I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 168: King Arthur vs Abaddon

Chapter 168: King Arthur vs Abaddon

Although Crayman gave us everything we needed to travel, he forgot something. I still had one question that I wished to ask for Mordred's sake. And since he was my friend, I wanted to avenge whoever killed the town.

Even Mordred had his ears peeled as soon as I asked the question. Rain also showed an interesting face bathed with curiosity while listening to my conversation.

"Who do you think ordered the monsters to attack the Cornwall town?" I asked Crayman, demanding an answer.

After hearing my words, the demon paused for a second. Crayman collected his thoughts and tried opening his mouth to spill the answers. However, before that demon could answer my question, something had happened inside of him.

The purple light that matched the magical circles struck his chest, which almost burned his skin. Crayman wiggled like a fish, with his hands grasping his chest. A chorus of moaning sounds escaped the demon's mouth as Crayman asked for help.

"I get it! I get it! I will tell him the truth!" Crayman yelled, and reached out for the sky.

Something unseen by the naked eye damned his body and hurt him. Crayman came from a stronger race than the humans. And yet, this spell pierced through him like a raging bullet.

WIthin a few seconds, Crayman rose from the ground and shrugged everything off. It was as if nothing had happened earlier despite the seizure he performed before our eyes. 

Crayman returned my gaze and heaved out a sigh. "There's no other way around this spell. As you've witnessed, the contract we made is absolute. Meaning, the two of us cannot lie, regardless of any reasons-besides death!"

"Now that's out of the way. Arthur, my boy. The demon, who ordered the attack on Cornwall, was Abaddon's right hand. His name is Kael. That demon had a tall stature with a black coat covering his body. Kael had horns on both sides of his head, but concealed it with magic. Your system would be the only one to validate if Kael would be in front of you. He is the demon who sparked the flame across the demonic territory and made Lilith their enemy. Be careful, Arthur, if you plan on attacking him. Kael is not someone you could mess with. That demon could defeat three knights of the roundtable without having a weapon. He doesn't have an Excalbur unlike you. But Kael can show you something with his sheer strength. You better have a plan if you want to win that fight," Crayman continued.

After hearing those words, Afenos rushed towards the portal. He glared at the opposite side of the circular rune, wishing he could enter. Luckily, Rain stopped him in the nick of time before arriving on the other side. 

Mordred glanced behind him and yelled at Rain, "Don't you want to kill those who killed our town? As soon as we enter through the other side, we can avenge our people!" 

"Once we pass through that door, there's no turning back. Mordred, I know how you feel, especially I'm your sister. We've been through a lot. And I just want you to know that vengeance will not take us anywhere," Rain said, while lowering her gaze. "I know that you became stronger to protect me. But we don't have to kill the demons.not right now. When you became friends with Arthur once again, I couldn't contain my excitement.Please, Mordred. Let's do the right thing and protect our people from any incoming invasion. Let's not lose the people we care about inside the kingdom and Arthur's friends."

Rain didn't talk for a while when we fought earlier. But when her brother was about to do a ridiculous move, Rain stepped up. She confronted her brother and tried reasoning out with him. 

Mordred heard his sister, which also pierced his heart. Before he could enter the damned portal, he went backwards and returned Rain's gaze.

"I am sorry for being a useless brother.I just wanted to be a hero.But I guess being a hero doesn't mean killing someone in return" Mordred uttered, as he reverted his attention to me. "If you think killing him would stop the onslaught of this word, please do it for the world. And if Kael changed into something better, let him be." 

Mordred croaked when he said those words. That guy also widened his eyes when he told me everything Mordred wished to say. Afenos' actions were enough to flash him a smile while nodding my head.

"Of course, my friend. I will do what I believe is right," I answered, while offering him a handshake.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mordred said, and titled his head to the sides.

Even though I lived in this other world for a few weeks, I had already forgotten about it. I applied my culture and explained my actions to Mordred, hoping he could understand.

"From my hometown, being friends with someone would eventually lead to this. I know we didn't do this before. I forgot. But now, you're my friend, Mordred. And I will do everything to help you," I said, and gave Morded a stern look.

Mordred gazed into my eyes and answered, "If things go south inside that demonic kingdom, don't hesitate to call us. We will try to contact you as soon as possible with our systems. But Rain and I won't use any demonic contract, so expect our long arrival."

Rain also seconded Mordred's speech and wished my team well. She waved her hand and cast some defensive spells surrounding our body.

"This magic would only work for an hour. It's not a lot, but I hope you could make use of it. That's the only spell I know of that could negate some elemental magic," Rain explained, while checking the runes.

These barriers usually didn't work well for players and mages. Merleen's light and my shield were the only barriers that saved our lives. But Rain cracked the code and created a defensive barrier sturdy enough for our group. And this panel would be enough to save us from the demons if they used elemental magic.

The shield Rain created would be less effective against dark and light spells. I could only trust on Merleen's spells and my enhancing obsidian magic. Merleen and I would buff Fenrir and let her deal the damage. And I would act as a tank and soak every spell thrown by our enemies.

"Thank you for your kindness, Rain. I feel protected already.You've never changed, Rain. And I'd like to express my gratitude for that." 

Rain still remained as a gentle girl who cared for others. Despite her calm demeanor, Rain was also a strong mage. She understood how magic works, paired with the details of Science. And that was all thanks to my guidance as her mentor for a few days.

"Time is running up, Arthur. You better hurry and change the world," Crayman uttered. "This is your only chance to teleport inside the demonic citadel. King Arthur almost destroyed all teleportation devices around this place. 

The demon extended his arms and welcomed me near the magic circle. As Crayman said those words, the circular rune slowly faded its light. After witnessing such a scene, Merleen, Fenrir, and I leapt towards the rotating spell without looking back. 

As soon as we arrived on the other side, the door before us slammed open. 

We lifted our heads and stood from the ground, while checking our surroundings. But much to my surprise, four figures entered our vision. Each of those shapes reminded us of our goals, which kindled our motivation.

However, the scene sent adrenaline inside of us. King Arthur's Excalibur nearly reached Abaddon's neck, but stopped when we arrived. I could only guess that these four figures were in the middle of a conversation. But when we arrived, we interrupted the meeting.

The demon beside Abaddon was someone new for me. I used my system and heeded Crayman's instruction. After inspecting my system, I confirmed that Kael stood beside Abaddon. And the two demons were on the losing side of this match. 

"King Arthur, don't do this! If you kill Abaddon, those demons would hunt you down. They might kill everyone inside Cornwall or other kingdoms surrounding Camelot!" I declared, while equipping Excalibur in my hands.

King Arthur's attendant, Sir Geraint, quickly reacted. He aimed his sword at our shapes and reinforced his body with magic.

"Any sudden movement you make, I will rip you into pieces. State your purpose, imposter. Or I shall behead you, right in front of this demon!" 

"You don't understand! That demon just wants peace for the two factions! Abaddon never wished to harm the humans! He's just waiting for your approval for this treaty!" I commented, while shaking my head.

"The kid is right, King Arthur. Let go of your weapon, so we could talk on the table if you wish," Abaddon said, without changing his tone. "Fighting you was never in my vocabulary, milord. I respected you as my enemy. But right now, we are losing sight of our true goal!"


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