I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 124: Lilith and Arthur

Chapter 124: Lilith and Arthur

Right in front of me was a demonic girl holding a sword in her hands. That blade came from the holy sword stuck between the stones. It was the legendary Excalibur, similar to the one I had equipped in my hand.

Just like any other demon, this demonic girl had crimson-looking skin covering her body. Although this woman took the human form, the arcane overflowing from her body described this girl as a demon.

Only demons had a colossal amount of mana inside them, which even became their health points if necessary. I fought against them once, and it took me a few minutes beating the crap out of the duke.

But the current situation became reversed. I did not know if I could still do that in this useless body. Despite having my sword, this world merged my account into nothing but a mere villager. Even those farmers had more decent status points if they tried training with the knights. My body could grind experience slower than those snail monsters inside the forest.

Within a few seconds, the demon came into our view. That demonic figure raised her eyes and met my gaze.

"We finally met, Arthur," the demonic girl said, while maintaining eye contact with me.

"You're well informed to know my name even though this is our first time meeting, demon," I exclaimed, while brandishing my blade slightly on my side.

"I don't know you that much. Just your name. You are Arthur, right? With that fancy sword of yours that's similar to mine," the demon remarked, while pointing her fingers at Clarent. "He's reacting violently. Maybe your sword saw the demon king's daughter. Or maybe it senses another Excalibur nearby?"

It was what the demon girl mentioned. Our two swords glimmered as we spoke, but the system never notified me about it. This occurrence never happened before when I first played the game. However, it was my first time putting the two Excalibur blades together. And that event made our swords flicker like crazy.

"I will say it's the latter. Since we have three Excalibur living in this world," I confessed, and finally took my last step.

We were a few feet apart from the demon, enough to break the silence into a fight. Thankfully, this demon did not aim for a bloody battle. If this demonic girl did, she would have attacked us from behind by now.

My three comrades continued observing the scene, uttering nothing but their deep breaths in the conversation. They avoided looking at the demon. My friends knew we were up against an enemy we cannot handle.

I broke the silence and continued the topic. "Why are you out here in the open? And it's amazing that you haven't attacked us yet, demon. And can you at least tell us your name?"

The demonic girl raised her eyebrow before answering my question. "It's because I don't have a reason to kill you. And I am not the kind of demon to do just that. It's heartbreaking to lump me with those rascals out there living under our roof."

"And my name is Lilit. Lilit Umbra. You must feel lucky to hear that name coming from me," Lilith, the demon, shouted, while flashing us a grin. "You should be grateful, Arthur. Don't worry, I don't want to hurt your friends and you."

"Thank you, Lilith, for sparing us your kind gestures."

When a demon mentioned something, they would do that until they die. Demons did not back down to their word, even if they died. They would prefer death instead of getting back to their own words.

And after hearing those words, I returned my blade to my scabbard and motioned my hands for my team. "We don't have to fight this demon. He's a friend, not an enemy."

As soon as I said those lines, Fenrir and Merleen nodded and did as I had told. But Meliodas had an original plan and played the harp in his hands.

"I'm sorry, Arthur. But I can't let this opportunity pass," Meliodas mumbled, and played a different tune that we did not know. "I'm in front of the demon king's daughter. If I could kill her, I would level up. And then kill both the knights of the round table and the demons!"

"What about the spell you told me before! I thought you cannot control our friends, Meliodas!" I asked, while looking at Meliodas' eyes. "You promised us, Meliodas!"

"I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me when I die avenging my uncle's life and his wife!"

It was my first time hearing that Meliodas' uncle died from demons. If I remembered it correctly, Meliodas said something different about his uncle's wife.. He must have kept it from us this entire time.

When the song rang inside our heads, my system notified me and tried altering my mental state. However, despite the musical note's attempts, that ability still couldn't get through to me.

But those notes got the two friends of mine into a trance that only Meliodas could control. Meliodas vanished from our sight using his spell and allowed my two comrades to fight.

Fenrir and Merleen had their eyes glow differently when they came face to face with the demon. There was not a chance that we could win this fight. And Meliodas planned on dragging all of us to brawl with this demon.

Fenrir performed the first attack and dashed straight to the demon. Merleen sprinted backwards and used all the magic circles she prepped before coming to this place. Even though they got brainwashed by Meliodas, they still followed the instructions I explained from the cave.

Fenrir acted as the warrior while Merleen became the mage from the back lines.

That wolf girl used her claws and tried attacking the demonic wolf. But the claws Fenrir used did not scratch the demon in front of us. It even barely made a dent in Lilith, despite that powerful slash.

While that happened, Merleen cast some spells in Lilith's direction. She used her powerful light blast that would kill any adventurers, regardless of their levels. Well, as long as those adventurers did not know how to use dark magic, they would die from Merleen.

However, that did not happen against the demon. Even though we briefed it inside the cave, Meliodas helplessly tried using Merleen's magic to strike the demon.

But alas, that ability did not work on the higher being, especially when that creature was the demon king's daughter.

"I'm impressed that you have someone that could use light magic in your team, Arthur. But too bad that the obsidian magic came from me And that magic is directed from my species!" Lilith exclaimed, while creating a barrier made of condensed dark magic in front of her.

Lilith did not even try hiding her powers from us and flexed it. Those black shields devoured everything in its way, including the unfortunate pebbles and grasses torn off from the soil. I even had to maintain my balance on the ground, avoiding myself getting sucked inside that void.

If I had to compare that ability, it was like the black hole in my world.

Within a few seconds, Merleen stopped firing her spell and rested for a moment. Beads of sweat showered her face, drenching her entire cheeks. She even squinted upon looking at the demon, which made her vision go against her.

Lilith seized that chance and looked around for Merleen. After a few moments, that demonic girl gasped in delight and rushed elsewhere. But before she could visit that area, Lilith grappled her arms around Fenrir and Merleen's neck, bringing them through her journey.

Upon arriving at a specific place, Lilith raised her arms and choked on the invisible Meliodas. That bard coated himself with an invisibility spell that concealed his presence.

But that spell won't work against a demon, especially a high rank one. It could work against demonic familiars, but not the demon king's daughter.

Lilith wrapped her fingers around Meliodas and lifted him above the ground. The poor Meliodas tried gasping for air, with his eyes looking above. He tried hitting the demon with all his might, but Meliodas' strength slowly left his body.

That scene also happened with the two ladies at Lilith's side, all contained with Merleen's magic. If this event continued for a few minutes, all my three comrades would die without a fight.

Out of desperation, I went to the demonic girl and pleaded, "It's not what you think! We never want to fight you! But my friend. Meliodas. He's a bard. And some demons made his uncle's life difficult! They even killed the uncle's wife!"

"Please, demon! We don't want to fight you! Don't kill anyone in my team! If you want to kill them, please kill me instead" I continued.

My eyes widened upon teleporting in front of Lilith. I did not even notice it, but my Clarent glowed a vivid light and granted me some insane powers.


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