I Want To Lay the Very Best!

248 – Heart Flutters (18+)

248 – Heart Flutters (18+)

Morgan was weaving some spell with her fingers, her lips moving soundlessly as she stroked her nails over Brandy's skin. Brandy felt her muscles twitch under the gentle strokes, Morgan's touch leaving trails of pleasure on her skin. The soft sheets of the bed brushed against Brandy's body as Morgan's touch became more forceful, dimpling Brandy's skin and forcing her to shift to get comfortable. 

It was gentle play, but Brandy didn't believe for a moment that was all it was. Morgan's blood-red eyes were fixed on her own, and the pleasure she felt exploring Brandy's body was clearly written in her gaze. She didn't need Foul Play to share Morgan's desire to touch her; it took distraction not to grab a handful of feathers and pull her closer. 

Thankfully, Morgan was very distracting. Brandy studied the beautiful face above her, wonderfully framed by Morgan's witch hat. That wide brim was a part of her Murkrow, sharing her moods. The slightly jaunty angle showed how much fun she was having. Morgan had bared her heart tonight, and she'd left that vulnerability open and wore it proudly. 

The complete opposite of Mercury. The giant Rapidash was slowly peeling off her clothes and folding them neatly onto Brandy's coffee table, but it wasn't a strip tease. She was absorbed in the show in front of her. She pulled herself out of her white blouse with an enthusiasm usually reserved for washing the dishes or making your bed. Necessary but boring.   

Maybe she was just being nice and trying not to distract, but it was hard not to steal glances. Mercury was tall, well-built, and just effortlessly gorgeous. Her colorful hair caressed her body, highlighting her massive chest and the slight tone of her stomach muscles. She'd been keeping fit since Brandy last saw her, and it was hard not to have all the times she'd seen Mercury naked run through her head. Moments of pure terror or exhausting pleasure. 

All that from Mercury just keeping to herself. Brandy felt she'd grown stronger since they'd last fought, a lot stronger, but she hadn't really gone out of her way to learn anything about Mercury. Her impression of her hadn't changed, while the feathery vision before her couldn't be more different to Brandy's eyes.  

The bed creaked as Morgan moved closer, her legs rubbing against Brandy's, the touch sending little shivers of sensation up Brandy's spine. Morgan's hands pressed down onto Brandy's shoulders and pinned her to the covers as she let her cock rest against Brandy's thigh. The warmth and heft sent a shiver of desire running through Brandy, one she couldn't hide from a Morgan this intimately close to her. 

It got quite the smirk out of her. 

"I love you," Morgan said, this time with a heavy weight behind it. Pressing the words into Brandy's flesh, marking her with them. "And I'm going to make love to you." 

Brandy raised a hand and lifted her shoulder to try to reach out for Morgan, only for Morgan to lean on her heavier, pressing her body back down. Her short black hair brushed over Brandy's cheeks as she leaned so close the tips of their noses touched. "Listen to me. I am. Going to make love. To you." 

Every short sentence fragment was hammered down so firmly Brandy couldn't deny them. She just bit her bottom lip and nodded meekly. Morgan got a handful of her red hair and clasped it tight, forcing Brandy's gaze to match hers and not leaving her any room to shy away from it or look over to Mercury. Brandy had to confront the intensity burning in those eyes. 

"For all your faults, you've been monstrously kind to me," Morgan growled. "Dragging me out of despair, providing a warm space to feel welcome. You might slip up, but I know you care. Deeply." 

"No more than I should," Brandy said. "You deserve it."

"Hush." Morgan laid a finger over Brandy's mouth. "You are going to lie there and let me pleasure you. While your rival watches, seeing how strong you've let me become."

Morgan turned, finally acknowledging Mercury, who had settled back into an armchair, one arm lounging over the back while the other casually undid her pants belt. Morgan pointed a wing at her. 

"You could fuck anyone in this building if you tried. But here you are, watching us."

"Want to know why?" Mercury said, tilting her head proudly at Morgan's accusation, her purple horn gleaming from the moonlight filtering through the window blinds. 

"Couldn't care less," Morgan grinned. "Probably some nonsense about strength or appreciating a powerful rival. Some high-minded Psychic thing. Forget all that nonsense. Let me tell you why."

Morgan sank a hand to squeeze Brandy's breast, drawing a moan from her lips. "This. The noises she makes, the rise of her chest as her breath quickens, the shiver of her body under my hands. You're here because you want a good show, so sit back, shut up, and enjoy the best one of your life."

Mercury laughed, a genuine chuckle of amusement. She leaned forward, resting her elbow on her knee with her chin on her hand. "Go on then. Show me something new."

They weren't fighting over Brandy exactly, but it felt like it. Watching Mercury's titanic presence being smothered under Morgan's wings was fascinating. She'd found a strength that seemed unshakable, and she turned back to Brandy to apply it with enthusiasm. Morgan's fingers dug into Brandy's sides, pinning her down as Morgan's body slid over hers, her hips pressing down between her thighs. Brandy gasped as her pussy was spread open by the stroking head of Morgan's cock, feeling the heat and the thickness of it rub against the sensitive flesh. A tiny taste of what was to come, but Brandy wolfed that feeling down ravenously.  

Her body trembled under Morgan's weight, her silky feathers softening the rubbing of their bodies. Brandy didn't feel trapped. Far from it, it was an exhilarating feeling, like when they'd be soaring among the skies. She was letting Morgan take control tonight, a total surrender of her body and needs, and it felt strangely liberating. 

Morgan's mouth was right next to Brandy's ear as she worked herself up to some very gentle thrusts. Brandy was treated to deep, lust-laden whispers that sent shivers up and down her spine as Morgan began to break her in. 

"I've dreamed of this," Morgan murmured. "Getting to be greedy. Taking more than my fair share of you. Now I have you in my clutches. You're mine."

Morgan's fingers curled around her neck, and she felt the soft fingertips tickle against her pulse. It wasn't a firm grip on Brandy's throat, barely a feather touch, but the idea that she was now truly Morgan's plaything had Brandy's body tingling in anticipation. 

"Do you know how good this feels?" Morgan said, her voice a little thick from the pleasure she was getting having her cock squeezed by Brandy's pussy, "Knowing that you're not just sharing your body, you're letting me have it?"

"I trust you."

"You better," Morgan said, a hint of steel entering her tone. Her hand squeezed slightly firmer around Brandy's throat, not enough to choke, but it made Brandy's breath hotter and her throat ripple with every breath. Morgan's slow gyrations were pleasantly filling, but like any show Morgan put on, there had to be escalation. Her cock teased out Brandy's clit and then masterfully rubbed its girth along the small nub in one long stroke that summoned a long moan from Brandy like a spell. Her hips arched up to press harder against Morgan like they were pulled by invisible strings, entirely out of Brandy's control. She tried to lie there and take it, but Morgan was too good at this. Brandy couldn't help but react.  

"That's it, my love," Morgan purred. "Tell me what you like."

"That. More. That!" Brandy squealed. 

"That's it, be greedy with me," Morgan whispered, her soft words teasing Brandy's ear. "I'm going to spoil you."

Morgan's thrusts were starting to speed up, a firmness and purpose entering them, driving Brandy wild. The bed was shaking as Morgan began to fuck her, the steady, heavy thrusts rocking Brandy's body. Each time she felt her pussy had nothing left to give, that thick, warm cock sunk deeper and deeper. Morgan was coring her out, and every inch was bliss. A bliss that was shared; Brandy could feel that tickle of Mercury in her mind, not deep, the Rapidash was only lightly tasting what Brandy was feeling, using it as a mental lubricant for the rather enthusiastic handjob she was giving herself. Brandy could hear the slap of flesh, but Morgan was such a domineering force. Brandy didn't even sneak a peek. She was entirely under the Murkrow's spell. 

Morgan's weight felt wonderful on her hips when she sunk deep and ground their bodies together. Her long wings trailed over her stomach and brushed her breasts as one hand pinned Brandy's wrists to the bed so she could do nothing but happily writhe underneath Morgan. Even her legs were brought under control, the pressure of Morgan's legs on her thighs pushing Brandy's knees back into her chest and just spreading her pussy wider for her partner. It was greatly appreciated. Morgan wasn't large by Pokémon standards, but she was thick, which made her overwhelmingly present inside Brandy. Brandy was being stretched out, and the idea her body was being reshaped to better suit both their pleasure? Hot. Scorching hot.

Almost too much. There was a growing heat inside Brandy, a growl from her Steam Engine heart, and a tightness in her throat that wasn't just from Morgan's fingers. A rising whine rattled about in what little space it had as her body was pushed and pulled and fucked by a partner who had felt her body and the blood rushing through it all with Foul Play plenty of times. Morgan knew what to do, and she was being merciless now. The softness was gone; the passion was all that remained.

Brandy couldn't hold back, not from a force like Morgan, and so with total surrender, she let her cries of pleasure spill out of her without any shame. She was lost, her mind a mess, and all her thoughts were dragged into the singular focus of the pleasure stuffed so deep it felt like it was in her gut. 

She was getting pounded. This wasn't tender sex between lovers. Morgan was using her. Manipulating her body, steering her emotions, and forcing the pleasure to rise higher and higher at her will. Brandy was a warm hole for the Murkrow to use, a plaything she was sinking her talons into with barely controlled delight, and it felt good. To just relax and enjoy her partner for what she was. Horny, skilled, and fiercely determined to make Brandy absolutely cum her brains out. 

"Morgan," Brandy gasped. "You're beautiful."

"Shhh, sweetheart, you're almost there. I can feel it." Morgan's voice was thick with concentration, and her thrusts were starting to falter. Not from exhaustion, but with the rising need to find the perfect stroke, to squeeze every last drop of pleasure from Brandy. "Let go. Give me everything."

All Brandy could manage was a moan. She had nothing left to surrender. The only resistance left was out of her control; her body, with all its built-up inheritance, demanded effort to give Morgan what she wanted, and Morgan, bless her, was putting it in. 

"Fuck. Fuck, you feel so good," Morgan panted, the sweat on her brow dripping onto Brandy's cheeks. A few drops found Brandy's open mouth, and she savored the salty taste of her partner's efforts. "So fucking good." 

"Claim her." Mercury said, "No words Murkrow. Take what your heart desires."

Morgan snarled, her eyes blazing as she pressed her cheek against Brandy's, their faces rubbing together with the sweat and heat and passion, and then, just as Brandy reached her limit, Morgan kissed her. It was a deep kiss, passionate and possessive. Brandy's heart pounded in her chest as she moaned her orgasm directly into Morgan's lips, and as Morgan's feathers cradled her, she felt Foul Play kick in, and Morgan's feelings washed back.

The high of sheer power Morgan was feeling flooded into her, and Morgan's love and passion followed. She could feel the tension in Morgan's body; the sheer effort she'd put into holding back Brandy came first. Now that Morgan had, Brandy got to feel the relief of Morgan letting go. That stab of pleasure as she came. Everything that had built up in her heart and body poured into Brandy together, and they both rode that high together, their bodies twitching in unison as they were caught up in a feedback loop of pleasure.

When they finally came down, their bodies were still, and Morgan had slumped on top of her. Fingers still stroking her neck, but tenderly, just enjoying the feeling of her skin. 

"Thank you," Morgan whispered. "For trusting."

"No. Thank you." Brandy gasped, "For making me cum so hard, I've got spots dancing in front of my eyes."

"You don't have to say that. I know I'm good." Morgan said, voice dripping with smug satisfaction. Brandy could see the faint flush of red in her cheeks, Morgan protested a little much, she loved the praise.

"Oh, shut up," Brandy said, "And cuddle."

Morgan happily obliged, her wings wrapping around Brandy like a warm, silky blanket. They cozied up tight, luxuriating in the afterglow together, Morgan playfully swapping sensations back and forth until they were both so mellowed out that sleep was tempting. Tempting, but not likely. Not yet. 

"We should hear what Mercury has planned," Morgan whispered, though more than loud enough to be overheard. "Or she's going to stain the armchair over there." 

"She cums like a faucet," Brandy nodded. "Huge mess."

"Cheek. I only said you'd get rewarded if you impressed me." Mercury said, "You think that was enough to impress me?" 

"Think?" Morgan snorted. "We both know it was, but if you want to get bent over a coffee table and convinced more thoroughly, I can do that. I think Brandy would love the show." 

"It wasn't bad," Mercury said, the shuffling as she got up heard through the thick mat of feathers that was Morgan's wings. "You're clearly doing well, Brandy. She's good for you. I can excuse a Murkrow pushing her luck if it makes you better. Now hug her tight, it'll help what comes next." 

Brandy didn't need an excuse, not when it was this nice to hug her partner. She snuggled tight, her arms wrapped around Morgan's neck and her head buried into the Murkrow's soft feathers. 

She was thankful for something soft to squeeze when Mercury's psychic power played over her body and slowly locked down her limbs. Pulling tight against her skin. She didn't resist it. This was Mercury's gift. She'd made it clear, a reward, not a punishment. She'd trusted Morgan tonight. She could share a little trust for her Pokémon rival. Brandy let the energy wash over her. Then, let it soak in, filling her up. 

Morgan's eyes widened with surprise, shimmering with the pink light reflected off Brandy's skin.

"Oh." Morgan clucked her tongue. "This! This changes everything."


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