I Want To Lay the Very Best!

246 – And There You’ll Always Be

246 – And There You’ll Always Be

Piling the plushies up in the Poké-Center room they'd rented out for their stay had been a fun little stacking challenge. Her team's odd stylized forms were all very round. Eventually, they'd managed to keep them stable by wedging in the Rolycoly between the spider-like Joltik and the Murkrow's hat. 

"She'd crush us." Morgan smiled as Brandy dusted them off. "She's heavy enough as a Carkol. Her Coalossal butt would turn us into pancakes."

"Like you'd complain about that," Brandy grinned. "I see the looks you give her butt."

"That thing could end me," Morgan said wistfully as her tail wagged, "But I just wanted something to brag about. There's nothing more to them than that."

"Sure you're not falling for the team just a little?" Brandy sat on the bed, holding her hands out to Morgan. After a bit of a glare, the Murkrow settled for sitting sideways in Brandy's lap. One wing gripped around Brandy's back for support as Brandy shuffled happily to fit Morgan up against her body. "You letting them go on a date together was a lovely gesture. The kind of thoughtful thing I like to think I'd do."

"I'd never be so kind to those rascals," Morgan said with a scandalized tone. She couldn't hide the waggle of her tail, though, and her feathers ruffled slightly as she leaned into Brandy. "Just needed them out of my hair for a bit."

"Of course," Brandy teased, "You're the big bad Murkrow, and they're your rascally, adorable minions."

"That's right," Morgan replied with a huff. "I guess they're pretty good minions. Deserve their treats."

"Well, you deserve your treats, too." Brandy smiled, tucking her head under Morgan's hat. It was cozy under there; the feeling of their cheeks touching was incredibly soothing.  Morgan's eyes lit up, and her feathery tail wagged harder, tickling at Brandy's side. Brandy tried to hold in the giggles, but a few snorts and grumbles in her throat soon had Morgan grinning. 

"I'm just happy I could make things up to you," Brandy said, resting her chin on Morgan's shoulder.

"I'm still a little raw about being ignored," Morgan said, her voice quiet and gentle. "I know I'm the new team member. I can't expect you to suddenly trust me as much as Calcine or Sparky."

"Sure you can," Brandy quietly said back. They didn't need to speak softly, but it felt right and helped them avoid putting heat into their words. 

"You're part of the team. You should all get an equal share of me. I won't be perfect, and I will slip up, but you shouldn't ever feel like you deserve less. I just have to try harder." 

"I'd like to try harder with you", Morgan's voice was soft, and her tone a little nervous. She shifted on Brandy's lap, her wings tightening slightly as she snuggled closer. "I made a mess with Cassidy. If I'd just spoken up, maybe things never would have..."

Brandy usually saw Morgan as unflappable. Confident, assertive, and always eager to try her own thing, there was no question that Murkrow had been having a great time lately. It was easy to forget that her time with Cassidy had been tough. They'd loved each other, but Cassidy wanted the flock to be one unit. To spoil them all simultaneously rather than take each one on their own needs. It'd left Morgan feeling loved and left out, happy to be a part of something and miserable that it was never entirely her own thing. It wasn't a terrible way to be a Trainer, but poor Morgan had gotten trapped. Not wanting to speak up about it and cause hurt while hurting herself. Until she'd cracked under the pressure and ran away from her problems.

It suggested there was a nervousness to the Murkrow in her that she rarely showed. Was it a fear of rejection or failing to entertain? She put a lot of effort into games and challenges, trying to make things more fun. That could be how her Dark typing expressed itself. She wasn't a witch but a showwoman and wanted to dazzle everyone around her. 

There wasn't a good answer to Morgan's fears, but a comforting hug never hurt. Brandy quieted Morgan's worries with gentle contact, relaxing as they enjoyed each other's warmth and scent. Brandy's nose tucked just under the Murkrow's feathery collar, letting her breathe in her soft, dark feathers. Enjoy the smell of that strange shampoo Morgan used to keep herself glossy, wild oranges, and something flowery and sweet. It felt great to associate the scent with Morgan and wrap herself up in it. Brandy had gotten as used to it as Sparky's sharp, crisp scent that made her nose tingle or Calcine's warm, slightly spicy burn that always helped clear her head.  

"We're all getting better at this," Brandy reassured Morgan, nuzzling against her. "I can't promise I'll never fuck up again. But I promise to be better tomorrow than I am today. You can bite me if I'm not."

"You like the bites." Morgan smiled. "Not tricking me, I know a can't lose situation."

"No bites then!" Brandy laughed. "Just don't be scared to complain. I won't find it weak. I won't get upset. I'd rather know and do something than let it fester. Promise."


"Big promise." Brandy nodded. "And speaking of promises."

Morgan bit Brandy on the bottom lip, her teeth grazing gently across her flesh. Just a little nibble and a tug on it, but that was enough to make Brandy's heart thump a little quicker in anticipation. It hurt a tiny bit, Morgan wasn't using a dark move, but it was an exciting little shock of pain. 

"I did promise flying, and I want you to share the skies with me. But this lap is so comfy. And the bed is right there." Morgan whined. "We could skip it."

"Ah, I thought your flying would be a magical experience. But if you're saying it's not that big a deal, we can just have sex."

Brandy giggled when Morgan dragged Brandy off the bed and tried to put her under one arm. She didn't have the strength for it, Brandy hanging off her side and pulling her boots on the ground as Morgan tried to get her to the door. 

"We're going flying," Morgan said, a wing raised to the ceiling. "I'm giving up sex for this, so you better love it. Or else."

"Or else what?"

"Or else I'll drop you."

"Mean," Brandy grinned. "I like it when you're mean."

"You get way too much from Sparky," Morgan groaned. "Come on, you lanky brat, let me show you how I see the world."


The sea was gorgeous at night; the stars reflected off it, turning the dark, rolling waters into a glittering endless expanse. Small fires dotted the beach and had tiny figures moving around them, enjoying the late night like Brandy and Maple had. Brandy's eyes were really good; she could spy on them if she focused. She was resisting, and thankfully, her partner tonight made resisting that temptation easy. 

"You fly well with one wing," Brandy said, holding one of Morgan's wings as they glided through the sky. Morgan's grip was tight, and she was using Hurricane to form a thick wall of air below them, so even if Brandy slipped, she'd just be standing on the swirling white winds. 

"I can fly with no wings, but I need to really focus on Hurricane to do it, and it isn't comfortable." Morgan said, "It's so much easier if I have a wing to steer with."

It should have been impossibly noisy up here, but Morgan's wind control was still quite good. Not as precise as she'd been before with Gust, but still good enough she could buffer them as they flew so they weren't bothered by anything more than a light breeze. It was chilly up in the air, but Brandy had burned hot ever since she was born. She was a warm woman, and Morgan enjoyed having a heater with her while she flitted across the starry ocean. 

She was having fun making Brandy scream with some dives, which was more terrifying than any rollercoaster because there were just some feathers and air between her and a long drop into a cold ocean. Yet any time the fear crept in, Morgan tightened her grip and whispered some sweet encouragements into Brandy's ear, and it worked. She had to trust Morgan tonight, and she did, with her very life, and it was worth it. Flying was incredible. 

"Can you go low?" Brandy asked. "Can we touch the ocean?"

"For you? Absolutely."

Morgan dropped like a comet out of the sky and pulled up with her wing tip dipped into the water. An arc of spray flicked behind them as she zigzagged across a wave, and Brandy yelped. They barely cut out of it before it collapsed, Morgan spinning with her and shooting off for another. She was ready this time, even if her head was spinning, and she stretched out a hand to stroke the water. With how fast they were going, it stung her fingertips, but it also made her feel oddly powerful like she was dragging her hand through solid concrete. The angry hissing mingled with their laughter before Morgan's Hurricane cut right through a wave so they could shoot out the other side, only a light splatter of cold ocean water on their skin as Morgan raced back to the sky again. 

"Break! Need a break." Brandy gasped, "That was, that was insane."

She was panting. Although she hadn't exerted herself, her body was so flush with adrenaline that it felt like she'd run a mile at a sprint. Her heart thumped in her throat, and it only thumped harder when Morgan pressed a hand to her neck and squeezed.

"Slow breaths," Morgan said as they stopped in midair. Brandy felt the thick air beneath her boots, firm enough to stand on. As weird as it felt to just be standing in midair, Morgan's soft voice helped to calm her. "I don't want you passing out. You're getting too excited. Breathe with me. In. Out."

Morgan's firm tone bypassed Brandy's rational thought. All she could do was obey, breathing in and out in time with the Murkrow. It helped. She slowly regained her senses, the panic and fear fading away.



"Want more?"

Brandy ran her hands along Morgan's wings until she could find her hands and then squeezed them, wearing Morgan's wings like a cloak. The Murkrow's body pressed against her back, her breath hot on Brandy's neck. 

"Can we enjoy this moment? Just the two of us, the ocean below. Nothing above. Alone together."

"Absolutely," Morgan said, and Brandy could hear the smile in her voice. "I'd love nothing more."

Brandy closed her eyes, letting the sensations take over. Morgan's body was against her back, the wind rushing past her, and she felt weightlessness. The world was so small and distant right now. It was just her, Morgan, and a beautiful nighttime vista. With a breath for courage, Brandy let go of the Murkrow, her arms drifting out wide, and she could hear Morgan's breath catch, the Murkrow shifting to catch her again.

"You're pretty awesome, you know," Brandy whispered.

"Yeah. I know," Morgan said with a quiet laugh, "But it's nice to hear."

Brandy leaned her head back, the spikes of her red hair brushing over the underside of Morgan's hat brim. She opened her eyes to watch the stars with her partner. Morgan was being sweet, but they'd spent a lot of time together today. Brandy had been paying attention through all of it, and some things had to be said.

"I used to suck." Brandy said, "When I started? I was a pushover."

"Where's this coming from?" Morgan brushed her wings down Brandy's side. "I refuse to believe this. You're incredible."

"It's true." Brandy blushed. "When I started, I was kind of a pushover. I'd let people make fun of me and never put my foot down. It wasn't horrific. I still had a great time but put up with a lot I probably shouldn't have."

"Is this one of those things?" Morgan said, "We can return to our room if you want."

"No, no, this is great. I feel like we're in space, floating amongst the stars. This is everything you said it'd be and more."

"And this reminded you that you suck?" Morgan shook her head. "Make sense for me, Brandy."

Brandy held Morgan's hands, and she had to twist about in her grip so they were face to face. She danced back and forth on her feet, just a gentle side to side, but it meant they were both dancing while floating above the ocean. A gesture so romantic it was almost sickening, and all that feeling balling up in Brandy had to come out.  

"You never saw me like that," Brandy said. "Calcine never saw my fumbling first time with Sparky, and Sparky never saw my hopeless romantic life with Cherry."

"Are we ever going to meet her?"

"I hope not," Brandy blushed, "That'd be so embarrassing. But what I'm getting at is that when I met you, I was more confident than I've ever been in my life. You worry about impressing me, and you shouldn't."


Brandy silenced Morgan with a finger and spoke over her. "I'm very good at knowing what Pokémon want, and I know it's true. You know you're good, but you worry I don't see it. That I won't appreciate your talents. That you'll end up like you were before, ignored, left out. Always watching instead of taking part."

"This is very personal," Morgan huffed, "I just wanted to show you a good time."

"You can do that effortlessly, and you know it," Brandy said, twirling Morgan in the dance. The Hurricane wind whipped up around them to catch her, cutting into the sea like a drill and sending water spraying all around. Hopefully, they weren't waking up sleeping Water Types; that'd be embarrassing. "I'm telling you that I notice it and won't put up with things I don't like anymore. Calcine worries about being herself. Sparky's worried she isn't good enough. You worry that we don't appreciate you."

"I'm the new Pokémon. That's all it is."

"No, you're not," Brandy said, closing the dance into a hug and swaying their hips together. "Coalossal Calcine is newer than you. Galvantula Sparky will be newer; I feel she's close to it. Maybe we'll even get a fourth soon. We're all changing constantly. You've left new in the dust Morgan. You are part of the team, and I love you."


Brandy kissed Morgan, a quick little thing that barely pressed their lips together, but it didn't need to be long. The contact was electric enough. Morgan's cheeks were burning hot, and her bit bottom lip was all Brandy needed to see to know this was going perfectly.

"You heard. I love you."

"I'm sorry, but can we go back a bit? To where we weren't confessing our undying love?"

"Too late," Brandy said, kissing her again, "And I think only one of us has confessed."

"Fuck. You're serious, aren't you?" Morgan's voice was soft, nervous. Scared, even.

"Yes. I want to hear how you feel. If you return it or don't, I won't mind. I know you can enjoy sex and our company without it being anything more." 

"Liar," Morgan scratched her claws into Brandy's side. "If I don't say it, it'll hurt. You're soft, Brandy, despite all the muscle. You have a big, squishy heart, and none of us have hurt it yet. I could be the first."

"Do you think I've inherited Super Luck?"

Morgan quirked an eyebrow at Brandy.

"Because I'm taking the chance." Brandy smiled. "This feels right to me."

Morgan's smile was small and awkward, and she looked away. She was blushing furiously, her feathers all fluffed up. Brandy gave her time, stroking a hand along Morgan's shoulders, gently brushing the soft, fine feathers down. She wanted to keep touching them. It was so calming and sweet.

"You're a brat," Morgan said finally. "I'm scared. You're putting me on the spot."

"You'll never say it if I don't do this," Brandy said. "Tell me you need time. It'll hurt, but I will give you that time. You're worth it, Morgan; I know you are. I'm just scared that it'll never happen if you don't get a little push."

"And you want it to happen."

"With all my heart."

Morgan closed her eyes, and the Hurricane beneath them died. They dropped.


They fell a foot. Not far at all. Morgan snapped a wing around Brandy's waist and her free wing flapped to steer them as the Hurricane picked back up.

"That's for putting me on the spot!" Morgan laughed as they raced out over the waters. "This is for caring enough to do it."

She pulled Brandy into a kiss. It wasn't like their previous ones. Morgan was going in with overwhelmingly confidence and control, and she was kissing her deeply, pressing her tongue into Brandy's mouth. Not even giving her a chance to kiss back. This was pure domination in kiss form.

It was very good. Brandy could get used to this.

When it finally broke, Brandy knew what was coming. How could she not? 

"I love you," Morgan said. "Brandy Joyce, I love you, and it scares me. Please don't hurt me."

"Why would I ever do that? I love you too."

Morgan kissed her again. Once more, twice, then what felt like a hundred times. The pair of them lost in their kisses as the world around them faded away. Just the rush of wind along their skin, the warmth of their bodies shared, and a bed waiting out there somewhere for them to come home to. 


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