I Shall Devour Everything

Chapter 14: You Are Special

Chapter 14: You Are Special

He closed his eyes and focused on the cube in his hand. The Purification Cube was special since it was concentrated with Pranic energy and had a particular function to help one remove the impurities from their bodies easier.

All Arion had to do was connect with the Pranic energy in the cube and make it resonate with the Pranic energy in his body.

As soon as he did that, Arion felt a pulling force from the cube that seemed to draw something out from his body.

His blood flow increased, and his heart began to pump at a rapid rate. The minute pranic energy in his body flowed through his whole body like a stream and moved towards a common spothis palms.

Soon he felt as if his entire body was becoming lighter, and the pores of his skin were expanding. He was starting to feel rejuvenated, as if he was being bathed with holy water.

The sensation was highly soothing since he felt as if his whole body was being purified.

He felt a relaxing sensation on his skin, muscles, nerves, and bones. He even felt his blood being purified of all toxins and impurities, making him feel revitalized and refreshed.

Even though he was just a kid, he felt as if he was becoming younger. He thought that it was the feeling due to the cleansing that was happening in his body.

His mind and senses were completely focused on this cleansing process and didn't feel like stopping since he liked how comfortable this was. Even a full body massage or going to a spa wouldn't come close to this feeling.

After basking himself in that comfortable feeling within his body, he suddenly felt the disappearance of the pulling force.

"Huh, what happened" He groggily opened his eyes and almost popped out his eyeballs when he saw how dark it was outside the window.

But the most beautiful thing in the night sky he saw was a big pale-colored moon with beautiful glowing white stripes running along its surface.

'Wow...I can't believe that is a moon. It must be very close to this planet for it to appear this big,' Arion found the sight mesmerizing and made him realize again that he indeed was in a fantasy-like world.

He also remembered the weird superimposed sun. It was as if two suns joined together at its edges to form a dumbbell-shaped star. He wondered if it was a binary star system.

But they were very bright and seemed a beautiful sight as he saw from his memories. Arion wondered what the people in his previous life would think if they knew that life existed outside Earth and that they were not alone.

'Thankfully, people here look like humans. Otherwise, who knows how I might have looked. Oh damn, I forgot,' Arion realized that he got distracted by the night sky and looked at his palm to check how much progress he made.

"What the" Arion had his eyes widened as he stared at the black cube on his palm. He also noticed how his complexion and skin looked better than before.

"You are indeed a hidden genius," A beautiful voice came from behind.

"Sister Mei, I did it! It became completely black. But how is this possible? Wait, how many days have passed? Was I out for more than a day?" Arion was confused since he clearly knew that he lost track of time considering how it was sunny before he closed his eyes.

Now seeing that it was night, he wondered if he was cleansing his body for more than a day. But still, he felt confused since he wasn't feeling hungry or weakened.

Since the Purification Cube became completely black, it meant that his body had been completely purified, and all impurities in his body had been gotten rid of.

If he only partially did it, then only a small part of the originally white Purification Cube would become black.

In fact, he felt as strong as a horse with energy he never felt in his body before.

Mei came inside and said with a proud smile, "Not even one day."

Arion's mouth fell as he knew that the Purification Cube was not that magical since even with its help, one would at least take a few days to finish the whole process.

He then asked in a thoughtful tone, "Was it because I am"

"Gifted," Mei interjected and continued with a gaze of adoration, "You are special, Arion. I have always told you that, and that one day, you would come out of your cocoon. The day I first met you at the orphanage, I knew you were meant for more.

"This is your time to finally spread your wings. I had always wondered why you couldn't connect with Prana before. But thinking about it now, I guess there might have been other factors in your body that might have delayed it. Are you happy now?"

Arion felt his heart racing with excitement as he felt that he could finally take control of his life and that this was his second chance. He still remembered the anger, resentment, and shame he had to undergo in his previous life due to him living like an outcast and fugitive.

But now, after coming upon a cunning and mysterious old man, he somehow ended up here with a different life and body.

Despite having a disabled body, he now had the means to turn around his life and get back what he lost and more.

Not only that, he had this beautiful woman standing before him in his life who made many untold sacrifices for a disabled person like him. Although in his perspective, he hadn't known her for more than a day, he felt as if he had spent more than a decade with her.

He knew he was probably getting influenced by his previous self's emotions and memories. However, still, he could understand and relate to those feelings as if they were his own.

He answered Mei's question with a bright smile, "Yes, but all this wouldn't have been possible without you. I wouldn't even be here if it were not for you. And I..."

Mei leaned in closer towards his face while gripping the hand bars of his wheelchair, "You what?"

Since she was wearing a one-piece nightie, he could clearly see the deep white ravine and almost the prominent twin peaks on either side of it, making him gulp. He believed that he hadn't seen a woman with such large snow mounds.

And seeing her breathtaking beauty up close made his heart race. He felt as if she was even more beautiful up close than he thought.

"I want you to continue to stay with me always," Arion said with a straight gaze, regaining some of his guts of his original self. If he always became shy before her, even he would be ashamed of himself.

Wouldn't all his experience of courting girls and dating them all go to waste?

He actually wanted to say something else but decided to save it for later after he proved himself.

Mei chuckled, "Where else could I go? Don't worry. No matter what, I will stay beside you always. Now give me a quick kiss before we eat," Mei said as she pointed at her cheek.

Arion cupped her cheeks, making her a bit startled, and gave a soft kiss on her cheek.

A surprised light shone in her eyes, but she quickly hid it while her cheeks had a slight reddish hue.

She stood back straight and maintained her gaze with his, "Something about you feels different, indeed. Before, you would blush like a rose everytime I asked for a kiss, but now.hmmm, you are really a grown-up now. How times have passed" She said with a nostalgic gaze.

Arion felt a bit worried before wondering if she would feel it strange because of his reincarnated self. Even he had no idea if the previous self was really him or someone else.

Still, seeing that she didn't feel bothered about it, he let out a sigh of relief inwardly and said, "Sister Mei doesn't like the present me?"

Mei stroked his chin and said, "I will always love you no matter how you change. Your present, past, and future are all the same for me."

Arion felt his soul stirred and wondered what karma he had accumulated to have someone like her in his life.

She then looked outside the window and continued, "Oh, it's already too late. Come, let's eat. I did not disturb you before since you were making good progress."

Arion's brows wrinkled, "But I don't feel hungry. You can eat, and I will wait."

Mei adamantly shook her head as she pulled Arion along towards the door and said, "You are not feeling hungry because of the lingering pranic energy from the cube inside your body. Your body still needs its daily nourishments and no excuses."

Arion sighed, hearing her adamant words, and could only helplessly sit back as he got dragged towards the dining table.DiiScôver 𝒏𝒆w stori𝒆s on no/𝒗/e()/lbin(.)c/o/m


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