I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 163 Chaos Spreading

The sight of the current Elf castle made them freeze in place.

The portal that had brought them here was still hissing behind them. But their attention had been completely fixed on the sight of the palace engulfed in huge chaos.

White buildings were burning, there were even towers that had collapsed.

The Elves turned into hideous, ugly monsters.

Their previously pale and smooth skin turned black and festered.

Most of the hair that crowned their heads had fallen out. Leaving a few strands that hang irregularly and messy.

"(This is really terrible,)" Dolthon muttered in a shocked tone.

"(This is Dark Magic. Who brought this powerful Dark Magic here?)" a male Forest Elf who was next to Dolthon asked.

He was one of the four squad leaders among the Forest Elf troop, just like Dolthon and the other two Forest Elves.

,m His name is Callonor.

"(Didn't you hear what King Fairon said earlier? There were Dark Elves who joined to attack this palace,)" Another team leader responded to Callonor's words. His name is Gastion.

"(We can figure that out later. Now all that matters is how to stop them.)" Harnon the other squad leader answered.

"(The only thing we can do is destroy them,)" Dolthon said as he took his bow into his hand.

"(Get your bows ready!)" Dolthon said to his four squad members.

Of course, all of his team members immediately obeyed his orders and took their bows into their hands.

"(Isn't there another way to save them?)" Aurdis asked while facing them with teary eyes.

She felt great sadness seeing Elf in this palace. After all, they were palace dwellers who meant a lot to her.

Seeing them in this condition was torturous for Aurdis.

However, the Forest Elves, they didn't share the same sentiments.

As soon as they saw these elves become Undead, their only thought was, they should be destroyed immediately.

The Forest Elves think that what they saw right now were just corpses moving around based on their appetite.

Dolthon, Harnon, Gastion, and Callonor exchanged glances. Then after a while, Dolthon said.

"(Sorry, Princess. There really isn't any other way to save them now. You'll see for yourself.)"

Aurdis turned to the Elves in front of her again. They were now aware of her and the Forest Elves' existence.

Several of the Undead Elves were already running toward them.

Before Aurdis could say anything, arrows were already shooting to rain down on the Undead Elves.

The arrows flew from the Forest Elves' bows and embedded themselves in the bodies of the Undead Elves.

One Undead Elf can receive more than one arrow.

It doesn't end there.

After the arrows stuck in their bodies, roots began to grow from the arrows until they covered their entire bodies.

After a while, the bodies of the Undead Elves were completely covered by the roots.

They fell to the ground and didn't move anymore. Those roots then devour their bodies.

Like plants devouring nutrients from the soil, the roots drained away the bodies of the Undead Elves.

Until finally their bodies were destroyed.

After finishing devouring the Undead Elves, the roots disappeared into the ground.

Aurdis's mouth opened and trembled. Her eyes stared in disbelief at everything she had just seen.

"(What are you doing?)" Aurdis asked while looking at the Forest Elves in turn.

"(We did it for all the other surviving Elves, Princess. If we don't handle the cursed Elves, the curse will only spread,)" Dolthon said.

"(We have no other choice. Please understand. We are doing this for your kingdom.)"

Hearing his words, Aurdis pressed her lips together and didn't say anything.

The sound of a huge explosion abruptly sounded in the distance.

Something they had not noticed until now finally entered their sights.

There were two ongoing fights in the air.

They were fighting so intensely that the sky was filled with black Magic smoke and their Magical aura.

"(You'd better help those who are fighting above, Princess. We'll handle everything down here,)" Dolthon represented the Forest Elves to say.

Aurdis pressed her lips together again.

'Dealing with everything down here' meant that they would just slaughter the Elves who had become Undead.

Aurdis felt unwillingness in her heart. But, she knew that she didn't have any solution for this either.

So she didn't say anything and just shot up.

Gastion sighed. "(I didn't expect it to get this bad.)"

Even so, Gastion said it without significant emotion.

"(Whatever, let's get this over with quickly. We've wasted too much time here,)" Callonor responded. After that, he led his squad to scatter from them.

"(Well, the sooner it's done the better,)" Harnon said.

He also immediately led his squad to scatter.

Dolthon and Gastion also know what they have to do.

Between the two of them, Gastion was the first to scatter to carry out his duties.

Dolthon looked around, then up.

Everything that happened was due to the fault of the Elves in this palace themselves. So, there was no point in him feeling guilty.


Dolthon immediately shook his head. Then he spoke to his squad members.

"(Let's go. Let's destroy this Undead. Be careful. Don't get bitten.)"

His team members nodded. They immediately jumped over the roofs of buildings.

They drew their bowstrings and fired arrows in smooth motions.

As if they had been doing it a long time ago every day.

The Forest Elves never even hesitated. They never stop shooting arrows or slashing their dagger. They haven't even used powerful Magic yet.

Those who are used to hanging from tree branches and exploring difficult terrain in the wilderness have extraordinary agility.

Climbing the rooftops of buildings and towers in this Elven castle was simply incomparable to that.

In less than a minute, dozens of Elf Undead had been destroyed.

Even the Elves who had just experienced bites were immediately killed.

Yes, Forest Elves do not hesitate to shoot their arrows at Elves who have not become Undead yet, but have been bitten or scratched.

Because they have been infected by the Undead curse.



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