I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 160: Distribution

Chapter 160: Distribution

Due to his Ruler skill related to movement still being activated all the while he was trying to find other methods to enhance his clone’s power, it did not take long for Aurus to arrive in the alliance base, teleporting to the center of the main hall in less than 30 seconds or so.


At the very moment he had appeared in the main hall, he had obtained the attention of quite a few members of the alliance, their senses of vision looking towards where Aurus appeared. Of course, the reason why he had only obtained quite a bit of attention was due to the fact that the members were just starting to head into the main hall. If he had come later, it was certain that almost everyone that had congregated into the main hall would be staring at him with auras of slight stupefaction.

Nonetheless, since only a few members were currently in the main hall, Aurus decided to act his part of the alliance as a Pillar level member and asked them to line up properly as they waited for Herellia to come to the main hall. Fortunately, most of the members followed what Aurus told them to do after recalling the show of power he did when became an Executive level member of the alliance. As for those that did not recall it, they instead followed what Aurus told them due to the aura of a Pillar level member surrounding his body.

Gradually, more and more members congregated into the main hall, slowly but surely making the main hall a bit more noisy as time passed by. Eventually, all of the members had congregated into the main hall, with the Pillar level members of the alliance helping Aurus out in maintaining order and peace amongst the members in the main hall. At this point in time, they were only waiting for Herellia to arrive since most of them were told by her to come to the main hall.

Other than Aurus, no one else knew why Herellia called them to congregate in the main hall. Fortunately, it did not take long for her to arrive, appearing in a slightly extravagant fashion as her body was covered in red tendrils before spreading open to reveal her body filled to the brim with red engravings. Just as she removed the tendrils covering her body, Aurus could not help but notice that the aura that the red engravings gave out were more intense than before, as if the red engravings were hiding some sort of greater power that would allow Herellia to destroy even a Pseudo-Animate in one attack.

Nevertheless, this was just a passing thought as he waited for Herellia to call him over and talk about his equipment sets. Surprisingly, rather than getting straight to the point and calling him at the very start of the meeting, Herellia decided to call a few Pillar level members to modify a bit of the main hall to create a stage for her to be seen by everyone. At this point in time, Aurus could not help but wonder what she was thinking.

“Everyone, I’m glad you listened to my call, congregating in this main hall on this very fine day.” Herellia started to talk after a makeshift stage out of raised ground was made. “I’m sure we all know that everyone here is preparing for the inevitable war between one of our greatest enemies in this Tempest Cliff, crafting multiple trump cards that would help oneself, a group, or even all of us.”

“I would like everyone to know that a certain member in our alliance has crafted a trump card that would allow everyone to have greater survivability, as well as deal more damage against our enemies in the upcoming war.” While saying this, an excited aura radiated out of Herellia as she focused her sense of vision towards one of the members below the raised ground.

“I would like to invite Aurus up on this stage and tell us about the new trump card he has made.” Soon after, this aura was mixed with a hint of happiness as well, as well as a hint of confidence, though no one knew where the latter came from.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Just as his name was mentioned, everyone in the main hall turned their bodies around to focus their sense of vision towards Aurus, who finally got what Herellia was trying to do.

‘Does she want me to be recognized by everyone or something? I don’t really know what she’s trying to do,’ Aurus thought to himself as he teleported on the surface of the raised ground in the matter of an instant, avoiding the possible gazes he would’ve gotten if he had just slowly hovered towards the raised ground. Looking at the alliance members that were looking at him, waiting for him to start saying stuff, he imitated the sound of an Animate clearing their throat before starting.

“Hello everyone, my name is Aurus. I’m pretty sure most of you know me as that Executive level member that did a show of power quite some time ago.” Aurus started to speak, his mind turning its gears at the limit to make sure that he did not beat around the bush that much.

“I stand here on this stage today to tell everyone that I have created a trump card that would allow everyone to survive the war with greater chances, and even deal more damage to the enemies one would come across in the war.” After saying this, he commanded the system in his mind to open his weapon inventory, revealing a small rift over his wooden sculpture body. The rift caught the attention of everyone in the main hall, making sure that everyone could see what Aurus was grabbing through his tendrils made out of FP.

Not long after, a set of armor and weapons was revealed to everyone in the alliance. Holding it up with tendrils, Aurus then said, “This is the trump card I show to you today. These are something I crafted called equipment sets. These equipment sets enhance the abilities of the wearer to a great extent, allowing them to move unhindered amongst those with the same level of power.”

“Alliance Leader, could you please move forward and demonstrate the effects of the equipment set.” While continuing to hold the equipment set upwards, Aurus looked at Herellia, who was beside him, and asked her to move forward, to which Herellia obliged without a problem.

“I have already given our alliance leader an equipment set in order for others to see how the equipment set is used,” Aurus continued to talk as an equipment set manifested in front of Herellia in a matter of an instant. Not long after, Herellia positioned herself to where her body overlapped over the equipment set before shouting, “Wear Equipment Set.”

Whoosh! Whoosh!

In a matter of an instant, the pieces of armor made their way towards Herellia’s body, covering her whole body with three pieces of armor, while a barrier surrounding her body constituted the fourth piece of armor in the equipment set. Soon after, the weapon came into contact with Herellia’s body, gradually fusing with it as the aura that emanated from her body radiated with greater intensity, giving everyone the feeling that her combat power had reached a level beyond what an X-grade Inanimate could possibly unleash.

Add on the quality of the equipment set being translucent thanks to the material used, it also gave everyone a feeling that Herellia was some sort of otherworldly Inanimate being, an Inanimate that stood beyond all Inanimates.

Seeing as how everyone watching Herellia wear the equipment set were mesmerized, Aurus decided to create a large ball of FP above everyone in the main hall before letting it burst, creating a loud sound that snapped everyone back to reality as everyone started to cheer for Aurus and his equipment set.

Although Aurus did not mind doing it for the alliance since it had taken care of him, he was still happy to see that the members were supportive of what he had done. Telling Herellia to move back, Aurus went to the front once more and said, “Everyone, I have crafted two type of equipment sets for everyone to use. The first equipment set is called ‘Blessed by the Heavens’ and it is meant for all of the members in the alliance to have. This equipment set will increase your defensive and offensive properties against anything you face against.”

“As for those at the Pillar level,” Aurus continued, before adding, “You will have another type of equipment set to use named ‘Devourer of the Living’. This equipment set is meant to increase the damage dealt to Animates, which will definitely be useful in the upcoming war.”

“I shall now be distributing all of the equipment sets right now since we have no idea when our greatest enemy will attack,” Aurus said after that, asking a few members to create ramps on both sides of the raised ground. “Pillar level members, please come up on stage and I shall distribute the ‘Blessed by the Heavens’ and ‘Devourer of the Living’ sets to you.”

Not long after that, all of the Pillar level members, who helped him maintain order in the main hall a while ago, made their way up through the ramps as Aurus gave them the equipment sets one by one. After the Pillar level members were the Executive level members, who only obtained a ‘Blessed by the Heavens’ set unlike the Pillar level members before them.

The same went for the normal members of the alliance. Nevertheless, both the Executive level and normal members of the alliance were already ecstatic to obtain a single equipment set, seeing as their combat power has been boosted by a great degree after equipping the equipment set they obtained. Noticing this, Aurus radiated an aura of happiness, seeing as how everyone decided to wear the equipment set right now rather than later, which would end up becoming an advantage for the alliance later on.

“I have now given all of the equipment sets I have to the members of the alliance,” Aurus said to catch everyone’s attention, which it successfully did. He then urged Herellia to come forward through exchange of energy, to which Herellia did as she said, “This marks the end of the meeting. I hope everyone continues to improve their combat power for the upcoming war, and make sure to practice the method I’ve given to everyone.”

After that, all of the alliance members dispersed one by one while some were left behind modifying the raised ground back to flat ground again. Then, after those who were left behind dispersed as well, only Aurus and Herellia remained in the main hall by themselves.

“It seems you have something else to talk about?” Herellia looked at Aurus in front of her and asked.

Aurus radiated an aura of affirmation as he replied, “Indeed, I do. Since you’re the alliance leader, I’ve decided to make an equipment set befitting an alliance leader, enhancing your combat abilities to its limit.”


A rift appeared for a short bit, revealing an equipment set that was glowing a faint red and white light, with the red being more common than the white. He grabbed this equipment set and brought it out for Herellia to see, saying, “This set is called ‘Marchioness of Blood’. It enhances the abilities of your skills by quite a decent amount, and even allow you to heal yourself while taking damage.”

He then placed it down in front of Herellia, to which Herellia equipped without hesitation, replacing the ‘Devourer of the Living’ equipment set he was wearing before. At the very instant the equipment set was finished fitting itself around Herellia’s body, the aura radiating from her had intensified even further, even more intense when compared to the aura brought about by equipping the ‘Devourer of the Living’ set.

Herellia closed her sense of vision for a bit before opening it and looking at Aurus in silence. After a short while, she then asked Aurus, “Is it alright if you become the alliance’s vice leader?”

“I’d be glad to,” Aurus radiated an aura of affirmation. He then asked, “Do I have to go to the Alliance Hall for the ritual again?”

“No need,” Herellia replied. “I just remembered a couple of days ago that you don’t really have to go to the Alliance Hall to promote your position.”

“I see…” Aurus responded back, extending the last syllable by quite a bit. After noticing that the atmosphere around was quite awkward, Aurus dryly chuckled before saying, “I guess I’ll be off then.”

In response, Herellia chuckled as well before replying, “Go ahead. Stay safe.”


And so, after bidding farewell, Aurus teleported towards the Tower of Seclusion yet one more time. The reason as to why is because he was about to start formulating a Tempering skill for Argentum.


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