I Reject Quests

Chapter 124: Back To Earth

Chapter 124: Back To Earth

Travil Town.

Klofar Residence.

After getting back, Rewen laid on the bed and wondered about the events from that world. There was a feeling of deep-rooted guilt inside of him. It's that he didn't know that what he did couldn't be considered evil or anything but after reading the original story where Arai Atsushi successfully managed to save Ryu affected him somehow. 

'I'm not getting anywhere thinking of this.' He sighed.


His smartphone rang.

It was close to him so he didn't get up. "Who is it?"

"Rewen, I presume?"

Rewen recognized the voice. It was the voice of the cop with whom he was familiar.

"Yes. Is anything the matter?" Rewen got up from the bed with a frown. He was uncomfortable holding conversations over the phone while lying on the bed.

"Ah, come to the hospital. Everything's ready." 

"Oh, thanks for calling. I'm coming. Is it urgent?" Rewen remembered that he had suggested that he would bury Banci in case he had no relatives.

"No, it's fine. Take your time."

Rewen hung up the phone and then dialed another number.

"Should I come now?" A female voice sounded from the other side.

"Can you come in your car? I told the cop that came the other day that I would bury the person I killed."

The other side was silent for a while. "Where is the hospital?"

"It's a couple of miles away from here. Near the Sanchos Hotel or something. Do you want to come?"

"I'll come."

Rewen hung up the phone and changed his clothes.

He changed to a black suit. Looking in the mirror, he really wondered if he is a 'C' or not. With his hair properly trimmed up compared with his tall and tight physique, he felt that he deserves some recognition. 'System, why don't you grade me on the basis of 1-10?"

[6.5 out of 10.]

'Really now. That sounds about 'C'. Maybe it's because I was Arai Atsushi for a long time that I suddenly feel that I'm better looking.' Laughing to himself, he got out of the room.

Living room. 

Denny who was, as usual, watching television saw a figure approaching. "Rewen? Why are you in that suit?"

"I'm well, going to bury the person I killed." Rewen wasn't best at phrasing something.

"Wait, what?" Denny took a little time to process but she understood what he was saying. "You are just eighteen and you already killed a person"

Rewen took a seat beside her and sighed. "I was forced by circumstances no, I wasn't. I just thought it was necessary. Besides, I'm sure there are people who are much worse than me at the age of eighteen."

"I called my mother," Denny said something completely random.

"How is she?" Rewen had seen his Aunt a couple of times. She was a little less strict than his parents and her temperament was kind and gentle. He was quite fond of her when he was a kid.

"She is good. I talked with her for a long time. Initially, I was very scared of the thing inside me but after talking with her and crying a lot, I felt better. Now, I'm scared by the fact that I'm not feeling scared of something I should be scared of." Denny's complexion was neutral.

Rewen understood what she was talking about. "That's how fickle emotions are. One moment, you are scared that you might die very soon. The next, you are optimistic and looking forward to the future. Emotions are simply what you want them to be. There's no correct emotion that you should feel while experiencing something. For example, you see your grandfather dying and feel sad and confused but at the same time, you also feel that the posture in which your grandfather died is very weird and you laugh out. What do you make of it?"

"I shouldn't have done that?"

"Yes, of course. You shouldn't have tried to focus on the posture in the first place and try to think about the good memories you had spent with your grandfather."

"But isn't that superficial and forceful?"

"I said it. Emotions are simply what you want them to be. If you want to be sad, you would be sad. If you want to make something funny out of it, you would find it funny. However, even with all these complex systems regarding how your brain works, you should rely on the rationale and not emotions. If your rationale is good, your emotion will correspond to that and make you feel the best-suited emotion possible in that situation."

"Rationale, huh. If I think about it, whether I live or die all depends on you. Therefore, you tell me. Am I right to feel optimistic?" Denny looked straight at Rewen's eyes.

"You couldn't be more correct." 

"With that being said, I never realized you were so philosophical."



Rewen was about to respond when the doorbell rang.

'She should have arrived' Rewen got up and turned to Denny. "See you later."


While driving his way to the hospital, he took a quick glance at the person sitting beside him. 

"What's wrong? You don't look very bad."

With her dull look, Svety's face was enough to say the words - 'I just woke up'.

"It's because a certain person disturbed my hard-to-obtain peace."

"I didn't know you were sleeping. Do you like to sleep?" Rewen decided that it was better to change the topic.

Svety rubbed her half-closed eyes and grumbled. "I have been sleep-deprived for the past few days for a certain reason."

"I see." 


A certain hospital.

A nurse stood in front of two young people. "Are you Mr. Klofar?"

"I am. Where is the corpse? Where can I bury him?" Rewen, who isn't the best in phrasing questions, asked.

Svety covered her face and felt embarrassed for him.

The nurse's face twitched. "Please come with me."

Half-an-hour later.

"There we go, all done." Looking at the grave, he smiled in satisfaction.

"Rewen I-I don't want to die." Svety's voice sounded behind him. She had also figured out that perhaps the entire city might not be in danger. Only she herself is.

Rewen sat on the bench nearby. "Neither do I. I can only do my best." Then, he laughed. "Instead of bitching about it, why don't you do something useful?"

"..." She felt a stab of pain in her heart because of the words.

"I know right. That's why don't bring it up. It's already very annoying to babysit an adult like you. On top of that, you have the audacity to complain?"

"I'm not complaining. Besides, if it wasn't for you" Svety didn't complete it.

As if it had struck a nerve, Rewen got up from the bench and walked towards her. With dark eyes, he asked. "Did you say something?"

Svety gulped a mouthful of words and looked at the man in front of her shivering. All of a sudden, she felt that the man she was familiar with was very unfamiliar. A second later, she was pushed to the ground. Just as she was about to yell, Rewen came to her and helped her get up with a calm expression.

"I'm sorry." For the first time, Rewen considered the system's earlier words.


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