I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 327: Kendo Hall

Chapter 327: Kendo Hall

Stella returned to the room they rented in a small inn.

Though she wasn't tired at all, she felt that she already had enough of her trip to this village. 

'Ahh Should I speak to the Village Chief?' Stella pondered.

After all, even if she managed to threaten them now. Those kids might just return once they left.

'Well, I can probably ask Aria to handle it. She's a noble after all Her status should be enough to make the village chief move.' 

Stella thought that it was a good idea so she decided to just relax for now. Even if she faced the village chief, with her status, she would definitely just be ignored. She's not a member of the Arcanist Association or any organization in the first place. 

Her forged identity only states that she's a merchant and nothing more.

Later that afternoon, Aria and Yasmin returned together carrying four bags. It seems that they bought a few clothes and medicines based on the smell.

Stella then mentioned to Aria about her concern for the kids

"Really? My little brother's students? I want to meet them" Aria excitedly said after listening to Stella. She never had a student of her own so it's quite impressive that her little brother has already established himself as a teacher.

"Sure Let's go together tomorrow. It's already late. They might've returned to their homes already."

"Ahh You're right. So about those troublemakers... You mentioned that they seem to be from the same Martial Arts Training Hall?"

Stella nodded as she described the logo of their uniform.

Aria and Yasmin looked at each other with amused expressions

Stella was confused about their reaction so Yasmin started recounting their experience on their trip to the village.

Apparently, they encountered several lecherous members of the Training Hall. They are indeed practitioners of the Northern Eclipse but those who confronted them were at the age of thirties and above, completely different from the young ones that Stella encountered.

They were all acting arrogant because of the influence of the Training Hall. As a matter of fact, not even the village guards could handle them.

Lyrei, who was silently listening, sat up on her bed as Yasmin continued the story

"How strong are they?" Lyrei suddenly asked...

"They are quite skillful with their Enhanced Sword. Ordinary people wouldn't be their match at all." Aria was answered truthfully.

Of course, even with the practitioner's strength, only the leader of the Hall would have some skills to fight one of the four ladies here... He was actually a very powerful ex-Hunter... Based on the rumors, he was a Three-Star Hunter before he retired after being injured in a mission.

Yasmin also explained that the Village Chief could only turn a blind eye to their activities since the Martial Arts Hall was actually quite helpful as well in stopping bandits from targeting this village. They are also bringing a lot of beast's bodies here to be sold for food

"Is there no branch of Hunter Association here, or perhaps, Arcanist Association?" Stella asked while knitting her brows. 

Her small village has a branch of the two associations and since this place appears to have the same population as the Jarnae Village, she thought that they should similarly have the support of the associations.

"Well The area around here isn't a good spot to build their branch. The mountain range barely has valuable herbs and most of the beasts were only Normal ones. There isn't even a Wild Beast much less an Evil Beasts in the near forest." Aria explained. 

Unlike Stella's village that was near the Wailing Forest that was filled with dangers and opportunities, this village was indeed quite peaceful 

"Ahh Now that you said it, I barely saw any False Ivies planted around here I guess they don't really need them." Stella smiled wryly. Her village's fence was filled with these ivies to deter wild beasts but this place doesn't even have a proper fence at all. 

Perhaps, even if they have False Ivies here, it is only used for decoration instead of a ward against Wild Beasts.

Yasmin then continued her story about what happened to the Northern Sword Hall, the official name of the Martial Arts Training Hall.

Because their practitioners offended these two ladies, they have decided to teach them a lesson

Stella doesn't need to hear the rest of the story and she knows that they have trashed the Hall

Aria is a powerful Arcanist equipped with many Magic Items and a high-rank Arcana.

On the other hand, Yasmin has the scariest Arcana in their group if used against non-Arcanist Aside from that, she had also trained her dagger skills to a master level. 

As expected, Yasmin excitedly recounted how Aria defeated every practitioner there including the leaders. 

"Don't worry I already sent a messenger to Chrisome. He's part of the Arcanist Tower and also an official in the Arcanist Association. He should be arranging a small branch of the Arcanist Association here. However, the one that will be established will be manned by Researcher Arcanists instead of Combat Arcanists." Aria explained.

She knows that Arcanists who excel in battle wouldn't enjoy staying here so it's better to request Arcanists who just want to study Arcane Magic and crafting items or weapons to be sent here.

With this arrangement, there would be another force in the village that would at least make them think twice before acting so high and mighty.

"In case, you're worried, we can stay here for a couple more days to observe Diether's students" Aria said.

"Oh Will they come here quickly?"

"Yes There's a new branch of Arcanists Tower not too far from here. So communication will be faster. Chrisome holds quite an authority there after all."

Stella felt glad for the Kendo Practitioners.

"Alright, let's observe those kids for a while. Anyway, they mentioned that Diether was sent to the Fortress a couple of days ago, I guess we no longer have to hurry as we already know where he is."

Time quickly passed.

Two days later, a group of Arcanists has indeed arrived in the village as the Chief arranged a building for them to be used. 

Aria was also generous as she bought a small house with a courtyard and named it Kendo Hall. If Diether returned, he can just rename it to whatever he wanted. 


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