I Want To Live A Normal Life, But I’m An SSS-Class Hunter

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Episode 29. Kidnapping (3)

Right after blinking. 

I was on the deck of a ship running very fast on the open sea, not in the conference room where a dozen people were gathered.

Of course, alone. 

If I knew this would happen, Id be holding Dad. No, can we move together?

I didnt know.

Anyway, I was surprised.

I just tried it once and it worked.

I didnt know I could use mobile magic.

Its not that hard.

According to the information that came to mind on the monitor earlier, it was about 490km from the Department of Ability building to here.

I was worried because my body was weak, but it seemed like it wouldnt be too much to move this distance at once.

Does the distance have anything to do with it? Or is the defense working?

However, I felt slightly sick when the ship moved at high speed. 

The sound of the ships engine is annoying, but its fine. What I didnt like, though, was the smell of oil.

To be precise, it was disgusting.

Thats right. Am I seasick?

I dont remember because I was young, but according to Mom, it is. 

Did I throw up after getting on a ship and get into a lot of trouble? 

Even now, when Im grown up, Im fine in a car, but I get motion sickness when riding a bus for a long time.

I dont know if I can get on a plane properly.

I couldnt tell because Id never ridden it before.

This is not the time to think about this.

I cant be alone.

Killing them all and turning this ship to dust was a simple matter.

But still, I cant.

I need to find out who is behind the kidnapping and save the kidnapped Baek Youngsoon and her family.

First, lets go back and come back with Dad.

It was before I even finished thinking.


(Who are you!)

The words, which were supposed to be in Russian, rang loudly, and there was a sharp, harsh sound of iron.


Even if I didnt use a barrier, I, an SSS Class, wouldnt get hurt.

Still, I turned around and instinctively wrapped the barrier around my body like a cell wall.

The barrier was kept transparent, not black like last time to secure the field of vision. 

At first glance, two men dressed like fishermen aimed at me with terrifying firearms.

They looked terrified.



Others jumped out onto the deck when they heard the shouting.

I immediately cast a spell.


All five, including those who climbed onto the deck, fell asleep and collapsed on the spot.

However, it was not perfect handling.

As one person collapsed, the hand hanging the trigger seemed to be pressed on the floor.

The machine gun he was holding began to fire.

Bang, bang, bang, bang! 

Bullets flew in all directions.

Of course, they came to me too, but they all bounced off the barrier.

But there was a problem.

When bullets hit my barrier, they bounced off and hit the floor, walls, and other people who had fallen beside me!



I stopped the machine gun from shooting right away.

But a couple of them were already dead.

Still, the rest are still alive, and there were more people down there.

It was enough to dig up the background.

Others on the ship must have noticed that there was an intruder.

I couldnt go back and had to move quickly.

Where is Bbangsoons family?


The structure of the ship and the people inside began to appear in front of my eyes in 3D.

Baek Youngsoons family members were in a room just below the deck.

Theyre sleeping, and there were no injuries at all.


A sigh of relief came out.


The fast-moving ship suddenly changed direction.

I couldnt cast the spell properly and lost my balance completely.

There was nothing to hold on to around, so I fell awkwardly.


Even though I hit my head on the floor hard, it didnt hurt. 

Instead, it left a dented head mark on the floor.

This body is a weapon.

It seemed like it was because I was an SSS Class Hunter and even had a barrier around my body.

Sto, ugh!

Perhaps the purpose was to shake me off, the ship turned to the other side this time.

I flew towards it and then floated into the sky.

At this rate, Ill fall into the sea!

There was no time to shout orders.

I stopped in mid-air, using magic power with only willpower.

Then, the spell was cast correctly.


I floated in the sky and cast a spell at the ship, which seemed to be running away.


The ship stopped as it was.

It wasnt the only one.

Those on the ship must have also been forced to stop all movements except breathing.

However, the waves were so rough that the ship kept on rocking.


This time I quickly floated the boat about 10 meters above the surface and fixed it in the air.

But, it was just at that time that Cherokee moved in with Dad and the twins. 

It seemed that the destination was set at the location where the ship was floating on the sea. 

The ship was already floating in the air, so there was only seawater at that point.

The four people who moved immediately fell into the sea.

I immediately cast my spell on them.



And I added one thing.


In an instant, the four of them floated into the air, and a transparent barrier was placed over their bodies. 

Their body, soaked in seawater, was completely dry.

Dad exclaimed urgently.

Heesun-ah! Are you okay?!

(Isnt it Hishun Lee who should ask that?)

Cherokee said something.

His eyes were shining brightly.

(I cant believe I used several magic tricks on one SSS Class, one SS Class, and two A Class people on the ship at the same time! Without a spell! Without suffering at all! Its amazing! As expected! Marry me!)

I quietly cast a spell on Cherokee.

He fell straight into the sea. 


I asked, pretending like I didnt see Cherokee struggling. 

Is everyone okay?

Of course its fine. Are you hurt anywhere?

Dad had affectionate eyes.

My heart tickled. 

I didnt see that, Minister.

To a 20-year-old kid.

The twins eyes were very cold.

It was colder than the sea breeze this winter.

Kyungae didnt tell her older sisters.

Im grateful that she kept the secret well, but Im a little embarrassed now. 

Hey, thats not it.

Before I told the truth, the right side of the twins murmured something toward the ship.

Phew, thats a relief. Youngsoon and everyone are fine. But why is everyone stiff? Hunter Lee Heesun, did you use stop magic by any chance? 


All over the ship? Even to people?


The twins were momentarily at a loss for words.

Whoa, reallyWhoa. 

But are you okay? so I think itll be too much.

The left of the twins asked with a worried face.

It seemed to be Yoon Seokae, the younger sister and healer.

Its all right.

I felt good because I felt lighter after using this power.

Just in case, Boae will replace the stop magic. Please go down.


Hishun Lee! Water hates me! Help me!



(Heh, after all, my Hishun Lee!) 

I cant deport you because you helped me anyway, right?

Yeahlets go to the ship.

I put everyone on the deck.

The ship had stopped, but I remembered the seasickness I had experienced earlier.

The smell of oil worsened, and I felt like I was going to vomit.

I covered my mouth with both hands.

Yeah. It must be cruel in the eyes of our Heesun.

Dad hastily covered my eyes.

The former demon king asked.


Yeah. At the dead body, dont look. Dont even smell the blood. It will be terrible.


I saw it through satellite images earlier. Its not your fault. You were just defending yourself.

Dont feel guilty.

Heesun-ah, you got it, right? 


While Dad and I were doing this, the right of the twins put their palms on the deck and muttered something long.

Its done. Hunter Lee Heesun, you can release the stop magic. 

Thats exactly what I did.

Dad took his hand off my face, but he held my shoulder gently so I could look at the sea instead of the ship.

It was a friendly and kind attitude.

Somehow, the eyes of the two twins over there seemed to have gotten worse, no, its even worse.

Cherokee stepped forward proudly.

(Come on, lets go down!)

He kicked the door downstairs.

Simple and tactless. 

It was a light kick, but the door was completely ripped open and flew backward.

(My Hishun Lee! Lets go!) 


Heesun, here is the interpreter artifact. You can wear them like earphones.

Dad stuck close to me and didnt let me see any bodies or blood.

You dont have to.

But since I couldnt say that, I kept my mouth shut and followed Cherokee.

However, the further down the stairs, the stronger the smell of oil.


Do you feel like throwing up? Shall we go?

No. I want to check with my own eyes if Bbang, no, Baek Youngsoon are okay.

(You sleep well while snoring?)

Cherokee who had gone down first shouted at us.

I hurriedly ran.

People dressed like fishermen were frozen like statues with weapons loaded on them.


After I put them all to sleep, I went to the innermost part.

Baek Youngsoon and Baek Youngsoons parents were laid neatly in an open coffin.

With handcuffs and shackles, artifacts on both hands and ankles.


I put my hand on Baek Youngsoons forehead.

Only after seeing it with my own eyes did I realize my hands were shaking.


Ive used this magic before, but I use it again.

I couldnt stand it otherwise.

After recovering memories of my previous life at the age of 15, I was a bit mentally floating.

There was a time when I couldnt feel reality as reality while I was wandering in the past.

At that time, my mother, Silver-nims fans, and friends let me know that this world was where I lived. 

Especially Baek Youngsoon. 

Author's Thoughts

Hello everyone, I'm sorry I just found out that Baek Youngsoon is a girl (LIKE AFTER 37 CHAPTER) because the author never put a detail if Baek Youngsoon is a girl or boy, like using or other words that are supposed to give a hint if she's a girl, so I will probably edit some part later and I'm sorry for the mistake : (


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