merleen and Fenrir. Fenrir was not even a human to begin with! I did not know if I should count her as one, considering her humanoid appearance.

"We're finally here!" Merleen screamed, while running around in circles.

It had been so long since she saw another group of people. Since her village got destroyed by the same horde of monsters, the only humans she interacted with were Fenrir and me. It was an appreciable change of pace to roam around this kingdom before travelling once more to the Demonic Kingdom.

"What are we going to do there exactly, Arthur?" Fenrir asked, while glaring at the distant city. "I'd bet those humans raised some boars for me to eat!"

Before Fenrir could even think of more "evil plans", I karate chopped her head. It was my actions that stopped her from scheming any more of those malevolent plans. However, she growled in front of me and threatened me with her claws. As soon as she pointed those nails in front of me, I knew that my life was in danger.

But I refused to let her run wild inside the kingdom. I wanted to become a hero to help other people, not kill their livestock for my pet (Fenrir).

"No means no, Fenrir. You can't eat any those animals!"


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