I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 110: Saved!

Chapter 110: Saved!

While lying around, I turned my head to Meliodas and flashed him a smile. "Thanks for helping me back there. If you didn't play your harp and transfer your mana, we would have died from the explosion."

"What do you mean?" Meliodas asked. "I did what I could, since we're a team, remember? You added me to your party to fight this demonic beast. It's just common sense to play my part as well. And since you don't know my skills, I have to help you use one of my trump cards," Meliodas reacted, as he placed his harp beside him.

We finally found the time to rest for the time being. Fenrir, Merleen, Meliodas, and I all nestled on the ground without a care in the world. Since everyone already exhausted our wits, we needed to recollect our thoughts and rest. After idling around, we planned on resuming to our next destination.

But now that we found these two children, we needed to return them to their respective villages. As soon as they got up, our team would escort them to their town. We would do that before leaving once again, together with their dog.

After a few minutes of resting, I stood from the ground and went to the two children. This pair of angels slept like a log and continued sleeping for a few more minutes. But before they would jolt to their beds awake, I turned towards Meliodas.

"So, are you willing to wait and accompany these kids and the dog to their village?" I asked, with my eyes staring at his back.

Within those minutes, Meliodas did not lie on the ground. Instead, he leaned his body on the stone while watching the two children live in their dreams.

"I will think about it, especially after that incident. It feels like my power is still below an average level... Although I can manipulate the minds of both beasts and humans, my prowess was ineffective against demons. If I ever encounter stronger enemies, I doubt that my music could reach their ears," Meliodas answered, while humming a solemn tone.

"Fair enough," I answered, and sat beside him. "So, how was living with your father back then? Well, if it's okay to ask."

Meliodas shook his head and replied, "No. it is fine. You are free to ask for anything you like. My father. is actually my uncle. Both of my parents died. So I tried my best to survive in the wilderness, with my harp as my only company. It was not too long before my body collapsed and gave up following my will. Fortunately, a kind old man sheltered me and gave me food I could never dream of eating."

"As I have said before, my uncle is like a father to me since I lost mine. And that uncle of mine had a son whom I resemble quite a lot. But those soldiers took his kid away, which angered the old man. My uncle did not know why the soldiers killed his boy. But after a long time, he finally accepted the bitter truth. That those knights would do anything for fun. So I am now on a quest to kill overpowered soldiers, regardless of their backstories and statuses. You are the first one to escape my wrath, Arthur, since you do not represent those evil knights." Meliodas continued, as he strummed the strings of his harp.

After hearing his stories, I could not help but clench my fist and bite my lips. Those knights did something terrible to the kid, which affected Meliodas' life. If those knights had not attacked the old man, maybe they would have lived a different life.

But because of those knights, Meliodas would hunt them down and kill the soldiers. It was a cycle of hatred, but I cannot stop Meliodas' wishes. It was the path he chose, and I cannot save everyone I meet.

"I do not care if you cannot forgive me, Arthur. Revenge is the only thing that is keeping me alive. And I want to give justice to the old man's boy since that was his final wish." Meliodas mumbled, especially when he mentioned the latter part of his sentence.

"No, no. I understand how you feel. Somewhat. Okay. Honestly, I don't know how you feel. But I respect your opinion about killing other people," I answered, while firmly looking at Meliodas' eyes. "As long as those knights do bad things, we're all good. My goal is to save everyone who needs me. As your friend, I want you to do the same. Since that is morally right."

"I do not wish to prolong our debate, Arthur. But I will try to follow in your footsteps as much as I can. Since most knights are terrible people, I doubt we would meet a powerful knight that has a kind heart."

After our exchange, Merleen and Fenrir finally woke from their dreams. As soon as Merleen opened her eyes, she rushed towards me and wrapped her arms around my back. I turned around her greeted her bubbly face, paired with her lips smiling at me.

"Good morning, Arthur! I had a really nice sleep!" Merleen exclaimed, while squeezing herself towards my body. "Did you have a nice sleep, too?"

"Unfortunately, no. If I slept, who would protect you guys?" I answered, while shuffling her already crazed hair.

"Eeeh?! No fair, Arthur! Promise me you'd sleep, okay? You need some sort of rest too."

"I promise."

"You two lovebirds are at it again. Seriously, you should both do something crazy tonight and become one." Fenrir butted in our conversation and gave a wink in my direction. "Who knows? Maybe someday you will have some grandchildren?"

"That. would be nice.," Merleen whispered to herself, while burying her face in my chest.

My face also turned red after hearing such words coming from Fenrir's mouth. "Hey! Stop kidding around in front of me, Fenrir! I'd also love that, but we're on a journey!"

"Ah, youth. It is fun if you have a partner. Too bad I cannot relate."

"Will you shut up, Meliodas? You're not helping at all!"

As soon as we finished our conversation, each of us had a great laugh afterwards. Within a few minutes, Merleen and Fenrir prepared something to eat. Meliodas and I wanted to help, but the two ladies insisted they should be the ones preparing the food.

I ain't no sexist. But Merleen growled at me when I touched her ingredients. She also bluntly told me that Fenrir mentioned something about a quote...

"If you want Arthur to like you, you should cook him a meal! Make his stomach love you, Merleen!" Fenrir shouted, whilst answering my question.

"Knock it off, Fenrir!"

And that was what happened. It took a couple of minutes before the two women cooked a make-shift soup made of bunny meat. Fenrir caught those meats, while Merleen prepared the ingredients.

I didn't know that Fenrir could cook something. She gave off the vibes of a hunter more than a chef inside a kitchen. It was not an insult, but a perfect description of her appearance.

But when I voiced that out, she nearly broke my hand because of it.

Within a few moments, the two children rose from their dream. The boy smelled the aromatic soup coming in front of him. That kid charged straight towards the pot and waited for the meal.

The girl opened her eyes and met my gaze. She went towards me and sat beside my waist, with her eyes still locked onto mine.

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked, while touching my cheeks.

The girl shook her head and remained silent for a while. Fortunately, this girl was still a kid. If she were something else, I would have already felt uncomfortable because of her actions.

Upon waiting for a few seconds, Merleen and Fenrir finally prepared the plates. They opened the inventory and prepared some bowls for us to use. These containers came from the shelter back in Galehaut's place. He was too kind to offer these materials when the place needed them the most.

The little girl joined me as we walked towards the campfire, munching over the bunny soup. It did not take everyone thirty seconds to gulp the first bowl down to our stomachs. Everyone was that hungry, especially after that fight with the demonic beings.

We made sure that even would never happen again around these realms. Fortunately, I remembered some spells that fended off evil spirits, such as the demonic aura. After finishing our meals, I taught Merleen the special spell and used it to cleanse the area of the demonic aura.

Within a few moments, Merleen successfully cast the ability and protected the area around the surrounding forest hundred feet. It was a massive spell that cost nothing but an air of mana. And it only required a mage to do it, which Merleen perfectly fit the descriptions.

As soon as we finished our things, we carried on looking for the children's village!


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