I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 57: Mordred (2)

Chapter 57: Mordred (2)

Epilogue (2)


"We came here for a reason. Although we wanted to protect the village, this place stood on its own. And I'm surprised to see some citizens casting magic But none of them could use healing spells," the leader claimed, while looking around.

I cleared my throat and asked them to leave this place again. However, those soldiers showed their persistence, and remained still on the ground.

"Apologies for our set-up. But we came for a reason like what I've said before. We came here to recruit potential candidates to join our knighthood. And you and your sister proved to be the best one we could find."

"Knighthood?" I asked. "Why would the soldiers of Camelot request knights from the villagers? I thought the Kingdom of Camelot had all the villagers that they needed inside that place?"

"It's because of the famine. The world will experience drought and a lack of resources. And the only way to survive is to gather the best fighters of the future Albion and conquer the demon kingdom... At least, that was what people told me," the soldier explained, while gazing at the exit. "This is not the perfect place for us to talk. We need to go outside if we want to continue our conversation."

"And what if I don't want to join your cult?" I retorted, while maintaining eye contact with the knights.

The knight showed me a grin and answered, "Oh, I know you would join our cause. After hearing about your father's death and someone close to you, you would want to seek your revenge on the demons now don't you, Afenos and Rain?"

We did not even introduce ourselves, and yet these knights knew our identities. I shielded my sister using my hand and instructed her to go behind me. Rain followed my command and went ahead, with those magic circles still showing on her hands.

However, those soldiers did nothing but stare. The knights never gripped their swords, despite the killing intention oozing from my body.

"We did not come here to fight. If you want to get your revenge, our king could grant your wish. It's not a terrible deal, considering your status right now And once you joined our organization, we would grant this village a feast and a lifetime's worth of food during the famine. Well, if you care about these people, that is."

As soon as the soldiers said what they wanted, the three of them left the shelter. They remained true to their words and waited for us outside. Rain and I could see their shadows standing at the entrance, expecting us to follow behind them.

I looked around and contemplated the offer from the knights. Those words meant everything to me. That sudden relief that the village would get because of me could really save this small town if the soldiers said were all true. Since the townlet helped our family before, I wanted to repay them with this emergency food.

"What are you going to do, brother?" Rain asked, as she, too, looked around at the injured people.

Dozens of growling stomachs reminded my ears, telling me that the village needed my help. Those children running around the shelter were not playing around. They were looking for their parents, who fetched them some food to eat.

I, who had the power to change things, had no other choice but to accept the deal of the devil.

"We need to. Even though I don't want to, Rain, we need to take it," I murmured, and held Rain's hand.

Rain reached out for my hand and grasped it tighter than I could. She gave me a nod and followed my lead outside, where the other villagers couldn't hear us. Those soldiers told me that this was not the place for us to speak with their invitation. I went along with them, with Rain tailing beside me.

"Hey, Arthur I don't like where this is going," Rain expressed her anxiousness, as she clung onto my shoulder.

Since she had gone through recovery, Rain still needed my help to move around. I let her use my shoulders for the time being as we went outside the tent. Even though I just heard the news about my father and Arthur, these knights had the leisure to say something like an invitation.

However, I had nothing much to say, since these soldiers were just doing their job. All of them played a big part in the earlier invasion from the monster horde. Paying them in my ear was the only thing that I could give them as a reward.

As soon as we got out of the shelter, the soldiers introduced themselves to us. All of them gave us a salute and bowed at our front. The frontman was the leader and the one talking to me about the invitation.

"We are the knights of Camelot. And we are here on behalf of King Arthur's... Lancelot's orders."

I knew about Camelot, but I never knew the king. Since our village was far out of the kingdom, this news became new to me.

"As I've said earlier, my team rushed towards the village's aid. However, those monsters got the better of us and claimed the lives of my comrades."

"Who are you, and what do you want from me?" I raised my voice while asking. "You knew our identities, and yet we don't know who you guys are. All my sister and I know that you're knights from Camelot."

"Forgive our rude introduction. My name is Sir Lionel, a soldier from the Round Table. I personally went to this village to search for new knights that could fill in that position. You showed me bravery, chivalry, and courage, Afenos," the knight narrated, and gave me a brief bow.

"As you all know, I am Afenos. And this is my sister, Rain. I'm a knight, while she's a mage," I answered, and shared them our names. "About the deal when are you going to give the relief goods for our village."

"As soon as we arrive at the kingdom, I will order my knights to send a caravan to your place," Sir Gawain answered. "So, are you coming with us? Or do you want to stay in this village without taking your revenge from the demons? The choice is yours, Afenos."

I couldn't utter a word after hearing Gawain's sentence. It was as if these soliders never gave me a choice. If I rejected their offer right now, these knights would barely help our village. Although this village was a part of the Kingdom of Camelot, there were other neighbouring towns that these soldiers would help besides us. 

We came in last if we had to comparre the distnace between this village and Camelot.

"I will do it!" I answered.

"Afenos" My sister could only whisper my name upon hearing my answer.

Time constricted us from our freedom. And if I wasted more hours, these villagers would be the ones suffering more. There was no other choice for me but to accept this man's offer.

"I would hit two birds with one stone I get my revenge, and these soldiers would feed our people," I mumbled.

Sir Gawain offered his hand to me for a shake. I accepted his request and became a rookie knight of Camelot starting today. 

After our exchange, Sir Gawain told us to rest for the night and continue our journey tomorrow. The sooner that we would arrive at the kingdom, the better. These soldiers would just squeeze at the side and let us sit on their horses to travel faster to the city.

The night finally came, and Rain and I went to see the kingdom for ourselves...

It was the beginning of our adventure.


"Wait for me here, okay?" Sir Gawain asked, as he opened the door from the throne room.

The grey walls surrounded us had a different look apart from the hays and woods used from our village. There were dozens of decorated furniture and paintings covering the interior part of the castle. My eyes could never become bored staring at these wodnerful sight.

However, we went into this castle for a reason, not a tour. As soon as we heard Sir Gawain's cue, Rain and I stepped our feet forward on the red carpet.

"King Lancelot, I brought you news. And I humbly apologise for our delayed arrival," Sir Gawain said, and continued explaining further. "My team got wiped out by the monster horde within a few nights. I couldn't save every village and most of them got destroyed by those bastards However, there was one village who stood atop of them all. It was around the village of Cornwall, where these two defended the place."

The shadow of a king emerged before me. If I was listening at their conversation, this crowned majesty was none other than the new King of Camelot.

"I am Lancelot Who are you two that Sir Gawain brought to my castle?"

My sister stepped forward and introduced herself. "My name is Rain Morgana."

I followed afterwards and told him my name. "And I am Afenos you can call me Mordred."


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