I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 117: Preparation

Chapter 117: Preparation

Just as Aurus was embarking on the second trial of his inheritance, a white silhouette could be seen zooming through the vast and dark space known as the Celestial Plane.

This white silhouette had features that could easily attribute it, or in this case her, as a personage of high standing and influence. What was the reason for this basis? Beauty.

This white silhouette had a beauty that could easily make whole galactic civilizations fight in order to get her agreement to marriage. If it was not for the fact that her body structure was akin to that of a young teenager, that might’ve happened.

Or it could have…due to the fact that this silhouette was blessed with a bosom so bountiful that it would not lose out to the legendary temptresses and succubi of history.

This white silhouette was none other than Kurohana…well, Kurohana’s divine clone that had 90 percent of her maximum power, Shirohana. Since Shirohana was Kurohana’s divine clone, it was a matter of fact that Shirohana would look a lot like Kurohana. Well…from the word ‘clone’ alone, don’t you think it would be obvious by now?

Anyways, Shirohana was tasked by Kurohana to head towards the Hall of Greater Divinity to help Nix in eradicating the two Depraved Deities and preventing other Primordial Sins from disturbing the peace in the Celestial Plane.

It took Shirohana a hour and a half to reach the Hall of Greater Divinity, stemming from the fact that she did not have 100 percent of Kurohana’s power.

She landed near the entrance of the hall and looked around for a bit with an indifferent gaze. She then closed her eyes for a bit and rummaged through Kurohana’s memories to make sure she was in the right place. After making sure, she opened her eyes and walked inside without caring about the gazes of others.

While Shirohana was entering the hall, a few gods could not help but take notice of Shirohana’s silhouette and mistake for Kurohana’s as they looked the same, their aura was the same, how could they not be the same? Of course, they did not know that the Kurohana in front of them was a divine clone.

Nonetheless, some small conversations started to pop up here and there regarding Shirohana, especially those gods who were slightly lecherous.

“Man, whenever I see Kurohana, I just want to do things that I wouldn’t normally do, you know?” A male god on one side of the hall could not help but look at the genderless god beside him as he said with a slight smirk.

“I don’t have the lust you have, Cerephor, but I do see why you want to do things that you don’t normally do,” the genderless god answered the male god’s, Cerephor’s, question. It then let out a soft sigh before saying, “I have this strong urge to protect her just from looking at her.”

On another part of the hall, a goddess could not help but look at Shirohana with slight shock and mutter, “I’m so jealous! How does Kurohana maintain her beauty so well?! I’ve tried everything to maintain my beauty but it still seems to fade away!” She then looked at the other goddess beside her and ask, “What beauty secrets do you think she has?”

The other goddess could not help but ponder for a bit before replying, “To be honest, I don’t know as well. She just looks so perfect but… don’t you think her aura has gotten weaker?”

Since the other goddess was not purposely softening her voice, all of the other gods and goddesses in the hall could hear what she said and not help but examine Shirohana closer, only to exclaim in disbelief a few seconds later.

“What… you’re right! Her aura did become weaker!”

“I wonder what happened to her in order for that to happen…”

“If I fought against her…do you think I’d win?”

Before more chatter about Kurohana’s weakening continued, a black mass manifested just a few meters in front of Shirohana, instantly silencing the other gods who were gossiping about Kurohana’s rumoured weakening…which was not true at all.

With the black mass manifesting in front of Shirohana, Shirohana stopped in her tracks and looked at the black mass as it dissipated, revealing a goddess that seemed to emanate an intense aura of darkness about her.

This goddess was none other than Nix, the hallmaster of the Hall of Greater Divinity.

Nix looked at the surroundings before looking at Shirohana, who was a few meters away from her. She then looked at Shirohana intently as she sent a message through energy.

“So…have you decided to help me in fighting against the demons?”

Receiving a message from nowhere all of a sudden slightly surprised Shirohana, but she was able to deduce where it came from, prompting her to send an energy message back to Nix.

“I am a divine clone of Kurohana, Miss Nix. You can call me Shirohana. I was tasked by her to help you fight against the demons.”

Nix was not surprised at Shirohana’s reply at all, letting out a soft sigh as she muttered, “That weapon she’s crafting seems to be quite important, huh.”

“Alright, follow me to my office,” Nix then said to Shirohana out loud before turning around. With no other choice, Shirohana followed behind her, leaving many gods in the hall extremely confused.

So…the hallmaster and Kurohana stared at each other for a bit before heading to her room? Doesn’t that seem…off?

Then again, Nix and Shirohana could care less about the other gods’ minds as they entered Nix’s room a few minutes later.

Shirohana grabbed a chair and placed it closer to Nix’s desk and sat opposite her. As for Nix, she sat on the chair behind her desk and waited for Shirohana to become comfortable before starting to talk with her.

“So, to start off this plan of killing these two Depraved Deities, could you fill me in on Hinari and Hodazuka’s origins?” Nix looked at Shirohana and asked. She then added, “I’m pretty sure you asked Chad before coming back here to finish your mission.”

Shirohana rummaged through Kurohana’s memories for a bit before responding, “According to Chad, Miss Nix—”

While Shirohana was talking, Nix interrupted with a, “Just Nix is fine with me,” causing Shirohana to stop in her tracks and start all over again.

“So according to Chad, Nix, Hinari and Hodazuka were both intelligent beings born in the planet named Earth. Hodazuka was born without powerd while Hinari was born as a weather maiden, giving her slight control over the weather. They grew up to become bestfriends and eventually grew to become inseparable from one another. One day, a typhoon that could wipe out their whole civilization was coming close, prompting many people to find Hinari and ask her to sacrifice her body for the greater good of their civilization.”

She then took a deep breath before continuing. “Of course, Hodazuka was infuriated at the sheer fact that the people thought of her as a tool and out of nowhere, just like some sort of miracle, at that bout of anger, Hodazuka was able to comprehend the Theory of Intense Flames, allowing him to use this newfound power to destroy the typhoon into smithereens.”

“After that, the people did not bother the two anymore and allowed them to live in peace, with Hinari comprehending the Theory of Unyielding Frost to be compatible with Hodazuka.”

“They then cultivated their newfound powers to the Lesser Law level, becoming Lesser Gods themselves. Other than that, they did not do anything malicious at all, in fact, they were extremely kind before being influenced by the Primordial Sins.”

“Hmm…” Nix could not help but rub her fingers under her chin as she pondered. “Were there any other people in the planet that comprehended a Theory as well? Or a Conjecture at the very least?”

Rummaging through Kurohana’s memories, Shirohana shook her head and replied, “None. Only the two of them comprehended a Theory in that planet.”

“Truly odd,” Nix could not help but say. “Anyways, let’s not think more about that, but instead, what level do you think is the Primordial Sin at when it influenced Hinari and Hodazuka?”

“No, wait. Before that, do you still remember the levels of power in terms of comprehending laws?”

Shirohana rummaged through Kurohana’s memories once more before saying, “Thankfully, Kurohana knew it quite well. Conjecture, Theory, Principle, Greater Principle, Everlasting Principle, Lesser Law, Greater Law, Immortal Verdict, Transcendent Canon, then Primordial Decree right?”

“That is completely correct.” Nix nodded. “Of course, we both know that the levels of power of Primordial Sins are equal to those levels. Now it is a matter of finding out whether the Primordial Sin is Lesser Law or Greater Law level.”

“And that’s where our plan starts.” At this moment, Nix’s expression turned serious before continuing to talk to Shirohana. “I need to fight against Hinari and Hodazuka and use the Sin Detection Spell to find out the power of the Primordial Sin. Are you okay with that?”

“Hmm…” This time, rather than being subservient, Shirohana pondered on the request for a bit before closing her eyes. Opening them a few seconds later, she responded with, “According to Kurohana, as long as I’m equipped with a weapon and protective gear, I can go and do that Nix.”

“Why would I not give you equipment?” Seeing that the condition was quite normal, Nix slightly chuckled. “Alright then, let’s go to Misha’s place and secure ourselves some demon fighting equipment.”

After that, they both stood up and disappeared from Nix’s room without a trace, heading towards the place where Misha, someone who Nix knew, was.

In another part of the Celestial Plane was an island filled to the brim with flora. Tons and tons of flora.

In the middle of this flora-filled island was a pagoda that was also covered in the same flora that covered the island. Inside this pagoda was a goddess that had a beauty that lacked a little bit when compared to Kurohana’s, but when compared to the other goddesses, she was still one of the most beautiful.

She was sitting on a chair made out of blood red tendrils as she looked at the floating orb in front of her, closely examining a branch that had red engravings all over it.

This goddess was none other than Familia, the goddess that looked over Herellia, which was the branch within the floating orb she was looking at.

At the current moment, Familia was looking at Herellia through the orb and noticed that she obtained a special trial that resonated a lot with her, making Familia very happy.

But as she continued to look through and see Herellia’s progress through the special trial, Familia noticed that something was off, causing her to frown.

As she continued to examine, she noticed that a faint trace of a foreign aura entered Herellia’s body and tried to remove her own aura from Herellia, prompting her to wipe out this foreign aura.

This continued on and on as more and more of the foreign aura tried to infiltrate Herellia’s body as Familia was trying to fight against that.

Thankfully, this ended as Herellia finished the trial, prompting a huge influx of foreign aura to enter Herellia’s body, only for it to be repelled by Familia, albeit with a lot of effort.

With her gasping for her breath, Familia tried to examine the foreign aura that wanted to infiltrate Herellia’s body and noticed that there was a small hint of divinity in it, making her stand up.

She then used the blood red tendrils, that acted as her chair, to create a clone of herself that would continue to imbue Herellia with godly luck.

After that, she then went off towards a certain direction and disappeared from her pagoda in an instant as she muttered, “Guess I’m gonna have to stab a bitch sometime soon.”


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