I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 187 Small Orbs

Julius was watching intently through his computer monitor screen.

Thomas the scientist is coordinating all the matters of his crew members.

There were about ten people he saw passing by on the monitor. Doing all sorts of things Julius doesn't understand.

- "The tenth try will start in five minutes."

Thomas' tired voice sounded again. In his hand was a white tablet computer.

Thomas pressed the tablet screen several times. Three scientists came and stuck wires into the bottom of the transparent tube.

After that, they disappeared from the screen. Thomas looked at someone standing behind the camera.

- "Is it done?"

A moment later Thomas nodded his head. As if satisfied after seeing the answer of the person somewhere behind the camera.

- "We start now."

The sound of a working engine starts to be heard. After that, the thick cables connected to the tube vibrated.

- "Project Apple, tenth try. December 30th, year 179. Started."

The tube was filled with white waves from below and rising upwards.

Conrad, the man in the middle of the tube didn't move. His facial expression now looks bored. Like assuming that this routine is too monotonous for him.

- "Get a little excited, Conrad. This time, I'm sure we'll get results," Thomas said.

The words should be spoken in a passionate tone. However, Thomas's voice remained unchanged from his previous tone. Still sounded lazy and bored.

Conrad didn't answer. He seemed to be tired of the nonsense that came out of Thomas's mouth.

Julius knows quite a bit about the essence of what they are doing.

In essence, they had to extract some kind of energy that was in Conrad's body.

Conrad's body had changed after living with the Elves for some time.

Within his body was a kind of energy core given to him by an Elf who spent time with him.

That energy core made his body change. That change made Conrad, who is an ordinary human, able to awaken Magic.

Conrad carried the knowledge of how to use that Magic. However, without altering the core of an ordinary human's body with special energy like that within his body, awakening Magic in an ordinary human would be impossible.

So, in a way that scientists have thought of by combining various signals with certain frequencies and several other ways, they hope to extract that energy from within Conrad's body. Without killing him.

However, Julius didn't know much about it.

Besides, he didn't want to think about it too much. He just wanted to know the result.

Conrad's body began to be enveloped in a dazzling golden light.

Since it was Julius' first time seeing that happen, he was slightly surprised.

"What's this?" Julius asked General Lennard who had been waiting for him.

"It's part of the process, sir. The energy core within Conrad's body is starting to respond at the proper frequency," General Lennard replied.

"This has happened since the first try. But on the tenth try the light got stronger," General Lennard added.

​ - "As you can see, General. This time the light coming out of his body got even brighter. I'm sure the energy core will be coming out soon enough."

Thomas' voice cracked again.

This time, Julius could hear a hint of excitement in his voice.

Julius didn't know that it was actually possible.

Conrad's expression was that of someone in trouble. He clenched his jaw. But that expression wasn't like he was in severe pain.

Instead, Julius thought he only feeling uncomfortable, not in pain.

"He's not in pain?" Julius asked with his eyes not leaving the monitor.

"No, sir. Conrad will just be feeling tired after that. Based on his description, when he finished the experiment he only felt like he had just had a long run."

"You mean he's just exhausted?"

"Yes sir." General Lennard nodded his head.

"Oh, I thought the effect would be much worse than that," Julius said.

He then proceeded to take a closer look at the experimental process.

The light that came out of Conrad's body grew brighter. The golden light filled the tube and because the large tube was transparent, the light came out and lit up the room.

- "This process is running faster than in previous trials. Because of that, I'm sure there will be interesting developments this time," Thomas said.

- "I'm going to put a filter on this camera so you can see through this light, General."

Thomas then raised the camera and brought it back to his face.

Now it can be seen that Thomas is wearing a pair of goggles. Apparently to protect his eyes from the golden light that was getting brighter.

- "There you go."

After Thomas pressed a button, the camera was immediately able to record like before again.

The golden light that once filled the recording was now gone.

Julius frowned and brought his eyes closer to the monitor as he realized something.

He saw some kind of small golden orbs coming out of Conrad's body.

The orbs were as small as butterflies and floated around his body after they came out.

"What is that?" Julius asked.

"That is the Magic energy core we mean, sir," General Lennard replied.

Julius nodded his head in understanding then continued to stare at his monitor screen.

Small orbs came out of Conrad's body more and more. But soon the orbs stopped coming out.

Julius estimated that about ten or so small orbs were coming out of his body.

- "This is the most number of orbs thrown out since our first attempt. Normally, they would reenter the subject's body after a few seconds. But we seem to have found a way to stop it."

Thomas pressed something on his tablet and three smaller tubes appeared around Conrad.

The tiny orbs were pulled into the smaller tubes. After that, Thomas pressed his tablet computer again and the tubes closed. Isolate those little orbs inside.

- "Yes! We got it, General!"

Suddenly, Thomas' voice sounded even louder than before.

- "We have finally managed to separate the energy from the subject's body. Now we will start using it," Thomas added.



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