I Started To Gain Sentience In An Eroge

Chapter 97: Sexual innuendo

Hearing my words, Kurokawa stays silent for a while, which is normal, given that her mind is racing at full speed. While I wait patiently for a reply, she gulps down some soup before answering. I swear Laura and Rachel are giving her the deathly stares again.

"A simulation?" The bookworm repeats after an elegant sip from her small bowl.

"Yes, a simulation. I know I'm trying to get philosophical right now, maybe even a bit dumb, but what would you do if that were the case?"

"Such a thing is possible. In an infinity, anything can happen."

"That is correct!" I reply enthusiastically.

Kurokawa nods in agreement and promptly puts a piece of well-marbled beef into my bowl like a loving wife. Maybe she is just being polite. Or maybe there is no way our bookworm can deny that possibility. Oh, there is also a possibility that she wants to agree with everything I say since she has feelings for me. Then again, I do not have to worry about that so much when it comes to Kuro. She is a much more logical person than I will ever be.

On the other hand...

"Oh, darling, I can agree with you on anything, but you are not dumb." Rachel quickly intercepts. Why I did not direct my inquiry to Blondie first was precisely what she just stated. I knew she would agree with anything I said, no matter what absurdity that could have come out. Because of that, her input is compromised. "Here, have some fried oysters! I made them especially for my love! Extra juicy and plump, too!"

"Thank you."

Hold on... Oysters? Juicy and plump? And just for me?

I have a bad feeling about this!

Let me focus on Rachel's eyes for a little bit. I need to check one thing.


Ah! Okay. Heart-shaped pupils, a flush on her face, and slight panting. Got it.

"On second thought, we should share this. I can't be hoarding Rachel's divine cooking all to myself like that. It is simply unfair for everyone."

Immediately after noticing her lustful gaze, I want to divide the oysters evenly among all present. Probably saving a little for Han, too. Knowing the...explicit effects of oysters, I can not comprehend what will happen to poor C. Actually, scratch that. I can not comprehend what Rachel has in store for me! I do have a rough sketch, though... Too soon for it. We still have many more steps to go through before that happens.

Hearing my answer, Rachel licks the corner of her lips. Rather than feeling down and letting go, her flush only gets more prominent after my instantaneous rejection. "Oh, but you should, C. You definitely should. Please, hoard all of my plump oysters. Stuff them all in your mouth and savor all that delicious juice I have made for you."



Fuck no! You go! Eyes forward, dick downward, not UPWARD! I am NOT dealing with you in the middle of lunchtime like this! And in front of three girls, no less! Have some shame, little me!


Hnnnnnnngh! Calm the hell down!

"What's wrong, C?" Rachel stares me down with a succubus look. "Why are you so stiff all of a sudden? Why don't you answer me? Or maybe, you are having a hard time finding the words?"


"Say ah!" And yet, without waiting for me to do anything, Laura grabs the golden-crusted fried oyster with her chopsticks at lightning speed and brings it to my mouth. "Don't think too rigid, though. The food will get cold. Rachel has worked long to make the meal this big, so we should not waste her effort."

Oh god...not her too...When the hell did Laura and Rachel get so close?

Feeling some tingles at the back of my head, I turn toward the class rep and realize that her eyes are definitely that of a predator. At this moment, the difference between Rachel's eyes and Laura's is the color. The emotion behind those two girls is identical.

They really want to eat me up, are they not...?

There is no way for me to run from two yanderes, especially when their target is me. Therefore, I will accept my defeat. Let us hope things will not escalate too much tonight... It is still early in our relationship to be doing anything naughty. It should have a build-up first.

Chewing on the fantastic fried oyster in my mouth, I look at the bookworm, begging for help. Only Kuro can bring salvation to my desperate state at this point.

Please, Kurokawa... Please...

Kurokawa's eyes light up as she breaks the naughty veil covering our meal: "C, why did you ask about that?"

You are a saintess, Kuro!


Swallowing Rachel's incredible cooking down my throat, I grab on that precious lifeline Kurokawa tossed. If I do not do that now, there is a high chance some H scenes will start. Again, it is not like I do not want it, but there is a time and a place. Also, I must consider who will be the first to do it with. That in itself may cause a bloodbath if I am not careful.

"Oh, haha!" I laugh wryly, trying to clear the pink atmosphere lingering around us. "Just a random thought. Sometimes, I wonder if our lives are ours. If God existed, would he have written all that would happen and forced us to do his bidding? If so, do we have free will and control over our destinies? I mean...everything is predetermined by that higher being, right? What would we do if we knew that?"

While I am asking this question, my mind starts to wander. I hope by beating around the bush like this, Laura, Rachel, and Kurokawa will question their reality more than before. This is the best of my limited ability to make them see the truth but not say anything about the game we all live in. I am unsure how far this will take us, but one can only do so much without breaking the world.

"To me, I would feel nothing more than a slave." Placing her bowl with a loud clang, Rachel turns her eyes over my side. There is none of her usual sensual gaze in those aquamarine gems. Instead, a dreadful feeling beams from her pupils, twisting and swirling like a vortex of doom. "In that world, I would be a toy designed to fulfill someone else's wish. No more, no less. An object, a tool, a thing with a soul but without purpose. A slave destined to do whatever their master wished. To me, free will would be nothing more than a curse."

The look of those eyes could kill. In fact, even when I have seen crazy Rachel many times before, to feel this much second-hand murderous intent is still pretty rare. It is filled with utmost hatred. Pure, undiluted grief and a passion for revenge. If I was to tell her who put her in such a state and their location, I have no doubt a massacre would commence immediately.

It seems Rachel has put some thought into this. Sadly, looking at her reaction, I do not know how to make it easier for Blondie to accept my truth. She will not harm me. That much is certain. But it will most likely hurt her a lot.

Actually, it will hurt everyone a lot.

"Sigh..." I unintentionally let out a long breath.

"Hmm..." Laura makes an expression of deep contemplation. "In my opinion, if everything was already planned, I would have no will to live. So I will have to agree with Rachel. Living in such a world, I would want my consciousness locked away since my life would be pointless. I cannot imagine myself living under such circumstances."

Laura answers without hesitation, almost as if reading from a script. Her amber eyes stare straight at the blue sky above her. "It is miserable, for sure."

"Anyone would reach out to find a kindred soul in that lonely world, C," Kurokawa softly calls my name. "Is it okay for me to ask for one thing in that hypothetical situation?"

"Please do."

"I believe with all my heart that even when we were forced to live in such a world, we would still find our way back to you. I would wish for you to remember that. We are not alone. You are not alone, C. Not anymore."

I feel a bit wet on both cheeks.

When they start looking and noticing the discrepancy between Han and me or the distinctive features of the shadow people, the girls will definitely question it. While their implanted common sense was twisted, it will be difficult for any girl here to accept the truth. Undoubtedly, that moment will be a mind-breaking one, capable of rendering one's self to uselessness. They will maybe question my existence, too. But I will tell them the truth to calm them down.

On their way toward epiphany, I will be there to lead them. I know how painful it is to not have a companion on this lonely journey.

At least, that is my goal for now.

"I will remember that, Kuro."


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