I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 135: Unprecedented Improvement

Chapter 135: Unprecedented Improvement

A few minutes have passed since Aurus created his Animate clone in order to mainly relive the feeling of transcending the world. Of course, it was also made as a trump card against Chonk’s existence level, which he had to inform Herellia about it sooner or later.

At the moment, he had already arrived at the small ecosystem owned by the alliance, heading towards the tower where he had secluded himself back then in preparation for breaking through to S-grade Inanimate. Thisi time though, he would be secluding himself for 4 days, grinding all of his skills to its limit, as well as breaking through to X-grade Inanimate.

With his current power, he could already fight against X-grade Inanimates with a clear advantage. If he evolved to X-grade, it might not be an impossibility for him to have an edge over an Animate.


Not long after entering the tower, he picked a decently sized secluded room for his needs before he slammed the door to the room shut, allowing him to be alone.



Just as he was calming his emotions down and collecting his thoughts as to what he was going to do next, a notification resounded from the system, which Aurus could not help but look at.

‘[Greater Illusion Resistance] has leveled up.’

‘[Greater Illusion Resistance] has reached the MAX level.’

‘[Greater Illusion Resistance] has met the necessary requirements and is ready to evolve.

‘[Spirit Aura] has leveled up.’

“Well…” Aurus could not help but look at these two skills that notified him, recalling a few seconds later that these skills were the skills he had put into the Learning module of the system. He took out [Greater Illusion Resistance] from the Learning module and then pondered for a bit before taking out [Spirit Aura] from the module as well. [Spirit Aura] was already halfway from being maxed anyway.

He did not put any skills back into the module, as he knew that the effects of the Transcending Comprehension Leaf he had absorbed back in the inheritance was more powerful than just passively grinding skill experience.

“Evolve [Greater Illusion Resistance],” Aurus commanded not long after his thinking session, prompting a holographic screen to appear in front of his field of vision.



Please choose the skill that you would like [Greater Illusion Resistance] to evolve into:

[Superb Illusion Resistance]

[Miraculous Illusion Mirror]


With two skill evolution paths to choose from, he hurriedly skimmed over the descriptions of the two skills and chose [Superb Illusion Resistance] in the end, continuing with the path of having a chance to fully negate an illusion from affecting him.


‘[Greater Illusion Resistance] has been evolved into [Superb Illusion Resistance].’

“With that out of the way…” Seeing as he quickly finished that problem, he then started to mutter to himself as he was formulating a plan in his mind. Around thirty seconds later, a solid plan was made in his mind, wherein Aurus commanded the system.

“Summon Fenrir and Charisa.”

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Not long after, two entities that were made out of wood, with one exuding an intense aura of Wind and the other one exuding an intense aura of Flame, appeared in front of Aurus’ field of vision, doing their own versions of kneeling down in front of Aurus to show their respect.

“You have summoned me, Master,” the being that exuded an aura of Wind replied, wagging its tail back and forth as it was unable to hide its excitement from being summoned.

“Oya? Master? You summoned me? Is it because you needed me for special purpose~?” Beside the being that exuded an aura of Wind, the being that exuded an aura of Flame could not help but talk in a slightly seductive manner as its flames glowed brightly in expectation.

“Fenrir, Charisa, I’m glad to see you in front of me again,” Aurus could not help but radiate an aura of happiness after seeing the two allies he had summoned in front of him. To be honest, for Aurus, seclusion was incredibly boring so having allies to help him not become bored while growing stronger themselves was pretty great.

“It is also great to see you again, Master!” The first one to reply to Aurus’ words was Fenrir, who stood up as he wagged his wooden tail back and forth in excitement. Not long after, it looked around its current surroundings, prompting it to ask, “Ah. Master, you wanted us to accompany you while you train?”

“Pretty much,” Aurus replied in a nonchalant manner as he was planning on which skills to focus grinding first.

As it was her first time, Charisa tilted her head flame and asked, “Master, why do you need us to accompany you here? Are you that lonely?”

“It is quite lonely, plus it’s a chance to bond with one another for a long time,” Aurus replied with a bit more vigor this time as he could not formulate a list of skills to nurture. “I won’t be keeping you guys in the system for 4 days. That’s how long I’ll be strengthening myself.”

“Oh!” Charisa was quite excited to be out in the same world as her Master for a long time. As for Fenrir, although he had been together with Aurus back then in the same type of room for a long time, he could not help but feel grateful to be Aurus’ ally.

“System, show me my skills!” In the end, Aurus decided to command the system to show all of his skills and make his decision there.


And it was at this moment that…Aurus regretted the decision.


Hybrid Ruler Skills:

[Zenith Nihility Dash Lv. 1], [Wrath of the Void Lv. 1], [Protection of the Void Lv. 1], [Formless Void Lv. 1]

Passive Ruler Skills:

[Void’s Grace Lv. 1]

Active Class Skills:

[Middle-High Spirit Spell Core (Wind Variant) Lv. 6], [Zenith Spirit Transcendence Lv. 1], [Supreme Spirit-Vitality Unification Lv. 1], [Better Flux Weapon Creation Lv. 1)], [Better Flux Armor Creation Lv. 1/3], [Better Flux Enchantment Lv. 1], [Better Flux Sacrifice Lv. 1]

Passive Class Skills:

[Zenith Purity Spirit Energy Core (Wind Variant) Lv. 5], [Spiritas Seed Lv. 10], [Spiritas Flux Seed Lv. 20], [Flux Weapon Mastery Lv. 20], [Flux Armor Mastery Lv.20], [Nine Flux Transformation Lv. 6], [Expanded Flux Vessel Lv. 1], [Ninth Purity Heavenbinding Essence Transformation (Special) Lv. 1]

Active Species Skills:

[Instantaneous Spiritas Movement (Special) Lv.7], [Spirit Sword of Seven Hells (Rare) Lv. 13], [Myriad Manifestation Polymorph Lv. 3], [Spiritas Rage Lv. 1], [Spiritas Fortress Lv. 1], [Formosus Exuberance Lv. 1], [Void Gale Spirit Shift Lv. 3], [Spirit Clone Lv.1], [Spirit Aura (Rare) Lv. 10], [Alliance Call], [Judgement], [Unyielding Barrier of the Spiritas Magnus (Special) Lv. 1], [Soul Transcendence]

Hybrid Species Skills:

[Soul Morphosis Lv. 1]

Passive Species Skills:

[Soul Perception III Lv. 9], [Infinite Tempest Affinity Lv.1], [Zenith Purity Spiritas SP Vessel Lv. 12], [Stick-Flux Unification (Special) Lv. 1], [Seeker of Two Destinies Lv. 5], [Grand Vessel of Higher Sentience Lv. 5], [Superb Illusion Resistance Lv. 1], [Blessing of the Zenith Tempest (Special) Lv. 1], [Power of the Alliance (Pillar S-grade Variant) Lv. 5], [Blessing of the Reincarnation Goddess Lv.MAX]

Active Life and Will Skills:

[Blooming Vitality++ Lv. 1], [Indomitable Will++ Lv. 1], [Sentience++ Lv. 1]


“Oh my fucking god,” Aurus could not help but curse after looking at the sheer amount of skills he currently had, with some not even being used by him. Unfortunately, the system did not allow him to remove skills he had learned. If the system allowed him to do so, he would’ve removed a great amount of skills from the list in front of him already.

Although he was given a clusterfuck of skills to choose from, he calmed himself down and thought about the skills he would be grinding more logically.

“What skills would give me the greatest boost to my strength at the moment?” As Aurus had incredibly strong Soul Power, it only took him a moment to decide that he would be grinding the Ruler skills he got from becoming a Substitute Ruler of the Void.

The Ruler’s words still lingered in his mind after all this time, committing the requirements needed to enhance his position to a higher level.

“In order to raise your standing in becoming a Ruler of the Void, you must first comprehend and expound to at least Peak Mortal level the skills I’m about to give you.”

Along the way home from the inheritance, he had been using [Movement of the Void] to enhance his movement speed to unimaginable heights, ending up reaching the X-grade form of the skill, which was named [Zenith Nihility Dash].

He still had four skills to grind to X-grade from the Ruler skills given to him though, namely: [Wrath of the Void], [Protection of the Void], [Formless Void], and [Void’s Grace].

He knew how to enhance the first three skills as he could just activate them and let them be, passively grinding experience as he did something else, but he did not know how to level up [Void’s Grace].

“Speaking of which, what is it anyway?” While Aurus was muttering like a madman under the vision of Fenrir and Charisa, he brought up the description of the skill, gaining a greater yet more vague understanding of how the skill worked.



[Void’s Grace]

Grade: C (Mortal)

As a Ruler of the Void, the Law of the Void supports your power, allowing you to exert the pressure of the void in your attacks. It also allows you to enhance skills related to the void, which befits the position of the Ruler of the Void.


“So, it enhances skills based on the void. If so, why hasn’t it leveled up after I used [Movement of the Void] a ton of times?” This question could not help but pop up as he pondered over the description. In the end, he decided to just focus on the first three skills for now, starting with the [Wrath of the Void].

Just like the name itself, [Wrath of the Void] increases his attacking power. It’s pretty much how [Movement of the Void] increases his movement speed, how [Protection of the Void] increases his defense, and how [Formless Void] increases…no fucking clue as to what.

“[Wrath of the Void]!” he lightly shouted, startling Fenrir and Charisa who were silently looking at him.

Crackle. Crackle.

Not long after, a hazy dark energy started to cover Aurus’ body like a thin sheet of dark yet translucent fabric, with sparks emerging here and there. After the dark energy covered the entirety of Aurus’ body, he now exuded the aura of an impenetrable and invincible dark blade that could cut anything in its way.


‘[Wrath of the Void] has leveled up.’

‘[Wrath of the Void] has reached the MAX level.’

‘[Wrath of the Void] has met the necessary requirements and is ready to evolve.’

“Well…that was fast.” It was already Aurus’ second time experiencing a speedy level up of his skills, but he was still amazed at how fast it was. He did not hesitate to evolve it to its B-grade form, gaining the name [Blade of Emptiness].

With the skill still activated, the shape of the energy surrounding Aurus gradually changed, with most of the energy congregating towards one end of Aurus’ body. From the side, it looked like Aurus was the handle to an extremely short dark blade. An extremely short dark blade that emanated a pretty strong aura, that is.

“I just have to continue using this while grinding my other skills and-” Just as he was talking to himself about his plans, he felt a pulse course through his body. This pulse was like…the pulse of a heart.

Trying to feel this pulse one more time, Aurus closed his sense of vision and tried to pinpoint where this feeling was…only to find that the feeling was where his soul was.

“This feeling…it feels like I’m being cleansed by the void,” Aurus could not help but say to himself as the pulse grew stronger and stronger in its intensity, gradually covering Aurus’ body in this feeling.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

It was at that time that…he finally realized how he was supposed to level [Void’s Grace].

“Resonate with the void. Become one with the void.”


‘[Void’s Grace] has leveled up.’

‘[Void’s Grace] has reached the MAX level.’

‘[Void’s Grace] has met the necessary requirements and is ready to evolve.’

“Evolve [Void’s Grace].” Without hesitation, Aurus commanded the system to evolve the newly maxed skill as he asked Fenrir and Charisa, “Do you two feel bored doing nothing?”

“Not at all, Master,” Fenrir was the first one to reply. “To be honest, just being around you is enough to make me content.”

“Same for me, Master~!” Charisa exuberantly replied. “It’s my first time being around with you for a long time so you give me this fuzzy yet warm feeling~”


‘[Void’s Grace]’ has been evolved to [Will of the Void].’

“Well, you know, I kind of feel bad for summoning you two out here without having any task for you two to do,” Aurus said to the two after making sure that the skill had evolved. He was thinking of something for the two to do until a good idea entered his mind.

“Fenrir. Charisa. Let me see if there’s some good stuff in the alliance market for you two to level up and stuff.”

“If that’s what the Master wants us to do, I don’t mind,” Fenrir replied, knowing that he had not trained his skills whatsoever ever since he became Aurus’ ally.

“Ooh! I wonder if I’ll grow stronger once I train my skills~ How strong can I get~” As for Charisa, she felt curious and expectant for what training would bring her.

“Open the Alliance Market!” Aurus said to the system, opening up a holographic screen that revealed a decent amount of skills to choose from.

Aurus then skimmed through the available skills in the alliance market, abruptly stopping on a certain skill that he could not believe existed.


“This is impossible, right?”


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