I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 291: Beast Wave ( 5 )

Chapter 291: Beast Wave ( 5 )

"This is bad!"

"The Forest Rats at this time?! How big was the collapse?!"

"Tsk! Just deal with the Gryphons and Harpies for now"

"That's right Those guys in the tunnel should be able to deal with it for a short time"

The Half-Imps were concerned about the situation below them. 

Since only two hundred of the half-imps are required to maintain the array, it means that there are four hundred of them that could fight against the beasts that had managed to enter.

Right now, the ones underground must be very busy fighting off the beasts and trying to close the array

If it remained open for too long, they would have trouble dealing with the beast and perhaps, they will all perish here.

As they are getting worried, they finally saw one of the five guardians entering the tunnel under their village.

"Ahh! It's Miss Tenri! We don't have to worry!"

"Good! Let's focus on this fight then!"

The Elders saw the beautiful lady carrying an exquisite Trident enter the tunnel connecting to the location where the array is placed. 

They know that the five guardians have never failed them and every matter they put their hands into would be resolved swiftly. This has been the same ever since they have arrived in this land.


A group of harpies suddenly attacked with their sonic wave! Many unprepared half-imps were unable to stabilize their footing after receiving their direct attack.

"Everyone! Take cover!" One of the elders warned but it was too late!

Ssak! Ssak!

The spears thrown by the flying beasts rained down on them after the sonic wave distracted them The sharp speared killed a few villagers and injured many of them!

Nevertheless, most of them managed to deflect the spears with their weapons and counterattacked!

There will be a group of people assigned to take the injured and heal them so the abled people continued with their assault against the beasts


'Master Do you need to go inside the tunnel?' Mourad asked worriedly. Though he wanted to stay beside his master, he knows the implication of the collapsed fortification during this beast wave. 

'Don't worry Tenri should be able to deal with it. Anyway, continue using your rifle and let the others protect you. I will assist the others.'

'Yes, Master Be careful!'

Mourad said in his mind before noticing that the wooden sword just suddenly vanished in the air. 

It must've been some kind of instantaneous movement or perhaps an invisibility Arcane Magic. 

The young man then focused on the beast swarming their place He looked at the young sword practitioners around them and they were all doing their best to stay in their formation as they fought desperately against the Harpies

Luckily, the Gryphons were drawn to another group of elite half-imps so the pressure on them wasn't as intense with the others.

'This is good I can focus on my Arcane Bullets' Mourad then took a deep breath as he aimed his Savage Hunting Rifle at a clustered Harpies.

Though most of his skills can only hit a single target, he still has an Invisible Blast Bullet that explodes when it gets near to his target!

With this skill, he would be able to deal with a group of harpies!

"Tsk It costs quite a lot of Spiritual Energy But it should at least relieve our forces here." Mourad muttered as he prepared to cast the Arcane Magic. 

He could probably fire 20 Energy Bullets with the amount of Spiritual Energy he just used. Nevertheless, this method is much easier and would surprise the flying Harpies.


As soon as his magic was ready, he pulled the trigger of his rifle and shot the clustered beasts

An invisible ball of energy came out of the rifle and headed in their direction 


A powerful blast occurred in the midst of the beasts disorienting about 20 of them at the same time!

"Now! Finish them off!"

Mourad shouted as soon as he saw that his attack was effective. For now, he has to focus on recovering his Spiritual Energy so he can continue casting his Arcane Magic which is the most helpful in their current situation.

"Let me handle them! I'll finish all of the disoriented Harpies Stay here!"

Vinete shouted to the group as she used her Epic Skill. 

Silent Steps! Shadow Cloak!

Her presence vanished as she headed in the beast's direction.

As soon as she noticed the harpies that were struggling to stand up, she used her Phantom Dash and slit their throat!


The Harpies were unable to fight back as they were cut down by Vinete's Phantom Dagger in a few seconds.


As this was all happening, Reiji assisted Ruthren who was dealing with the Gryphons

'Thank you, Master Reiji!'

'Mhmm... Continue assisting the elders...'

He made quick work with it before he contacted Szaaz underground.

'How's the situation there?'

'This is a bit difficult I've probably killed more than three hundred Forest Rats already but they just keep coming They are also immune to my poison.' The Trident Arcana answered after hearing Reiji. 

If Tenri and Szaaz were a bit too late, perhaps, the array would've collapsed completely since the half-imps are struggling to fight the steel-like Forest Rats.

Luckily, Szaaz was strong enough to deal with a group of these beasts. The only problem is that their swarm seems to be unending! If the hole in the array was a bit larger, even he would probably have a tough time dealing with it!

'That many, huh I guess I can finish one of my mission now I'll be coming there! Just hold on!'

Reiji made sure to kill a few more Gryphons before he headed underground.

His last two missions include the Killing Spree mission where he had to kill a certain amount of being at the same time. 

As for the last mission, it is now about to be completed since he's collecting blood from four people. 

In truth, Reiji could no longer wait to rank up since he recently learned from the Guide that he will gain a very useful skill after A skill that will probably change his method of fighting

It is called Spiritual Body Formation. 


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