I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 169 An Expensive Spell

Aurdis had long realized that Aerchon couldn't fight Laston with all his heart. But right now they had no other choice.

If Aerchon couldn't really fight Laston to kill, how could they possibly beat him?

Saeldir himself already looked exhausted. Even though he was an Archmage, Saeldir had been draining his strength recently.

Apart from that Laston is a warrior trained in battle like her father.

His experience and power were of course much higher than Saeldir's.

Even after the crushing blow Saeldir gave Laston earlier, it still wasn't enough to defeat him.

Aurdis stared at the pensive Aerchon. His face was pale and exhausted but what was more worrying was his current mental state.

Aurdis bit her lip in frustration. Can't she do something to make this better?

The fight continued abruptly when Laston lunged first at Aerchon and Saeldir.

Accompanied by loud screams, Laston sent dark black fireballs toward the two of them.

Saeldir and Aerchon managed to counter the attack by swinging their swords.

After that, Laston, who came with incredible speed and was already in front of Aerchon, started swinging his dagger.

The black blade of the dagger swung as if cutting off the light from Aerchon's aura.

Saeldir came a moment later. Even with little hope, Saeldir still had to do something to help Aerchon.

From behind Laston, Saeldir swung his sword. But again, Laston's dagger moved quickly to deflect Saeldir's sword.

The fight is getting more intense. Laston's speed and strength seemed to increase.

Aurdis who was watching from a distance never thought that it was possible. Laston can still get stronger.

Magic flowed from their attacks. Black, blue and greenish lights flashed over the palace.

Accompanied by the sound of slashing and clashing of metals forged with incredible Magic power.

Aurdis who now could only watch from a distance finally realized something.

When she cast her gaze across the sky around her, everything was filled with Magic residue that caused a tremendous storm.

The gray clouds that began to form didn't store water but instead stored the Magical energy that came from the battle.

In other words, this is Chaos Magic.

'Oh no! If this battle continues...'

If this battle continued any longer, Aurdis didn't know what would emerge from behind this Chaos Magic.

Maybe a new type of monster will be created. Or maybe a Portal that opens up to another dimension will appear up here. Above the Elf castle which was in extreme disorder.

'There is no other choice. I have to join the fight!'

Aurdis steeled herself. She picked up the cloth bag that was still on her back and started rummaging through its contents.

Trying to find something she can use.

In the end, she could only find the jewelry she should have given to Queen Faenith some time ago.

Now that doesn't matter anymore.

The jewelry was indeed very beautiful. Because they were made by powerful Elf craftsmen.

By manipulating the Magical energy already contained in gems and precious metals, Elf craftsmen create jewelry with an extraordinary level of precision and beauty that can only be matched by the weapons and armor created by the Dwarf race.

Within the jewelry, there was pure Magical power that she could use.

Aurdis nodded her head. 'Yes, maybe this could work.'

Aurdis took out all the jewelry that was in her cloth bag. The jewelry then floated around her.

The necklace consists of a string of dark blue pearls, a bright red pendant in a rectangular shape wrapped in a gold frame, a white ring engraved with greenish runes, and many more.

Everything floated around Aurdis in a sparkling circle.

The Chaos Magic storm that took place made all of these jewels glow with their respective colors. They reacted with the Chaos Magic and shook all around.

Aurdis once learned a Spell. It was one of her most difficult Spells for him to learn because of its complexity.

Even when Aurdis finished learning it, she still hadn't really perfected the Spell because the conditions needed were quite difficult.

The conditions she needed were gemstones and precious minerals that contained pure nature Magic.

Even for the Elves, it was something too expensive.

There was no way Aurdis would ask the Dwarves either.

While preparing the Spell, suddenly Aurdis heard a loud noise from the front.

When she looked up, Aurdis saw Aerchon blown away.

After knocking Aerchon away, Laston proceeded to attack Saeldir.

Saeldir also seemed to be having a hard time. Aurdis saw that there had been slashes and scratches on Saeldir's body.

Realizing that she had to hurry, Aurdis wasted no more time.

After taking out fifteen different pieces of jewelry, Aurdis moved her hands in smooth motions to adjust them.

They immediately moved and formed three circles. One circle consists of five extraordinarily beautiful jewels.

Aurdis winced realizing that soon she would lose those jewels before her eyes.

However, that thought vanished as soon as she saw that Saeldir had dropped his sword.

The Magic sword fell down. The light on the blade dimmed and finally disappeared. The greenish engraved runes had also faded and disappeared.

Then Aurdis's gaze shifted from the fallen sword to Saeldir.

Saeldir is now in grave danger. Laston's hands choked his neck, and Saeldir's hands flailed helplessly to get rid of Laston's hands.

Aurdis' eyes widened. She sped up the Spell preparation process.

Colorful Magic circles appeared within the circle formed from the jewelry.

The Magic circles absorb the power of the jewelry so that they are made up of various colors.

Aurdis poured huge Magic energy rushing into each of those Magic circles.

After that, Aurdis used her will to send the Magic circles to Laston.

The Magic circle disappeared from Aurdis's sight and appeared around Laston.

Laston who was about to stab his dagger at Saeldir stopped in shock. Suddenly, the Magic Circles released colorful waves toward Laston.

Laston felt his strength weaken instantly.

His hold on Saeldir's neck disappeared and Saeldir fell.

When Laston looked back, he saw Aurdis looking at him with eyes full of concentration.



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