I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 213: Semis Regulus

Chapter 213: Semis Regulus

“Theresa, show me all of the possible evolution choices I have for the next grade,” Aurus commanded Theresa not long after telling it that it was time for him to now evolve to X-grade Inanimate. In response to Aurus’s words, Theresa lightly smiled as it responded, “As you wish, Master! Would you like to show me all of the information regarding your choices, or would you like to have the freedom to choose whether or not to show them?”

“The latter, Theresa,” Aurus responded to its words before adding, “Just give me a list of my choices for now.”

“Understood, Master!” Theresa replied to Aurus before gesturing with its hands, a screen with exquisite borders appearing in front of Aurus’s field of vision not long after. At the very instant the screen had finished manifesting, Theresa then said, “In evolving to the next grade, you have 6 paths to choose from, Master! I’ve arranged the evolutions from the least powerful to the most powerful. Of course, it’s still up to you Master if you choose a different evolution.”



Please choose the species that [Aurus — Tempest Walnut Spiritas Flux (Rare)] would evolve into:

[Zephyr Spiritas Flux (Rare++)]

[Zephyr Spiritas Flux — Primus Energistas (Epic)]

[Zephyr Spiritas Flux — Sophos (Epic)]

[Zephyr Spiritas Flux — Excindor (Epic)]

[Zephyr Spiritas Flux — Armum Fabrica (Epic)]

[Zephyr Spiritas Flux — Semis Regulus (Epic+)]


“By the looks of it, the choices I have are more or less [Zephyr Spiritas Flux] and its variants,” Aurus could not help but say as he looked at his choices. A few seconds later, he then commanded Theresa, “Bring up the descriptions and skills for [Zephyr Spiritas Flux].”

At the very instant Aurus was finished telling Theresa what to do, Theresa snapped its fingers, a screen slightly bigger than the one with the evolution choices appearing soon after. Aurus then shifted his sense of vision towards this newly opened screen, skimming through it before saying, “So this would be the natural progression of my current species. I see.”



[Zephyr Spiritas Flux (Rare++)]

Shedding its previous connections to the Walnut line of descent, it has truly created its own path, becoming a true Spiritas. Due to it shedding its previous connections, it now has a greater sensitivity towards the Flux binding its body’s Animas together, allowing it to command greater power than ever before. Accompanied by its newly heightened affinity towards the element of Wind, a Spiritas of this caliber would be the commander of an army of Spiritii.

> [Nine Flux Transformation] shall be upgraded to [Ninety Nine Flux Transformation], allowing the user to temper the power of their Flux even further

> The active Class skill [Flux Transcendence] shall be obtained, allowing the user to combine their Flux and Anima as one, allowing the user to transcend their current existence level for a short time

> The active Class skill [Flux Servant] shall be obtained, allowing the user to create a servant out of Flux, or use their Flux to control another being for a short amount of time

> The active Class skill [Flux Vessel] shall be obtained, allowing the user to store their Flux outside their body

> The passive Class skill [Flux Conjecture: Miniature World] shall be obtained, allowing the user to obtain greater power from each point of Flux used

> The passive Class skill [Zephyr Spiritas Flux Seed] shall be obtained, allowing the user to increase their HP and FP based on their other stats


“Hmm…” As Aurus continued to read through the skills and description of this first evolution path he had a few more times, he could not help but conclude that the reason why this evolution path had been deemed the weakest was due to it being the natural progression path of a Spiritas Flux. Of course, for other Inanimates, this evolution path might be the strongest for them since it warrants such a title anyway.

“The amount of skills I would get from this evolution path is quite little, but what it offers would definitely boost the skills I’ve obtained from my previous evolution,” Aurus muttered as he continued to read the wall of text, his sense of vision focusing on a specific line of text. Reading this line, he asked himself, “Are there civilizations where only Spiritii exist?”

“If so, where are they?” Aurus followed up his first question with this one, truly wondering where they were since from the description of the evolution, there was a chance that those civilizations existed. But by the looks of it, to him, it seemed that he was the only Spiritas in this world. In the end, he thought that he should go find one once he becomes an Animate since that would allow him to traverse the other continents of Erudinia.

According to his memories back then of ISE, Erudinia had 5 continents, with the continent he was in being the lower rightmost continent in the world. Since it was in the lower rightmost part of the world, it was also the weakest continent in the world, with the other continents beside it wanting to capture its territory and make it their own. Although Aurus knew that one of the two continents eventually captured the continent he was in as their own, he was not sure if the same happened in this world since that was a game and this was a real world.

“I wonder if this continent is still called Arveridia,” Aurus muttered to himself before commanding Theresa to close the screen. With a general idea of how strong his weakest evolution path was, Aurus knew for a fact that he was going to choose the final path on his list of choices. From the rarity of the species alone, which was Epic+, it was already a given.

Nonetheless, he was quite curious as to what descriptions the other classes would have, wondering if they also had brief statements regarding Spiritas civilizations. With that in mind, Aurus focused his sense of vision towards Theresa before commanding it, “Theresa, bring up the descriptions of the next four evolution paths. Save the strongest evolution path for later.”

“As you wish, Master,” Theresa soon replied to Aurus’s words before going ahead and snapping its fingers one more time. This time, four screens that surrounded the one with Aurus’s evolution paths appeared in front of his field of vision. Fortunately, the arrangement of these screens was in the order of least powerful to most powerful, just like the choices he had. After reading through all of them, Aurus had a greater idea of what seemed to be the high-ranking beings of Spiritas civilizations.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!


[Zephyr Spiritas Flux — Primus Energistas (Epic)]

Shedding its previous connections to the Walnut line of descent, it has truly created its own path, becoming a true Spiritas. Due to it shedding its previous connections, it now has a greater sensitivity towards the Flux binding its body’s Animas together, allowing it to command greater power than ever before. Being well-versed in the world of magic arts, it has the ambitions of reaching a greater level of magic, thinking that its rank of High Energistas was not enough.

Fortunately, it has succeeded, reaching a new rank of Spiritas mages, Primus Energistas. A Spiritas with this class can dish multiple low-leveled spells at once, cast high-leveled spells with ease, and even cast ultimate-level spells alone. Many opposing Spiritii nations consider a Primus Energistas Spiritas a bane to their armies since they could not only cast great magic themselves, but also have great close combat abilities as well.


[Zephyr Spiritas Flux — Sophos (Epic)]

Shedding its previous connections to the Walnut line of descent, it has truly created its own path, becoming a true Spiritas. Due to it shedding its previous connections, it now has a greater sensitivity towards the Flux binding its body’s Animas together, allowing it to command greater power than ever before. Being well-versed in the world of magic arts, it has the ambitions of reaching a higher level of magic, not for the sake of destruction and honor, but for the sake of helping the Spiritas civilization they reside in.

Fortunately, it has succeeded, attaining enlightenment in the world of magic while awakening all of the latent potentials in its mind. Multiple Spiritii call this class the class that comes after Benevolair, but even though this class does care for its kin, it can still cast high-leveled spells without a problem, giving their armies strong buffs with an incredibly large range while being healers.

Normally, Spiritii with this class are known to be well-versed in divination, allowing their civilizations to know what happens to their futures. Not only that, due to them awakening their minds, they are also great mentors and teachers to those Spiritii wanting to learn the magic arts. In wartime, they’re known to be the greatest strategists and enhancers that could turn the tides to their favor.


[Zephyr Spiritas Flux — Excindor (Epic)]

Shedding its previous connections to the Walnut line of descent, it has truly created its own path, becoming a true Spiritas. Due to it shedding its previous connections, it now has a greater sensitivity towards the Flux binding its body’s Animas together, allowing it to command greater power than ever before. Being well-versed in the world of magic arts and close combat, it has the ambitions of reaching a higher level of power, its yearning for destruction incredibly pure.

Fortunately, it has succeeded, becoming the class that comes after Khyraox, the Excindor. Unlike the Khyraox, the Excindor revert to their calm and composed mindsets, only bringing out their crazed mindsets when left with no choice. Spiritii with this class are known as the greatest warriors of their nation’s armies, even being called as one-man armies due to their prowess over wide-range spells and debuffs. It has been said that a Spiritas taking on this path would become an Asura in its Animate form.


[Zephyr Spiritas Flux — Armum Fabrica (Epic)]

Shedding its previous connections to the Walnut line of descent, it has truly created its own path, becoming a true Spiritas. Due to it shedding its previous connections, it now has a greater sensitivity towards the Flux binding its body’s Animas together, allowing it to command greater power than ever before. Unlike the other classes, it has found great joy in crafting equipment for its brethren. Wanting to see its equipment become keepsakes for great Spiritas clans, it has the ambitions of reaching a higher level of craft, yearning for greater understanding of the materials and the equipment the Spiritas uses and crafts.

Fortunately, it has succeeded, becoming a distinguished Spiritas with a class known as Armum Fabrica. Armum Fabrica Spiritii are incredibly rare in Spiritas nations since most nations focus on the power of their individuals, not thinking that equipment would increase this power as well. Any normal equipment created by an Armum Fabrica would allow a normal Spiritas to fight against 5 at once, easily increasing a nation’s power by fivefold. It can also craft Armaments, incredibly powerful weapons that would easily destroy a nation.

Most Armum Fabrica are treated with high respect, even by the Spiritas nobles since their weapons end up becoming keepsakes of their clans.


“Who knew a Spiritas civilization was more or less similar to human civilizations,” Aurus could not help but mutter in wonder, remembering the evolution paths he had back then before evolving to S-grade Inanimate. Since they were also Spiritas class, they would’ve been parts of the Spiritas civilization as well. After pondering over it for some time, he got to the possible conclusion that the intelligence of the system was probably not enough to know of Spiritas civilizations, omitting its information.

Just as he was about to ask Theresa to bring up the information of the last evolution path, he remembered that Argentum was still out on an adventure. If Argentum came back with him still in the process of evolving, he thought that Argentum would probably be worried sick as to what was happening to him.

And so, with that in mind, he went ahead and contacted Argentum with [Mental Communication], getting straight to the point.

“Hey, Argentum. I’m about to evolve,” Aurus said through the connection that was made between the two of them. He soon added, “While I’m evolving, I’ll be unconscious so you’ll be on your own.”

In response to this, Argentum asked him, “How long will the evolution process take? I’ve checked through our memories and know that it’s long. But will it be longer than the time I’m outside Tempest Cliff?”

“This time around, most likely,” Aurus responded with slight uncertainty. He then added, “If you come back to Tempest Cliff early, I’ll be at the Tower of Seclusion. I guess you could just call Herellia to let you inside the alliance.”

“Got it,” Argentum replied before letting out a light chuckle. “I guess the gap in our strength will grow bigger after your evolution.”

“Seems so.” Aurus chuckled as well. “But that wouldn’t discourage you, right?”

“Not in the slightest,” Argentum replied. “Go and evolve. I’m still heading to Verdant Breeze Town.”

“Alright then,” Aurus said in response to Argentum’s words. “Stay safe.”


After that, the connection between the two had been cut, leaving Aurus alone again as he took in a few deep breaths. After that, radiating immense curiosity and expectation, he commanded Theresa, “Bring me the skills and description for the last evolution path. Also, I choose this last evolution path as the species I’m going to evolve into.”

“But don’t confirm it yet,” Aurus soon added, to which Theresa responded, “Alright, Master. I’ll initiate the evolution process once you say so.”


A screen had appeared beside the one with multiple evolution paths just like before after Theresa snapped its fingers. But compared to the screen that had appeared when the first evolution path was asked to be opened up, the size of this screen was a few times larger. After reading through all of it, Aurus could not help but chuckle and say, “I guess I’m a noble now.”


[Zephyr Spiritas Flux — Semis Regulus (Epic+)]

Shedding its previous connections to the Walnut line of descent, it has truly created its own path, becoming a true Spiritas. Due to it shedding its previous connections, it now has a greater sensitivity towards the Flux binding its body’s Animas together, allowing it to command greater power than ever before. Not only that, but due to its great achievements in a certain field, the Spiritas royalty has imbued this Spiritas the blood of the nobles, transforming it into a Semis Regulus Spiritas, or a Spiritas that is considered a half-noble.

Compared to normal Spiritii, the power they wield would be enough to wipe a nation’s army out of existence thanks to the power of the blood they were given. Being a half-noble, their authority in Spiritas nations are quite high as well, allowing them to take considerably high positions of power, not only in war, but in politics as well.

On rare occasions, Semis Regulus Spiritii awaken a portion of the blood given to them by chance, allowing them to wield part of the unique powers of Spiritas royalty. Of course, some awaken them through hard work and effort, allowing them to wield a greater portion of the unique powers of the Spiritas royalty.

Once they control all of the powers of the blood given to them, they are not considered Semis Regulus anymore, but rather, Magnus Regulus, also known as true Spiritas noble. These types of Spiritii are considered great beings of power, even in the world of Animates.

> [Nine Flux Transformation] shall be upgraded to [Royal Flux Reformation], allowing the user to increase the power of their Flux to great heights

> [Flux Equipment Fabrication] shall be upgraded to [Royal Flux Equipment Fabrication], allowing the user to craft equipment imbued with the power of nobles

> The active Class skill [Domain of Nobility] shall be obtained, allowing the user to create a domain where the power of beings are greatly suppressed

> The active Class skill [Noble Awakening] shall be obtained, allowing the user to ignite the power of the noble blood flowing within their bodies to enhance their stats

> The active Class skill [True Semis Regulus] shall be obtained, allowing the user to transform the blood flowing through their bodies to show the characteristics of noble blood, removing the amplification limit of their bodies

> The active Class skill [Semis Regulus: Ruling Entity] shall be obtained, allowing the user to create a domain wherein the user can control everything within it.

> The active Class skill [Noble’s Mark] shall be obtained, allowing the user to pass on the blood of nobility onto other beings, allowing their stats to greatly increase once they increase the level of their mark

> The active Class skill [Flux Knight] shall be obtained, allowing the user to create knights made out of their Flux that could level up and evolve in their own manner

> The passive Class skill [Purification of Noble Blood] shall be obtained, allowing the user to increase the power of the noble blood flowing within them, as well as the ratio of noble blood to common blood flowing in their bodies

> The passive Class skill [Flux Conjecture: Techniques of the Royalty] shall be obtained, allowing the user to increase the amount of power a single point of Flux contains

> The passive Class skill [Royal Flux Condensation] shall be obtained, allowing the user to condense their Flux into Royal Flux, a type of energy that allows skills and spells to show a greater amount of power than ever before

> The passive Class skill [Semis Regulus Seed] shall be obtained, allowing the user to increase their HP and FP to unbelievable heights

> The title [Spiritas Half-Noble] shall be obtained, increasing the user’s stats by a small percentage. The user can enhance this title by increasing the ratio of noble to common blood within their bodies.


Closing his sense of vision for a while as he closed the screen filled with the description of the final evolution path, Aurus took in a few deep breaths, wanting to calm himself down. Unfortunately, this action only made his excitement and expectations intensify, making Aurus open his sense of vision before letting out a sigh.

“I guess it can’t be helped,” Aurus said as he chuckled. He then looked at Theresa and said, “I’m done reading through the description.”

“I confirm my choice. Let me evolve.”

“As you wish, Master.”


‘[Aurus — Tempest Walnut Spiritas Flux (Rare+)] has evolved to [Aurus — Zephyr Spiritas Flux – Semis Regulus (Epic+)].’

‘The fate of the world has slightly changed due to this action.’


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