I, the slave boy, awaken with the most potent seed!!

Chapter 18: New location

Chapter 18: New location

The cart came to a stop at the edge of a narrow path. Matilda stepped out first, her movements graceful despite her evident distress. She turned to Zafron, her voice low but commanding. "Follow me."

Zafron scrambled out after her, the package still clutched tightly in his hands. As they started down the path, he realized why the cart could go no further. The road had given way to a rough trail, barely wide enough for two people to walk abreast.

The night air was cool and damp, filled with the chirping of crickets and the occasional hoot of a distant owl. Short, springy grass carpeted the ground on either side of the path, dotted with wildflowers that appeared as mere shadows in the moonlight.

As they walked further, Zafron noticed the silhouettes of gnarled trees looming in the distance, their branches reaching out like spectral fingers against the star-studded sky.

Matilda moved forward with purpose, her steps sure despite the uneven terrain. She remained silent, her face set in a mask of determination.

Zafron's mind raced with questions as he followed her:

'Where are we going? Why all this secrecy? What could be so important that we had to sneak out in the middle of the night?'

He opened his mouth several times to ask, but each time, the words died on his lips. The tension radiating from Matilda was palpable, and he sensed that now was not the time for questions.

As they continued their silent journey, the path began to slope gently upward. The grass grew taller here, brushing against their legs as they walked. In the distance, Zafron thought he could make out the faint outline of a structure, but in the darkness, he couldn't be sure.

As they approached, a small but well-appointed building came into view. It stood apart from other houses in the area, nestled in its own private space. Matilda strode purposefully to the door, producing a key from her pocket. With a soft click, the door swung open.

"Come in," she said, ushering Zafron inside.

Zafron stepped into the house, his eyes adjusting to the dim interior. To his surprise, Matilda held out the key to him.

"This will be your new home for now," she explained, her voice soft but firm. "Mara has already cleaned and prepared it for you."

Zafron accepted the key, his mind reeling with confusion. Matilda began to show him around the compact but comfortable space. Though significantly smaller than the mansion, it was well-furnished and cozy.

"I'll come to visit you when I can," Matilda continued. "Mara will bring you food regularly, though the kitchen is already stocked. This house is one of my properties, so you needn't worry about anything."

Zafron's brow furrowed with concern. "Madame, is there a problem? Why am I staying here?"

Matilda's expression softened slightly. "It's for your own safety, Zafron. I can't explain everything right now, but please trust me. This is temporary. You'll be back at the mansion soon enough."

Before Zafron could press further, Matilda moved towards the door. "I must go now. Remember, stay here and stay safe. I'll be in touch."

Just as Matilda was about to leave, Zafron suddenly remembered the package he had been clutching all this time.

"Oh, Madame," he called out, extending the package towards her. "The fabric from Cordelia. I almost forgot."

Matilda paused, her hand on the doorknob. She turned back, a flicker of surprise crossing her face. "You brought it with you? Why didn't you leave it in the cart?"

Zafron shifted uncomfortably. "I... I didn't realize I wouldn't be returning to the mansion with you. I'm sorry, I should have thought—"

"It's alright," Matilda interrupted, her voice softening slightly. She reached out and took the package from him. "Thank you for remembering."

She studied the package for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then, with a small nod, she turned once more to the door.

"Remember what I said, Zafron. Stay here, stay safe. I'll be in touch soon."

With those final words, she stepped out into the night, closing the door behind her. The soft click of the latch seemed to echo in the sudden silence of the house.

Zafron stood there, staring at the closed door. The absence of the package in his hands made his current situation feel even more real and perplexing. He was alone now, in this unfamiliar house, with nothing but his thoughts and a growing list of questions.

"Have I just been retired? Is the mistress tired of me in the house? I haven't been able to impress the Lord of the house, and now I'm here..."

Zafron let out a heavy sigh before continuing. "Alone in this house," he murmured to himself, "not knowing what danger lurks out there... or in here."

Taking a deep breath, he noticed the fresh, clean scent that permeated the air. "Mara's done a thorough job," he acknowledged, appreciating her efforts to make the place feel welcoming.

Zafron began to explore his new surroundings more closely. He ran his hand along the wall, feeling its smooth texture. "Nice finish," he commented, surprised by the quality of the construction.

Moving to the bathroom, he found it well-appointed and spotless. "Everything's in perfect order here too," he noted, impressed despite his confusion and anxiety.

The kitchen was next. He opened cupboards and drawers, finding them stocked with essentials. The modern appliances gleamed in the soft light.

Finally, Zafron made his way to the bedroom. The bed was immaculately made, inviting in its comfort. Unable to resist, he lay down, sinking into the softness of the mattress and pillows.

Staring up at the ceiling, Zafron let out another sigh. The events of the day swirled in his mind - Cordelia's deception, Matilda's distress, the secretive journey, and now this unexpected relocation.

"Here it goes," he said aloud to the empty room, his voice a mixture of resignation and nervous anticipation. As comfortable as the house was, he couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something much larger and potentially dangerous.


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