I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 138: The Devil's Deal

Chapter 138: The Devil's Deal

But Crayman shook his head and replied, "I would love to, but these people won't budge. They follow me whether or not they like it, since these people gave me their permission. I told you I am not the bad guy! I just gave them what they wanted? Isn't that a good deal? Don't you agree with my words?"

I could only think that this Crayman demon sounded wicked from my own judgment. The words this demon told charmed my ears and mouth and continued luring me through the endless abyss. Crayman even glanced in my direction, sensing my weakness behind my anxieties.

Fortunately, I had calmed myself down before succumbing to the great unknown. When Crayman noticed my sudden change in my mood, he averted his gaze from me with displease.

"If what you're saying is correct, what did the priests from the Holy Light Church want in return? Those priests and the bishop won't accept such cheap tricks from a demon... What did you offer to them? Those priests and the church's believers wouldn't let you inside their temple. If I remember it correctly, only the privileged ones could step foot in the shrines," I asked, and hinted my curiosity at the devil. "Something must have aspired for that to happen. And that something led you here."

"You are well informed about their protocols, Arthur. If the mighty knight who has the Excalibur wants some answers, fine. I can't escape Lilith or you. So why not give it all away right here, right now?"

After Crayman said those words, the atmosphere had turned grim. Lilith assured us that Crayman didn't cast a spell, and guided us to our doom. And since I trusted her instincts, I let the conversation flow like a tainted river.

"Well, you see, Arthur, those priests only wanted one thing. It was to kill the demons. And I am an engine of that desire that those people wanted. I couldn't give them their goal, but I lent them a hand. Don't worry, Arthur, my dear. I haven't touched the bishop and some high-ranking believers yet, since they couldn't let me through their shrines. But those little churches inside kingdoms, that's where I attacked. What are you going to do about it?" Crayman continued. "The priests wanted this. And I did nothing wrong, have I? All I offered was their personal desires or their crooked yearnings to fuel their goals. I didn't torture them or beat them up into a pulp. Those priests went to me and asked if I could help them. The same fell from the mercenaries who wanted some spare golds inside their pockets."

I could only clench my fist upon hearing that question. I didn't know the answer to that query, considering that there was nothing I could do about it.

I was a man who wanted to help people with their needs and save them from plummeting into the abyss. However, if the people yearned to do it, my assistance wouldn't be as effective as it could be.

"Is he saying the truth?" Merleen asked beside me, as she tugged the ends of my clothes.

I nodded my head and replied, "Demons cannot lie. That's their trait even before this game. world began."

"You are awfully aware of your surroundings, Crayman... Thank you for that. Now, onto the next topic. Why did you find this abandoned house? You fiddled your way through my domain, despite knowing the dangers surrounding it. What makes you think you could just waltz your way through anyone's house and leave unscathed."

As soon as Crayman asked those questions, Lilith gave him the death stare. Crayman jerked backwards and almost knocked over his glass. Within a few seconds, Crayman returned to his original position while hiding his quivering hands. It only showed the hierarchy of demons inside this world was still a thing to consider.

After wiping off the drool from his face, he retracted his question and changed the subject. "How can I help you upon arriving in this place?"

Lilith stole the show and answered the question that Crayman had directed to me, "We have heard from various sources that this place still holds the ancient scroll of a teleportation device. Although it is an ancient one, we believe that this abandoned turf has the one we need."

Crayman wiped his mouth using his tongue while staring into our eyes. He wanted to say something, but held his thoughts inside his head. Considering the eyes Lilith showed to him, Crayman was at a loss for words.

"Come on, spit it out. What do you want?" I finally attempted to crack the shell of Crayman's front, and returned his gaze.

Lilith wanted to say something, but Crayman stole the spotlight. He resumed to his original self and walked straight towards me. Crayman's eyes searched the room, as if finding something inside the bar. But after a few seconds, his orbs returned to me, while revealing his elusive tongue.

"Now we're talking.. You see, I can't just give you things for free. Lilith, my good friend. Even if you beat me up and kill me in whatever form you like, my soul will never falter. I would remain as cold as a rock and refuse anything you'd ask for," Crayman explained, with his eyes still glued to mine. "It's because I am a devil, just like you. And like every other demon, we need to have a deal. That two parties must agree to that deal, or else nothing will happen. Why? Because you cannot have anything that you want having no sacrifices, Arthur. You must give up one thing to obtain the other."

"And what is it you want?" I asked, while maintaining my stern gaze.

"Oh, I am a simple man, Arthur. I don't want any weapons, defences, skills, or even your system. Although you can share that system, it isn't what I want."


I couldn't contain my emotions as I yelled at the demon. But instead of feeling tense, Crayman just hysterically laughed in front of me. He didn't care about the life surrounding him or his own safety. All Crayman wanted was something he desired.

"I want you to remember me. Remember my name and remember that I can help you when you need something the most," Crayman whispered near my ears, as he continued his sentences. "There's nothing in this world that I want for you other than to know my identity. You can't have what's mine. And I don't want what's yours. All I need is for you to remember me and to keep this identity inside your system."

Crayman waved his hands and inserted a note inside my inventory. As soon as the message went through my inbox, my system told me I could not remove it. No matter how hard I tried deleting the card, the text remained inside the system.

"I know how your system works. So don't feel that surprised, Arthur. You're not the only one who knows how that thing works. And a little advice, your powers would come and bite you, Arthur. So, do we have a deal?"

As Crayman said those words, the devil revealed the scroll in his hands. It was the same document we found on the table, but with added runes circling the paper. My system also told me that this parchment contained otherworldly arcane beneath my knowledge. Even though I had played this game all my life, there were still some things I had not discovered.

Lilith and the rest of my team all stared in my direction, wondering what was behind the offer. They all tilted their heads and raised a billion question marks on top of their heads. None of them could grasp the meaning behind Crayman's words.. Well, none of them but me.

Crayman asked if I could remember his name and planned on using me in the endgame. Since this war would only grow stronger, Crayman needed some pawn he could use. He didn't want to force me, since I wouldn't accept anything from a demon. And the teleportation scroll was not an S class item that we needed to seize. It was just there to make our journey quicker than ever.

However, these were all just my hunches. I could never support my thoughts with a valid claim, considering the situation. But this offer was too good for me to pass. And since I had nothing to lose, I accepted the mail and took the scroll from Crayman's waiting hands.

"Agreed. As long as they aren't cheap tricks or loose ends, this offer is as good as taken," I answered, and remained vigilant about Crayman's expressions.

I offered Crayman my hand and accepted the devil's deal. But the devil didn't change his face as he gave me what my team wanted.

"By accepting my hand, we all agreed to get what we wished for. It's good making business with you, Arthur... I hope to see you soon."


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