I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 103: Interrogation

Chapter 103: Interrogation

Kinda bonus part. But the story still continues XD.


After a few seconds of recovering from her pathetic state, Fenrir joined the battle. She launched herself forward and smacked the thieves down to their graves without killing them. Since Fenrir vowed to limit her strength, her battle became more sluggish than before. She needed to maintain her power level enough to render our enemies unconscious, and not kill them.

I protected Fenrir's back and attacked the bandits from behind. Fenrir took down most of them at our fore, together with Merleen amplifying our attacks. Merleen used her light as a sweeping tool and slipped the enemies. Most of the thieves fell on the ground without putting up a fight against us.

It was a funny scenario since these tough guys got outsmarted by a materialised light. If players knew this cheap trick, they would have abused it before the game developers could update the game.

With her extreme speed, we cleaned up the entire battlefield. It did not even take us half an hour to knock these bandits. It just showed that Fenrir and Merleen were superior characters in this game.

"It's a good thing we stopped. If we didn't, I would have probably vomited everything inside of me," Fenrir claimed, while covering her mouth. "Oh, wait. There it goes again."

As soon as she finished saying her fill, Fenrir rushed towards the caravan's side. She immediately puked some of her meals once again. That was the same spot she kept spewing green and yellowish liquid.

Merleen and I did not mind Fenrir for now, since we had more important things at our fore. The two of us walked past the cart and studied the unconscious bodies lying on the ground. There were around a hundred thieves that attacked us. It was as if someone knew our identities and brought in the numbers, thinking they could kill this team.

"Is it just me, or someone sent these people to kill us?" Merleen suggested, while fidgeting her fingers.

"I have the same thought as you, Merleen," I answered. "This doesn't feel right at all. none one bit."

It would be odd if the entire bandits grouped against a no-name group like us. Although Green, the current king of Caerleon, introduced us, it did not line up for that reason. The villagers inside that kingdom were not strong enough to be secret spies to hunt us down. And the neighbouring kingdoms could not have dispatched this force after a few days.

"I don't want to say this, but someone knew us. And that man behind the curtain tied the strings, orchestrating this trap.," I announced, while lightly slapping the bandit's face.

"Really, Arthur? Wow! I've never thought of that! You're really smart!" Merleen remarked, while cheering for me at the back.

"But we still don't want to point fingers at each other." I whispered, while gazing at the ground.

It was my first time becoming a detective doing the groundwork. However, all these thoughts proved nothing, since we did not have any information. And blaming the mercenaries for this attack would never make sense.

I brushed those indecent thoughts while placing the man beside the tree. Merleen and I tied the bear-like man and secured it with our arcane.

"What are we going to do about this guy, Arthur? He looks... mean. and a killer. I hate killers," Merleen said, while clenching the man's muscular skin. "I could kill him. but I'm scared."

I faintly chuckled at her comment and replied, "Don't worry. We're just going to be asking him a lot of questions. You'll be the good cop, and I'll be the bad cop. Got it, Merleen?"

"What's a bad and good cop?"

I told the gist of the interrogation part for this bandit we caught. And we would follow the act that the television showed to me when I still watched some series online. There were two types of cops; the good cop and the bad cop.

The good cop would be the one who asks the kindergarten questions, without adding pressure to the criminal. That cop would not use brute force or violence during the interrogation. That act would also be the saving grace for the criminal if that person still wanted to live. Merleen would play the good cop, since she did not want to kill. She also did not want to hurt anyone without proper explanations at all. That girl fit perfectly for that role, considering all those options aligning with her.

But if that culprit rejected the good cop, the bad cop would do its magic.

The bad cop was the one who would do the interrogation's violent part. This cop would brutally torture the criminal, squeezing as much information as possible from that person. And when that culprit dropped like a fly, the bad cop would do everything to revive that person.

It was an interesting job, especially for me.

As soon as we prepared everything for our interrogation, I told her everything Merleen needed to know. I also wrote all the questions she needed to ask about her system for the tough guy tied near the tree. Merleen would only call me if she felt threatened, or she finished the five-minute timer.

After briefing Merleen about the questions, I pushed her at the tree and cheered her from afar. There was nothing I could do but watch her succeed or change her position.

But before we could start the interrogation, I took out a container and filled it with Fenrir's vomit. As soon as I receptacle, I tossed it towards the guy and woke him from his sleep.

Within a few seconds, the man jolted from his seat and glared in our direction. The thief even shouted and cursed at us with everything he had. But since he was talking to Merleen, I had to kick his precious sac.

"Know who you're talking to, thief," I yelled, and threatened the man to kick him again.

When the man took a direct hit from his balls, that bandit shook his head and finally complied with our wishes. for now.

That man raised his head and kept quiet about the situation, with his eyes still glaring into mine. But I paid his stare no mind and continued our interrogation, knowing that the thief could do nothing about this occurrence.

"If you want to kill us, know your place. We could kill you anytime we want. But since we're feeling generous, we would ask you a few questions... and then spare you," I explained, while revealing my Clarent sword.

"And what would happen if I don't tell you nothing!" the man replied.

"Let's just say that you're going to die," I answered.

"Kill me."

After the bloke gave his reply, the thief spit on my armour. Fortunately, Merleen cast a spell and blocked the saliva from touching my plates. If it were not for her magic, I would have smelled like a rotten fruit growing in a garden.

"Oh. So you've chosen death?" I had always dreamt of saying those words.

I hid my excited feet and acted as if I got pissed at what the man did to me. However, I was not even mad at the bloke. Even if that saliva hit me, I would still let him go. I did not want to risk killing someone in front of Merleen just because I got spit by a man.

It was just bad manners in front of the lady.

Merleen stepped up and extended her arms, blocking my way. She carved her face with worried eyes as soon as she witnessed my frowning mouth. I wanted to call off my acting, but Merleen amplified the fear in the guy's eyes. Well, Merleen's interruptions gave a glimmer of hope for the tied man.

"Arthur, stop!" Merleen cried. "I'll handle this! I'm a good cop, right!?"

I nodded at her and replied, "Okay, Merleen. I will give you exactly five minutes for your part. After that time, I will show up and give this piece of crap a beating."

"You couldn't even say shit, you dickhead."

Before the bandit could even continue his curse, I kicked his face and left a mark on his cheeks. The man jolted backwards from my kick, but it was not enough to knock him out. I wanted to let him sleep and wake him up using the vomitus left by Fenrir. It was too bad I didn't have to use that for a second time, or else I would have screwed that guy.

"That's my last warning, punk. Be good to her. Because if you don't, the next one's going to be your last," I said those lines like a thug, while marching backwards.

Within a few seconds, I immediately peeked through the stone while heaving out a sigh. My heart kept beating fast, like a horse racing through the garden. I did not want Merleen to be alone beside the man who had a mouth like a sailor.

I continued spying on them for five minutes. But the situation with the bandit. did not look good.


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