I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 149 Under The Big Tree

After everything that had happened, it felt like only now could Aurdis heave a sigh of relief.

She even closed her eyes to look up and stared up at the sky.

Even when the pouring rain hit her face Aurdis didn't think it was something troubling.

Erend turned to Aurdis. Seeing Aurdis' face which looked calm, made Erend smile.

Her wet silvery hair fell down. Her body and clothes were drenched.

This seems to be the first time Erend has seen her wear an outfit like this.

Usually, she just wears a long white dress.

Actually, there was another outfit Aurdis had worn that was still stuck in Erend's memory. It was a sheer nightgown that showed most of her flawless skin.

Erend immediately pushed the thought away because this was not the right time.

They had just finished a tough fight. Erend's MP is depleted and they are tired.

[Daily Quest Completed! ]

Systema's notification popped up in Erend's view. He was slightly startled because he was watching Aurdis.

[Rewards: 200 Exp. ]

[You Leveled Up! ]

[You Leveled Up! ]

"We must take shelter," Erend said. "Let's take go to the woods."

Aurdis just stared at Erend for a few moments. Then she nodded with a weak smile.

They took shelter on the edge of the Wyldwood forest. Under a very large tree.

This tree was so big that its branches and leaves could completely stop the pouring rain.

Star, the white stallion came next to Aurdis after suddenly appearing from hiding.

Erend and Aurdis sat leaning against a tree trunk.

Erend used what little MP he had left to activate [All Fire-based Power].

He controlled the heat from the power to dry his and Aurdis's bodies.

Erend only let out a little hot steam from his body.

Erend didn't know whether she did it on purpose or not, but Aurdis brought her body close to him.

He let it go because he felt that Aurdis really needed warmth.

"Thank you," Aurdis said. "If you hadn't come, I would have died."

Erend just nodded with a small murmur. The hot steam from Erend's body created a very thin mist around them.

"How did you come at the right time?" Aurdis asked.

Erend was confused about what kind of answer to give.

There was no way he could say that he was here because of the Daily Quest.

"Uhh, let's just say I have good instincts," Erend finally gave that answer.

Aurdis turned to him. Their faces were so close that Erend could feel Aurdis' breath on his face.

Aurdis' blue eyes stared straight into his eyes.

Even though she had just undergone a tiring battle, those eyes were still as clear as ever.

Erend turned his eyes away from Aurdis. His heartbeat was very fast.

Even when he was fighting against the Dark Elf who had become a monster just now, his heartbeat was not as fast as right now.

"Whatever it is, I thank you," Aurdis said.

"Yes. No need to thank me anymore. You've said it twice," Erend replied without looking away from the front.

Aurdis looked at Erend's face from the side. Then she smiled sweetly.

"Sorry I left you," Erend said after a few minutes in silence.

"You don't need to apologize. Besides, none of this is your problem," Aurdis said. "You've helped enough."

"Why are you here?" Erend asked.

"I'm on my way to visit our distant relatives for help."


Aurdis took a deep breath before answering. "Yeah."

Then Erend remembered how things were in the palace.

Aurdis and Saeldir were by themself. They couldn't trust anything but one another.

Saeldir must also be in trouble at the palace. In fact, he might actually have a lot more trouble.

Here, Aurdis can directly face his enemy openly. But what about Saeldir who must continue to guard himself against attacks that might come from behind his back?

"What kind of relatives would you visit?" Erend asked.

"They are Elves like me. It's just that they live in the forest," Aurdis replied.

Erend's brow furrowed. "You have relatives who are not against you?"

Aurdis grimaced at Erend's words.

"Actually... I can't say that they're not against us." Aurdis said. "Our relationship is not exactly good. That's why I had to travel a long distance to reach them."

"But are you sure they can be counted on to solve problems in the palace?" Erend asked.

Aurdis did not immediately answer. Instead, she took a deep breath.

"I don't know. But they are our last hope. It's not like we're enemies," Aurdis said.

"I'm sure I'll be welcome once I get there. But I don't know if they want to help us or not."

"If they don't want to help, I'll help you."

Hearing Erend's words, Aurdis turned to him. Her heart was touched to hear it.

But Aurdis knew better than to bother Erend more.

After all, Aurdis thought Erend could do nothing but use his power to destroy Laston. And probably all parties involved with him.

That does sound practical. But not the best solution.

Erend must have thought so too. He just said this as a last resort if things were going for the worse. Aurdis understood that.

"Is the place still far away?" Erend asked.

"Still quite far. The plains stretch very wide," Aurdis said. "After that, I have to pass through the swamps. The rest is just forest and trails until I reach Dawnwood. Where the Forest Elves live."

"How about I take you in my Dragon form?" Erend made a suggestion. "It will be much quicker than you walk or ride a horse."

Erend turned to the white stallion that was standing eating grass not far from them.

Aurdis looked at him and blinked a few times rapidly.

"Take me there in Dragon form? H-How?" Aurdis stared in disbelief.

"I can carry you in my hand. You two can fit in the palm of my hand. I've tried it before," Erend said with a smile.

"I don't know about that." Aurdis looked unsure.

"Don't worry. It will be safe. I've brought people in Dragon form before. And they're all safe."

Aurdis still looks unsure. But what Erend said sounded reasonable.

"Uhhm, I think we can give it a try then."



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