I Want To Lay the Very Best!

255 – Kind of a Big Deal

255 – Kind of a Big Deal

They had to get Sparky's butt healed. She was so shamelessly proud about it; Calcine had done all the blushing for her. The flower-covered Comfey hadn't even seemed slightly bothered by it; she must have seen it all. The Comfey even gave Sparky a gold star sticker for doing a good job. Sparky was wearing it proudly on her forehead. So stupid.

But everyone was in a fantastic mood this morning. Their trip to the Gym was slowed down by all the people wanting to stop and get a picture with Brandy and the team, admire the Unovian Murkow, or gush over how cute Sparky and Calcine looked holding hands. Wingulls drifted down to share their spoils with Morgan. A few of Brandy's Wooloo Fanclub were so excited to see her they could barely speak, so she'd just stroked their thick white fur and told them she was lucky to have such good fans. It was brutally efficient; one hyperventilated so hard they'd had to use Morgan's wind powers to help her breathe.

It was the first time Brandy felt like she'd really made an impact on a place. After the tournament, they were all a tiny bit famous, which meant everyone wanted to share their rising star's shine. It was fun, but it did make getting anywhere a slow process. Especially when her team found a familiar face, which they could tease so much that she was literally melting.

"You squeezed Saffira in this coat yet?" Morgan said, lifting the jacket made of sand that Saffira's Sandygast was wrapped in. It dripped onto the cobblestones, the grains rolling into her feet to rejoin her body. "I bet she'd love being wrapped up. Is that how you get her?"

"I-I-I-" the Sandygast mumbled. Brandy could see her smiling at the attention, so she didn't feel the need to step in. But she clearly wasn't used to it, the words caught in her throat as her grey eyes glowed underneath her dirty blonde hair. "She-she's-she is-firm. Mmm."

"Firm?" Calcine said, trailing her fingers along the Sandygast's hair. She seemed fascinated by her, as her fingers could part right through the hair like it was water. Yet she became firm if Calcine pressed. It was strange, not quite the fluid body of a Muk or Sinistea, but with effort, it parted under Calcine's touch, except when it didn't. Calcine's stroking hand tried to make sense of it, and the Carkol's warm fingers made the sand fall off even quicker.

Sparky was providing the assist, pouring a water bottle onto the Sandygast's skin. Her body drank it greedily, helping her clump together into a better solid form. Sparky's hips wiggled as she darted around, firming Sandygast up with squirts from her water bottle, giving playful pinches to the lanky woman shape hidden in that massive jacket.

"I like the firm," the Sandygast smiled, "The firm is good."

"Brandy, lift your top," Sparky said, "Help poor ... sorry, what was your name?"


"Ohhhh, that makes sense," Sparky nodded. "Cute too! Brandy give Mumbles a show!"

"Yeah, Brandy," Morgan nodded, kissing the tips of Mumbles' fingers. "Show the lovely Ghost some firm."

"I think you're all forgetting what Saffira was like," Brandy said as she rolled the bottom of her T-shirt up. Mumble's grey eyes gleamed as Brandy exposed her tanned belly. She didn't have the incredibly defined abs Saffira did, but they were there. They'd truly pop out eventually with a bit more work or some more Calcine inheritance.

"Mmm, the firm," Mumbles said. Her hands touched Brandy's belly, and she shivered at the cold, gritty touch. It was really weird, but as Mumbles slid her fingers over Brandy's stomach, she felt the gentle scouring and relaxed. It was like a rough scrub, shocking at first, but every touch left her skin tingling happily. It was hard not to giggle, so she did. Mumble's smile grew a little bigger as she felt Brandy double over. "I like you."

"Thanks," Brandy said, tapping her chest with a fist to stop herself from tittering. It didn't help at all. "They all love it."

"It's not Saffira, but you're the runner-up so far!" Mumbles said, sounding a little more confident now. Maybe skin-to-sandy-skin contact broke the ice? Brandy had never really had to deal with shy Pokémon before, but it made sense that letting them express their desires helped drag them out of their shell. If they didn't have plans, she'd have really liked to dig into Mumbles and see what made the sand castle girl tick.

"We've seen Saffira naked," Sparky said, leaning into the Ghost Pokémon, pushing her soft breasts into the jacket, and giving Mumble's other hand something to play with. "You're incredibly lucky, do you know that? I bet she could squeeze you into a diamond with those muscles."

"Y-y-yeah! Sh-sh-she tried!" The poor Sandygast's voice seized up again and turned back to her big, dopey smile, but her hands squeezed away without issue. Was it that the more control she gave her body, the less she had for thoughts? Or was she just so horny that she couldn't think? So tantalizingly interesting. But if they let every distraction sideline them, they'd never get to the Water gym today.

"We're hitting the Gym Mumbles," Brandy said, placing her hand over Mumbles and gently peeling her off. Mumbles' fingers grabbed at the air like a limpet trying to reattach. Hopelessly cute. "Did you have a message from Saffira for us, or was this just luck?"

"Oh! Oh!" Mumbles smiled, "She did. She wants to take everyone out for a girl's night."

"All of us?" Calcine said, "That'd be a real crowd."

"Y-yeah." Mumbles nodded. "I said that, and she promised me it wouldn't be a big crowd. Lots of space to spread out."

"I'd love to spread you out," Morgan purred. She was being a menace, but a fun one. Brandy let it slide. Mumbles certainly didn't mind the attention.

"I'd be h-h-happy if you did. You all just need to say yes! A b-buh-big send-off before you move on!"

"Can I bring Maple?" Brandy said, "And Wren, I think she'd like to make some friends."

"You can bring Wren. We already invited Maple," Mumbles said with a soft sigh, "She's so dreamy. She came into our showers and we all got so wet."

"I bet," Morgan grinned.

Brandy wasn't even sure that was innuendo. She'd seen how big Mumbles could get when she let loose; what would that even look like when she was just horny? She hadn't heard from Maple this morning; maybe Mumbles and Saffira were the reason. They'd lost the tournament battle but if Brandy knew Saffira, that wouldn't have slown her down much, especially with a giant sandcastle girlfriend to unleash in the bedroom.

Such an interesting Pokémon. Brandy was really feeling the urge to get someone exotic for her fourth. She was pretty sure her team would love an oddball.

"We'll have surprise guests too! It's going to be huge, just um, wear something nice? We'll come collect you all tonight. It's all paid for."

"What if I want to go naked?" Sparky said. "What if we all want to go naked?"

"Mmm!" Mumbles nodded rapidly. "Mmm. Yes. That would work too."

"We're going to have a lot of fun," Morgan smirked, "Don't you worry, my little Sandcastle. We'll be there."

Mumbles practically melted into a puddle at that, to Morgan's delight. Calcine helped scoop her up back into shape and gave her a gentle pat on the butt to send her on her way. She walked in a zig-zag, chest panting as she clasped her hands to her heart. Practically floating off the floor with happiness at getting her task done.

"She is cute as fuck," Sparky said as they watched her go. "I never thought I'd meet some ghosts I liked."

"Me neither," Morgan nodded, "We've had a good run of adorable ghosts. I really want to see how shapable that body of hers is."

"Well, maybe tonight you will," Brandy smiled. "Are we ready for the Gym for real? I wanted to at least start before lunch."

The sun was getting pretty high, so much for their early start. They couldn't get distracted anymore. They just couldn't.

"Let's make a run for it," Sparky said. "People might let us pass if we're going fast."

"You just want to run madly through the town, don't you?" Morgan said, spreading her wings. "I'll fly. You all catch up."

She took off with a burst of air, and the three of them watched her rise above the buildings.

"Want to try to beat her there?" Calcine asked.

"Heck yeah, let's go!"


The massive water slides of Hulbury's Gym were easy to home in, but they didn't beat Morgan to the Gym that doubled as a water park. When they turned up, Morgan was already on the Gym's steps, looking very smug as she signed a woman's chest with a marker pen.

"Hope you're proud of yourself!" Brandy huffed, leaning on Calcine. "Leaving us in the dust."

"Exceedingly," Morgan smirked. "You want in on these boobs?"

"No more distractions!"

Morgan's victim looked old enough to be Brandy's mom. Her long green hair swished around her as she flicked her hands into a heart for them all, as Morgan had done a swooshy underline.

"We're in on the gym." Morgan said, "But happy to meet your boobs."

"Good luck, ladies!" she waved, "Say hi to Blahaj for me."

Brandy's brain fizzled out at the name. She couldn't possibly mean...

"Uh oh," Sparky peeked around Calcine's leg at Brandy. "Maple said this would be tough, but she didn't mention famous Shark Aces."

"Is that a problem?" Morgan asked, "You can’t handle water types?"

Brandy's hearing swam, and she lost the explanation. Words were bouncing around in her head, shaking all her thoughts.

Shark Gym Leader. Shark Ladies. Chompers. TEEF.

This was going to be the best Gym ever.


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