I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 144: Arthur to Camelot

Chapter 144: Arthur to Camelot

We didn't have any eventful conversation when we ate our meal. The topics bore me off, which eventually led me to fighting against my drowsiness. Fortunately, Abaddon concluded the topic as soon as he finished his plate. 

After dining with the rest of the demons, Abaddon sent us back to the room. We needed to take a trip towards Camelot tomorrow and offer him the treaty we showed to Abaddon. If our team could make King Arthur agree to our terms and conditions, we could stop the war.

However, the road up ahead looked grim, since we would step our foot on the enemy territories. And if we failed to come up with an agreement, the war would inevitably happen. 

It was up to us five to stop the war from happening, before it could even escalate quickly. 

As soon as Lilith and I reached the room, the two of us hit the sack. Lilith rested by devouring the arcane surrounding the room. That demon girl also told me that she needed her full concentration to digest the mana in her surroundings. It was a peculiar way to restore one's energy, which made my eyes widen in surprise.

But I let Lilith be herself and slept for the time being. I had around eight hours of sleep, which was the normal hours that any human should take. Meliodas, Fenrir, and Merleen rested for around twelve hours since the time we left this room. 

When the clock finally hit the thirty seconds mark, I rose from my bed and checked the others. Much to my surprise, those three roused from their sacks and opened their eyes. They all met my gaze staring at them while my eyebrows pointed themselves on my nose.

"What?" I asked, while shaking off my head and my mood.

Lilith had also finished her session and restored all of her arcane inside her body. That devil claimed that she could move a mountain and wanted to demonstrate it to us. But I shook my head and let the thought pass. Lilith could drain all of her strength if she performed that action, which could lead us in an overwhelming disadvantage.

After preparing for a few minutes, the five of us went to the throne room and met the king. It turned out that he prepared a teleportation scroll ready for us with some supplies. Abaddon told us that the servants hunted some rabbits and other creatures that were edible for humans to eat. 

"That teleportation circle would lead you closer to Camelot. There are no specific locations where the teleportation device would travel you. But it can't be that far, Arthur. However, please be advised that I cannot help you from here and out. The mode of transportation is the only thing that I could give my support to you, since joining your roster could stir some trouble. And I wouldn't want to leave my citadel undefended when there are still humans surrounding the borders," Abaddon explained, while nodding his head. "Unfortunately, we couldn't recover your carriage and horse. Since the arcane in this place is dense, the animal died before we could have some experts look at the beast."

"And once you arrive at a foreign land, you must hide from the humans. I know you're going inside a kingdom and talking to King Arthur about the treaty. But if they found out that you used an ancient teleportation device, those humans would do nothing but to interrogate you. The demons who got themselves caught by these humans.sacrificed their lives to keep that secret. I gave you permission to use those devices. And sacrificing all four of you is not in my plan," Abaddon continued, while motioning his fingers. "You also need to check if Arthur's residing in Camelot or attending in a different place. There are times that kings would visit other kingdoms to check their resources. Arthur could be one of those officials."

I shook my head and replied, "No. It's fine. Having a teleportation circle that would lead us near Camelot is enough for us. This is a great help to speed our trip."

"Very well, Arthur.It is a shame that you can't stay in our kingdom for a while.And you can't take my daughter's hand. But I wish you luck for King Arthur to accept your proposal! The demon kingdom will await the humans' response!"

We expressed our gratitude to the demon lord and finally took our leave. Since we didn't have anything to talk about, we carried on and followed the two servants towards our destination. It was the same pair who escorted us towards our room earlier.

As we exited the castle, we headed towards a ruined shed filled with nothing but dried cobalt stone. But upon entering the small hut, a scroll addressed our eyes. It was the same parchment Crayman used when he transferred us to this kingdom.

"Are you, perhaps, aware of the spell behind this scroll?" the demon servant asked, as she chanted at our fore.

I gave the servant a nod and answered, "Yes. Crayman introduced to us that magic. But he didn't wave his fingers or incanted anything."

"That's because he is a superior demon among us, servants. He was the only one who could withstand the powerful blows of Abaddon. Despite his shrewd personality, he was still a demon who could penetrate anyone's minds," another servant explained, as he finished the enchantment. 

We learned something about Crayman from these two servants. Our team deemed Crayman as a canny who offered us a peculiar trade. Even though we earned the scroll for free, his name remained stuck inside my head.

But I brushed those thoughts aside and focused on our fore. There were far more important things we needed to do besides thinking about Crayman. 

Those incantations the servants conjured turned into floating words, pasting themselves on the magical circle. The scroll also levitated and shined a radiant light that lit the hut's dark atmosphere. 

Within a moment, those two maids called for our attention. They also asked if we could step forward towards the magic circle. We obeyed their instructions and marched forward, only to realise that the spell had immediately worked. 

We didn't fall from the sky like some movies would have when they activated a teleportation device. And when I turned around, my friends appeared beside me. Merleen, Fenrir, Meliodas, and Lilith just popped out of nowhere like a stroke of light hit the ground. Compared to the teleportation method from Crayman, Abaddon had more specific controls. 

The teleportation device threw us at a charted aree, indicated by our map. There was a giganti title, which labelled Camelot, around a few miles away from where we stood. We could also find dozens of villages and far away kingdoms surrounding the place.

However, our team only cared about reaching towards Arthur as soon as possible. And it wasn't the time for us to praise the teleportation circle, since we had things to do. Wasting our time idling around might cost us something soon if we were not careful. 

As soon as we all landed on the terrain, I led my group towards the side and hid from anyone's sight. That instruction came from Abaddon, which he had previously warned us about. He wanted to protect the teleportation device and the scroll from the humans.

As soon as we concealed ourselves from the open field, we marched our way towards the first village. Lilith transformed herself into a human, removing all those features that made her look like a demon. Nothing had significantly changed from Lilith's appearance, except for her thorns and scaly skin. Those attributes had morphed into the smooth skin like a human being. 

"You look gorgeous even when you're a human," I said, while staring at Lilith's face.

I couldn't help but praise Lilith for her art in magnifying her body into something like that. But those train of thoughts disappeared when someone nudged me by my shoulder. When I glanced at my flank, Merleen averted her gaze and pouted. Fenrir just menacingly glared at me as if she wanted to kill me.

I didn't know why, but my life became an endangered species that the world must save. 

As soon as that atmosphere had died out, we infiltrated the village and asked Arthur's whereabouts. It was also an instruction given by Abaddon. Since Kings have various schedules, they would visit other kingdoms and inspect their stability. 

Thanks to our social skills, the villagers gave us a wonderful response. Each of them said that Arthur stayed inside Camelot. They also told us that Arthur had already visited the villages nearby, and would proceed inspecting other kingdoms soon.

"But for now, Arthur and his nobles would stay on the citadel. The nobles are making sure that Arthur won't catch any disease unlike last week," the villagers continued, as they murmured to themselves.

Our team gathered as many resources as we could after visiting this place. However, we didn't know the context of their words, since we hadn't stayed inside this place for a while. 


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