I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 132: Merleen, Fenrir, and Lilith (3)

Chapter 132: Merleen, Fenrir, and Lilith (3)

That request. But I don't think I will worry about that at any time soon," Fenrir confessed, and urged everyone to prepare the things we needed for the journey.

"B-But I want to rest, Fenrir! We just woke up. And now you want to go withst was the only reason Fenrir joined my team. She wanted to know what happened to those resources the demon lord promised. Because of the loss of those products, their pack diverged. After their separation, Fenrir witnessed the death of her pack members. 

Fenrir also told me the story of their group. But she never explained everything to me. 

As soon as the conversation ended, Fenrir finally gave in and trusted Lilith's words. Fenrir told everyone that she was willing to bet everything on Lilith since I also believed in her. She was just testing me if I would defend Lilith or say the right things.

"Arthur, you're the only reason this team is holding up. You showed me the way to do things, gave me a chance to meet the demon lord, gave me friends, and power to defend the people I care about. If you have strayed in your path, I would have left you here without a second dou Arthur! I don't understand you!" Melreen, retorted, and pouted at Fenrir. "Arthur, tell Fenrir that I want to rest first!"

I glanced at Merleen's remaining mana pool as she asked me that question. It turned out that Merleen needed to restore thirty percent of her mana to have a full mana pool, together with her stamina.

But since we would ride a carriage, Merleen and the others could rest inside that cart. Well, if we would arrive at the demon lord's castle within a few weeks without fighting, it would be better if Merleen rested there.

I told Merleen about that idea, but she kept growling at me behind my back. She even stomped her feet and went inside the caravan, with her arms crossed against each other. 

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, which I also regretted after a few seconds.


Merleen's reaction was like any other girl going through puberty. She raised her voice, averted her gaze from me, and answered my question as cold as the ice. But despite those peculiar actions, Merleen still requested for me to seat beside her. 

"Don't ask why! Just do what I say!" screamed Merleen, as she shut the windows from the cart.

Lilith chuckled as she observed the conversation Merleen and I had. She went to me and nudged her shoulders, hinting that she had a blast watching us debate against each other. 

Within a few seconds, Fenrir, Lilith, Meliodas, and I prepared everything we needed to bring for this journey. Those three girls entered the cart and waited for my signal to ride across the rocky roads.

Meliodas planned on sitting inside before I tugged him beside me. As soon as that bard met my eyes, he faintly laughed and grasped his hand.

"Don't do anything to me, Arthur. I did nothing wrong!" Meliodas pleaded.

It was a fishy action, but I did not aim for that.

"What are you talking about? Anyway, I want you to be my assistant coachman in case I grow tired and sleepy. If that happens, I want you to take the handles for me, okay?" I asked, and gave him the ropes. "You know how to ride a horse, right? After all, I taught you that and forcefully plunged it inside your system! I am so efficient these days, especially for my pal!"

"Right.I will do what I can, just tell me what to do," Meliodas answered, and shoved the ropes away from his face. "But for now, I want to watch and wait for you to feel exhausted."

"Suit yourself."

After a few minutes, the three ladies in the back yelled at me, saying they were already prepared to leave. I, who waited for thirty minutes for them to prepare, whipped the ropes. The horse blared a neigh and galloped onwards on the ruined field.

Lilith placed herself near me to give me directions on where to go. Even though I knew the demon lord's location, I didn't want to delay our trip and get lost inside this open field. The quicker we arrive in that kingdom the better.

"Tell me if we travelled around fifty miles already. The only way you would know is if you found an abandoned village."

"An abandoned village?" I asked.

Lilith nodded. "Yes. An abandoned village. A long time ago, some people lived around the borders of the demonic kingdom. But my father wanted to instill his dominance to the humans and killed those villages, claiming that they were just pawns for his rise from power. I tried stopping him, but I lacked the power to do that. Well, not until now. "

According to Lilith, the village also had a teleportation route leading directly to the demonic kingdom. If we could use that and make it work, our trip would shorten within five days instead of weeks. 

"But I doubt that teleportation area would still work, given that countless years have already passed by. But that is still a chance worth exploring instead of adding up the days of our travel."

I seconded Lilith's suggestion and hurred forth towards the village she had mentioned. Lilith also added that there were some rouge demons and bandits surrounding these roads. 

"Those scoundrels were the demonic defects that the kingdom made. We don't kill all of them. My father thought that he could still use them for the kingdom's gains. He instructed those demons to guard the borders for any humans or creatures that would pass the ruined field. Since demons cannot enter the human realms, my father refused letting humans in our turf as well."

"My father is a child that hates losing against those humans. But even though he is that kind of demon, he still raised me as his daughter and the kingdom's princess," Lilith added, while looking at the ruined field she had mentioned earlier.

I cleared my throat and disrupted the heavy mood in our conversation. "Don't worry about a thing, princess. The war would end soon now that you have a fighting chance against your father ...."

I shook my head and restated my phrase. "What I meant to say was that you can fight your father if he fights you or tries to kill you! I-I mean, if you want something to happen, you have the power to crush your enemies! That. That sounded so wrong."

Lilith chuckled up a storm after hearing those words coming right off my mouth. I carved my mouth with a smile as soon as my eyes witnessed the gleam in her face. But there was an inkling feeling of death also glaring in direction. My mind thought that the enemies already showed before me. But as I searched the area, there was nobody there but the bronze-looking plain.

(Author's note: Arthur was talking about Merleen)

"Kidding aside, you have the power to choose your own destiny. Whatever happens, Lilith, your fighting for the betterment of your people. Even though they won't understand it right now, do what you can to change this world. My previous world ended the war because of some sacrifices and some brave soul. Now, I'm not saying we should sacrifice ourselves for peace. But we need to do the best we can to achieve that," I said, while maintaining my eye contact on the road.

Everyone present with me listened to my speech and remained silent throughout the trip. Lilith, who heard it beside me, eased her shoulders down and loosen her tension. 

"I am ready to die for peace, Arthur. Even if it kills me, I will stop at nothing to attain that unity between nations. Well, as long as I have you, I don't think that would happen."

"Was that a love confession, Lilith?" I asked, while keeping a blank face.

I didn't want to show my charming, cherry looks after hearing those words. But my efforts got washed up in the drain after hearing the comeback of Lilith.

"Are you interested in demon girls, Arthur?" 


"Let us change the topic, please. My ears are itching after hearing those sentences. Bring your words somewhere else and not here."

Those two women at the back raised their concerns after hearing such a bold remark coming from Lilith. I was not a dense human being, which gave me a few hints of my situation. Although I couldn't assume just yet, I had to wait for a perfect chance to validate what had happened.

"So this is how it feels like to be popular with the ladies?" I mumbled.

but I might have said it out loud, since four eyes sent daggers in my direction. Lilith was the only one who didn't glare at my figure. There was also Meliodas, but he was already asleep beside me.


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