I Reject Quests

Chapter 254: Branch Director (8)

Chapter 254: Branch Director (8)

"Of course, witnesses' statements would first have to be verified and then, if the statement were found to have some truth, the witness would be considered honest. Explaining this just because I see some faces asking 'Do witnesses' statements are immediately considered truth?' Back to the point, I was talking about, yes, only honest witnesses and security cameras could be used as a source of evidence.

"Since I said 'only', surely that means that there are other methods of obtaining evidence, right? The answer to that is yes but also no. What do you mean? Let's understand. I talked about the Privacy Clauses (III) a few seconds ago. Does anybody have any idea of what it means?"

The Branch Director paused, then looked from left to right of the training ground.

After waiting for a few seconds, he didn't see anyone volunteering to answer.

"In the simplest of terms, it states that the privacy of every citizen of the country must be protected. In this context, the word 'protected' simply means without special permission, your life can't be under surveillance. That's not to say that security or surveillance cameras couldn't film or record you. When you move outside your residence, you willingly come under direct surveillance.

"If you go to places where there aren't any security cameras and you are in a private domain, for example your residence, and someone tried to go through your private life, then the person is legally accountable. Now, of course, the biggest question that should be on everyone's minds is 'If there are no cameras, how could I be under surveillance?' Here, my friend, you are blatantly showing your naivety.

"Did you really believe in the myth of privacy? Sorry, that doesn't exist. At most, your private life is being protected. During the last year of the short-lived Adept Era, one of the most technologically advanced research stations located in the Purple Continent made a revolutionary discovery.

"A group of scientists discovered some interesting characteristics of the atmosphere. The atmosphere had a compressing feature limited to only a few compounds. Understand this. You have air all around you. You were taught that air is nothing but a combination of a few gases. However, what if I were to tell you that it's not completely true and that there is something other than that present?

"By now, most of you look like you have already guessed. Yes, there are microscopic cameras carried by air."

As soon as he said that, the Branch Director could almost feel the temperature of the entire training ground go down. Aside from the staff, educators, instructors, some others, everyone swallowed a mouthful of air.

The Branch Director slightly smiled when he saw the reaction. "Is it hard to believe? Of course, it is. I freaked out immediately when I found this out. The discovery is, to this day, one of the biggest achievements of science and technology. The materials used for the production of microscopic cameras were released to the whole world.

"The government, both the Central as well as the Provincial, have access to the activities you do in your everyday lives. If it wasn't for the Privacy Clauses (III), we would be living in paranoia. This is the importance of Privacy Clauses (III). However, that's not to say that the Privacy Clauses (III) aren't violated at all. They are. In fact, during the course of history in the Eastern Dream Kingdom, the Privacy Clauses (III) have been violated a total of 1,511 times till now and they would continue to be violated.

"Only when the national interests of the country are threatened could the Privacy Clauses (III) be violated. For the violation, the Chancellor, as well as the BOCO (Board of Collective Officials), have to give permission. Just from this, we could see that violating the Privacy Clauses (III) isn't a simple task. By violating, I mean 'violating legally'.

"I'm sure everyone has an idea why I've brought this up? Yes, the Privacy Clauses (III) have been violated for the detailed and thorough investigation of the events that led to the death of Rewen Klofar. His every move was recorded and examined. Yet, there are still a lot of questions and mysteries surrounding him. Due to this, the investigation is still going on. If I have to guess, the investigators are probably going back in time to find something unusual about him and answer the unanswered questions."

The moment the Branch Director paused; discussions erupted once again.

"This I didn't sign up to know this. Now I'll never feel at peace whenever I engage in private activities."

"That is your main concern!?"

"Yeah well I don't really have anything to hide. I'm not a member of some secret organization."

"That's also a valid point but I feel that we should take this more seriously, right?"

"Indeed! Our rights are being violated. How can you just let it rest?"

"B-but the Privacy Clauses (III)"

"That is also true. We still have our privacy. Only in certain cases, does privacy become a myth. And even in those cases, we need not worry about our private lives being seen because we probably won't be related."

"Look at these idiots. Do you really believe that the government is law-abiding? Have you seen our corruption ranking? Forget about the kingdoms in other parts of the world. Just in our own Earth Empire, we rank second highest. At this point, how can you trust the government?"

"The best lesson we can learn from this is to not provoke the government officials or their relatives. Who knows if they'll find a way to blackmail us?"

Below the stage.

Assistant Instructor Xovin couldn't help but laugh when he heard the discussions around him. "Haha! This brings back memories. I had the same reaction as them when I found out about this. Most of them think that our constitution and laws are weak and feeble."

"Instructor Xovin, you shouldn't blame them. It's not their fault that they didn't learn about how the government functions in their high school or middle school. It's the system that's at fault." Assistant Instructor Wylla showed a bitter smile.

"Ignorance is bliss, Wylla. It's better that they didn't learn it till now. If every random person starts to learn about the government, it's only wonder how many strikes and riots would take place. At that time, do you think that the government would give concessions? No. They would open fire, as it's stated in the constitution." From the side, Instructor Venitt remarked.

Assistant Instructor Wylla went quiet for a while before opening her mouth again. "I understand that it would cause more harm than good but if that's the case, why don't people like us do something about it? I'm sure our words have way more influence than ordinary people. Isn't that so?"

Before Instructor Venitt could answer, Assistant Instructor Xovin said with a smile. "You are still too green, Wylla. Do you think you are the first person to have this idea? Let me ask you who do we work for?"

"Of course, we work for the government."

Assistant Instructor Xovin nodded his head. "Yes. Do you know how much influence we have on the government? Forget about the Central. Just in Provincial Government alone, how much influence do you think we, instructors, have?"

Assistant Instructor Wylla put her hand on her chin. "Maybe equal to a few District Experts?"

"Incorrect." Assistant Instructor Xovin seemed to have seen this answer coming. "I can understand the way you are thinking. You probably think that if every instructor present in the Nat Province were to face off with the District Experts, we would easily be able to overpower them. Since our collective strength is way greater than the District Experts, our influence shouldn't be too much lower. Right?"

Assistant Instructor Wylla nodded. She had a similar train of thought. "Where did I go wrong, Instructor Xovin?"

Assistant Instructor Xovin patiently explained.

"Let's discuss the 'collective strength' that you optimistically thought of. How many associations of instructors are there in Nat Province? One. If I were to take a step back, it wouldn't be completely wrong for me to state that we don't really have an association since the only association we have is a branched section of Mage Institutions Association. In short, we don't have a functioning unity.

"Now, influence is not related to strength. Strength could give you influence but having influence doesn't necessarily mean you need to have strength. Influence is political. Say, how many instructors in the entire Nat Province have a good background. 'Good background' is kind of vague so let's say how many instructors in the entire Nat Province have relations with B-level politicians?"

Assistant Instructor Wylla took out her smartphone but before she could start searching, Assistant Instructor Xovin spoke out.

"You don't need to search. There are exactly zero instructors who have direct or indirect relations with a B-level politician. Why do you think that's the case?" He asked.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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