I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 271: Nito-Ryu vs Ito-Ryu ( 1 )

Chapter 271: Nito-Ryu vs Ito-Ryu ( 1 )

Reiji saw Droltob's determination as he landed that strike against Stasis.

Perhaps, if he was able to put more strength on his lower body, he would be able to put the man unconscious. 

However, he was unable to bring out all his strength and he also stepped too forward as the sword's impact greatly diminished after breaking Stasis' sword. 

Tenri, the referee of the platform, stopped the fight immediately.  The fight wasn't over yet since Stasis can still fight. He just needs to get another sword to continue. 

Apparently, the hit on his head is considered one point and they need a total of five points to win the match. 

'Amazing I didn't think he's hiding that much power on his arms.' Stasis is quite excited after getting hit by that strike. 

He's not underestimating Droltob at all and he was just caught off guard since there was no practitioner has ever done this before. No, he didn't even think that it was possible in the first place. 

'Let's do this again I won't make the same mistake.'

Stasis smiled as he looked at Droltob. 

He was still focused and have his hands raised. It was as if his momentum would break if lost concentration for even a second.

'That's quite an oppressive aura' The man thought as he raised his swords again to form the Cross Stance

This time, however, he used another version of the Cross Stance called Enkyoku no Kamae.

The tip of the crossed swords was no longer pointed above but pointed at his opponents. 

Nevertheless, Droltob didn't react to it and he seemed to be planning to execute the same move. 


They made another exchange 


This time, Stasis decided to parry his attack using his crossed swords

As soon as he did this, he quickly sidestepped using a simple Hiraki-Ashi and targeted Droltob's body

This time, Stasis was able to cleanly hit his opponent However, he was surprised by the man's resolve!

He took the hit without even flinching as he continued striking down again!

What a scary and vicious man! He doesn't care whether he gets injured as long as he can hit him with his overhead strike again!


The elders of the Bhibra Village saw Droltob's performance and were really impressed. Even if he was defeated here, he would surely gain the respect of his fellow practitioners.

'How admirable The discipline of our younger generation has greatly changed ever since the five guardians have arrived. Amazing Truly amazing' One of the elders thought after seeing the fight. 

Before Ruthren and the other ladies arrived, it feels like their younger generation has no direction in their life aside from completing what the elders are instructing them to survive. 

Their eyes were lifeless as they know that they would just be repeating the tasks being given to the older half-imps.

They know that if they reach the right age, they will just be sent to either of the two kingdoms to become someone known as a member of the Three-Eyed Imp Cult and obtain sacrifices to earn the imp god's protection. 

They are aware of the consequences if they didn't do this and that is the destruction of their village that will be destroyed once the month of beast waves occurred. 

However, as soon as Ruthren and the others arrived, they were able to survive without the imp god's protection. They even learned how to fight them and the Gryphon's who were previously scary beings that they could barely fight were no longer that terrifying in front of their eyes. 

'Droltob, huh Even if he's defeated, we should give him a special reward I wonder what's the best we could to him.'

The elder thought as he looked at the other officials. They seem to be thinking the same thing as they look impressed at the young man's performance. 

The battle between the six practitioners continued. 

After a few more minutes the results came out, Mourad won against Imane scoring 5 points while Imane scored 4 points.

It was a close battle between the two. 

Then, Alee surprisingly won against Vinete It feels like they were just actually resting during the whole fight and Vinete appears to give the win to Alee letting her have her first win for the day. 

On the other hand, Droltob was ultimately defeated but his Fire Stance was certainly engraved in everyone's mind. 

Then, they have five minutes break before the next round continued. 

[ Mourad vs Stasis ] 

[ Alee vs Imane ]

[ Droltob vs Vinete ] 

Imane and Vinete managed to defeat their opponent quite easily. Vinete especially, since her opponent was already too tired fighting Stasis. 

Although she pitied him for a bit, there's no way that she would miss the opportunity. 

Finally, Mourad and Stasis' battle seems to take some time. 

'I can't approach him What with this stabbing form? It feels like there's something close to my throat.'

Stasis thought after he finally faced the lazy Mourad. 

The latter's stabbing form in a distance is very threatening, the man could easily close the gap by getting one big step and using his one hand to thrust his sword on his throat.

It doesn't matter where he moves, the tip of Mourad's sword would find his throat. 

He tried to counter it with one sword by using his Enkyoku but Mourad's sword skills were at a higher Dan! The sword moves like a snake as he was able to avoid being parried to reach his throat!

If not for him stepping back, he would've gotten hit already.

Nevertheless, he hadn't shown everything yet. 

As soon as Mourad returned to his stabbing form, Stasis dropped both of his hands The two swords were pointed on the ground.

This is the version of Mu no Kamae of Nitouryuu!


Reiji felt excited a little after seeing this.

During the All Japan Kendo Championship, where he participated 12 times and won 12 championship titles, he fought several practitioners who used Nittouryuu while he remained faithful to his Ittouryuu.

It's not like he can't dual wield but he's more comfortable with a single sword He felt a different satisfaction whenever he defeats those Nittouryuu Practitioners. 

Now that he's seeing Mourad and Stasis, he somehow reminisced his past and he was looking forward to how Mourad would try to surpass Stasis. 


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