I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 108: A Devious Scheme

Chapter 108: A Devious Scheme

Celestial Plane, within Kurohana’s plane.

“Phew…I finally settled everything that regarded the manipulation of other laws, hence there’s no problem for me to do this now.” Kurohana could not help but let out a sigh in relief as she relaxed her body on the chair she conjured in order to look at the orb at all times, her whole body slightly covered in slightly cold sweat.

Not long after, she sat on the chair with her back straightened as she looked at the orb with intense fervor, before waving her hands around the orb, manipulating the worldly energy surrounding the orb as multiple strands of silver light formed around the orb before charging towards it.


With the sound of an intense wind blowing, something changed within the orb. It did not change externally or internally, but rather, the image that was being shown, in this case it was Aurus and Herellia in the alliance lobby, instead of it passing through multiple scenes extremely quickly, the speed at which it progressed slowed down by thousands of times, basically moving at a speed that was akin to what many Animates know as slow motion.

But that was not all, this perception of time was only slowed down for the orb, it was not slowed down for Kurohana, who was manipulating said time, or for Aurus and Herellia, who were the targets for said slowed perception.

Seeing that her spell was successful, Kurohana then dispersed the remaining silver strands of light before conjuring multiple strands of golden light. To anyone that was familiar with this light, it was light that was concerned with the Immortal Verdict of Fate.

Learning her lessons from back then, Kurohana asked permission from Phatia, her big sister, as well as the wielder of the Immortal Verdict of Fate, Neri, her sister who governed over the Law of Natural Flow, Animus, who governed over the Law of the Soul, and lastly, Pherena, who governed over the Law of Natural Phenomena.

This process of asking for permission from other gods to let her manipulate the laws they govern over only took her around 15 minutes or so. Thankfully, all of them allowed her to wield their laws to some extent, with the only limit for these laws being the needed amount to do what she wanted to do.

Of course, with Familia being one of the goddesses she hated due to her inserting her own material in Kurohana’s world, Kurohana did not ask permission from Familia to use Herellia, instead deciding of using Herellia as she wished since she was in her world.

As the golden strands of light entered the orb, it was then followed by multiple grayish violet strands of light which pertained to the Law of the Soul governed by Animus. Afterwards, multiple blue strands of light entered the orb, which pertained to the Law of Natural Flow, and lastly, strands of red and green light entered the orb, which pertained to the Law of Natural Phenomena, the last law Kurohana asked permission for.

A few seconds later, a myriad of colors flashed around the orb before subsiding as the perception of time for the orb was returned back to normal, a light smile on Kurohana’s face as she saw the light subsiding.

“Well then, if my calculations are correct, Herellia will bring Aurus to an inheritance inside a human town, and then…” After saying this, Kurohana could not help but chuckle for a bit before continuing.

“You shall be noticed by humans sooner or later, Aurus. Do your best.”

XXXX Continent, within the depths of an unknown town.


It took a few seconds for Aurus to be transported from the dead end of a mineshaft towards a seemingly vast space that was covered with nothing but stone. Everywhere Aurus looked, all he could was just stone. You thought the walls, the floor, or the ceiling was different, nope. Stone.

Sensing that the lackluster room he was in had some hints of some mysterious yet strong energy, Aurus returned back to his original form from when he was still an A-grade Spiritas, he was still not used to the humanoid form of the Spiritas Flux, though he can use it if he wanted to.

Hovering around for a little bit around the room, he was able to measure that the room was around 500 cubic meters in size, which was quite large for a room made out of stone. Of course, he knew that he was already inside the inheritance, but what was weird was that the inheritance did not even start, nor was there any sign of the inheritance starting at all. He did not hear a monotonous voice, see any part of the room moving, nothing.

That was until…a voice resounded in his mind.

“The inheritor has not met the necessary requirements to partake in the inheritance.”

“Eh?” Of course, the first thing Aurus felt was intense confusion. After all, if you were an Inanimate at the S-grade level that could fight or even kill X-grade Inanimates like they were tofu, you would feel that having insufficient requirements is the last of your worries.

“What am I missing?” Aurus could not help but ask. He had offensive skills, defensive skills, supportive skills, movement skills, miscellaneous skills, and somewhat everything in between. Thankfully, the voice that resounded in his mind a while ago answered this question.

“The inheritor has not met the necessary requirements to partake in the inheritance in terms of Soul Power. The inheritor’s Soul Power is only 4, please increase it to 7 or greater to partake in the inheritance.”

“Soul Power?” Aurus was stunned for a moment after hearing the voice’s words before mulling over it for a bit. After a few seconds, as if a lightbulb flashed in his mind, Aurus then commanded the system, “Open the Soul Enchantment System.”


Like clockwork, the system revealed a holographic screen in front of Aurus regarding the Soul Enchantment System. After skimming over it for a bit, Aurus could not help but chuckle and say, “Yep. I was right.”


[Soul Enchantment System]

Soul Power: 4


Soul Sigils:

[Rank 0 — Sigils of Tempering] – 0/3

[Rank 1 — ???? ?? ??????] – Needs the Sigils of Tempering to be mastered


“Soul Power…if I remember what I read back then, I should carve Soul Sigils to increase my Soul Power,” Aurus muttered before commanding the system, “Upgrade the Sigils of Tempering.”


Not long after, a prompt appeared in front of the screen that showed the Soul Enchantment System, asking Aurus, ‘Would you like to use 1 Genesis Point to upgrade the Sigils of Tempering to Level 1/3?’

“Hoh? The system uses Genesis Points to carve Soul Sigils?” Aurus was slightly surprised to find this out. “I guess I have to fight more bosses since I also have to use Genesis Points for the Genesis Tree.”

Although Aurus had more than enough points to tinker with the Genesis Tree he was talking about, he made a promise in his mind to only tinker with the tree once he had over 100 Genesis Points. And thanks to the Soul Enchantment System also using Genesis Points, it would take him a bit longer to save up 100 Genesis Points…unless he went on a boss killing spree after clearing the inheritance.

Also, who knew whether or whether not the inheritance would give out Genesis Points for him?


‘Sigils of Tempering has been upgraded to 1/3.’


As the notification popped up in front of Aurus’ field of vision, Aurus’ consciousness was frozen to a still as he heard a gust of wind blow through his mind, a surge of intangible energy entering his soul in an instant before forming a rune in his mind. And just like that, the first Soul Sigil that was part of the Sigils of Tempering was carved in Aurus’ soul without any pain whatsoever.

After a few seconds, Aurus’ consciousness was returned to normal, allowing him to check the changes in the Soul Enchantment System, specifically his Soul Power.


[Soul Enchantment System]

Soul Power: 5 (Damage +10%)


[Rank 0 — Sigils of Tempering] – 1/3

[Rank 1 — ???? ?? ??????] – Needs the Sigils of Tempering to be mastered


“Oh?” Aurus noticed that there were a few words beside his Soul Power, regarding about a boost in his damage output. Though it did surprise him quite a bit, it was not too shocking since he had a skill like [Zenith Spirit Transcendence] to boost his damage by a superb amount. “I need to carve 2 more Soul Sigils of Tempering, then I can partake in the inheritance.”

“Let’s do just that then!”

“Upgrade the Sigils of Tempering to its maximum level.”


Just like before, another prompt appeared in front of the Soul Enchantment System’s screen, asking Aurus, ‘Would you like to use 3 Genesis Points to upgrade the Sigils of Tempering to 3/3?’

Without hesitation, Aurus replied with a “Yes.”

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Again, just like before, Aurus’ consciousness frozen to a still as he heard two gusts of wind this time, carrying a larger surge of intangible energy towards his soul as two Soul Sigils were carved beside the Soul Sigil that was carved earlier, forming a complete picture that resonated with his soul, elevating his soul to a level that made it firmer and stronger than before.

If Aurus’ soul before the addition of Soul Sigils was like a house made out of pieces of wood that was just found in the surroundings, then the addition of the complete set of Soul Sigils allowed the pieces of wood to become uniform and create a sturdy house that one could live in.


‘Sigils of Tempering has been upgraded to 3/3.’

‘Due to the Sigils of Tempering being complete, another point of Soul Power has been added.’

‘Due to the Sigils of Tempering being complete, the next set of Soul Sigils, the Sigils of Inner Tempering, has been unlocked.’

Skimming through the notifications that appeared in front of his field of vision after his consciousness went back to normal, Aurus then checked the changes in the Soul Enchantment System.


[Soul Enchantment System]

Soul Power: 8 (Damage +40%)


[Rank 0 — Sigils of Tempering] – Mastered

[Rank 1 — Sigils of Inner Tempering] – 0/5

[Rank Upper 1 — ???? ?? ?? ????] – Needs the Sigils of Inner Tempering to be mastered


“I finally have enough Soul Power to partake in the inheritance,” Aurus could not help but say as he tried to make the voice that resounded in his mind a while ago react to his change.

He moved for a bit around the room, before getting a response from the inheritance in the form of the voice that resounded in his mind before.

“The inheritor has met all the necessary requirements needed to partake in the inheritance.”

“Measuring the inheritor’s skills and stats…”

“Measurement complete. Inheritance difficulty has been set to A.”

“Reward has been changed to adjust to new inheritance difficulty.”

“Inheritance has been adjusted to three trials.”

After this, a long silence filled the whole room. This was destroyed not long after as Aurus’ body turned incorporeal before disappearing from the room altogether, concurrently with the voice that resounded in his mind saying…

“Inheritor, welcome to the Inheritance of Area 52.”


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