I Really Didn’t Want to Increase My Favorability!

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

“I can’t see anything!”

Even though he knew Ji Yun and Bai Xiaoxiao were on the field, he couldn’t see anything from his spot and couldn’t move forward. Maybe he should go upstairs?

“Xu Lin, where are you going?”

“I’m going upstairs to watch. I can’t see anything from here.”

“I’ll go with you.”

Xu Lin and Li Bin squeezed out of the crowd and ran up to the second floor of the teaching building, which offered a side view from the hallway.

Just as they reached the railing, a whistle blew, and the girls started running instantly!

With the lesson learned from the first group that sprinted too hard and ended up walking due to exhaustion, the girls maintained a steady pace this time.

However, after a few dozen meters, many of the less fit girls began to slow down, while the fitter ones kept their pace and stayed at the front.

At the very front were Ji Yun, Bai Xiaoxiao, and a girl from the neighboring class.

With long legs, she stood taller than the 172 cm Bai Xiaoxiao, truly having a natural advantage.

Showing signs of overtaking Bai Xiaoxiao and Ji Yun, Xu Lin was about to shout again when he heard a voice from below.

“Sister Ji Yun, keep it up! Sister Bai, you too!”

Xu Lin looked down and saw a girl wearing a sunhat and mask shouting from the platform.

“Xu Lin, that’s the girl who came with Teacher Chu, pretty, right?”

“Yeah, pretty. She’s my girlfriend.”

“Damn, you’re getting more shameless.”

“I’m always honest. She really is my girlfriend.”

“Heh! I’ve been curious for a while, what’s your relationship with Teacher Chu?”

“Teacher Chu? She’s my relative,” pointing at his little sister-in-law.

“Relative, really? I don’t believe it.”


“I don’t believe it. Even if she’s a cousin or something, you wouldn’t be sharing a drink. Come on, spill the beans.”

“Uh… there’s really nothing to spill. She’s really my relative. If you insist, the girl down there is also my relative.”

“Fine, fine, if you don’t want to talk, that’s it. I’m the only single one left.”

“Li Bin, calm down. High school is the foundation of your future. Studying hard is the right path. I swear, I don’t have a girlfriend right now!”

Xu Lin’s serious demeanor made Li Bin nod, feeling somewhat moved.

“You’re still the best. That guy Ma Zhiyu, once he got a girlfriend, forgot all about me, a shut-in! Even though I like playing games and watching anime alone, I still get jealous!”

“Haha, so true!” Xu Lin laughed, then noticed a figure approaching.

“You punk, talking trash about me again!” Ma Zhiyu’s voice came from behind, and he suddenly performed a sneaky move from behind!

“Brother Ma, brother Ma, I was just venting, let go, let go!”

Xu Lin ignored the commotion of the two people beside him and continued to watch the field below.

The girl had already overtaken Ji Yun, and Bai Xiaoxiao was right behind Ji Yun.

On the track, Ji Yun kept adjusting her breathing, looking at the girl two or three positions ahead, and continuously sped up.

Only 100 meters left, no need to conserve energy, give it all! Xu Lin, I will take first place!

“Senior Bai, I’m accelerating.”

“Huff huff, leave it to you!”

Ji Yun suddenly pushed off the ground, leaping forward by a meter, quickly closing the distance with her opponent!

The girl was startled to see Ji Yun suddenly beside her, frowned, and sped up again.

Ji Yun also gave it her all, even if the opponent’s stride was double hers, she believed that if her frequency was high enough, she could win!

With the finish line getting closer and only 10 meters left, she had already given her all. At this rate…

Seeing the finish line not far away, a move flashed through Ji Yun’s mind, and she suddenly stumbled.

Everyone thought Ji Yun was out of strength, and the outcome seemed decided!

But in the blink of an eye, Ji Yun flashed past the opponent and crossed the finish line!

The whistle blew, and the recording teacher was stunned. Another teacher patted him, and he picked up the megaphone, walked to Ji Yun, and glanced at the board.

“Second Year Class 7’s Ji Yun wins the first place in the second heat of the women’s 500 meters!”

“Ji Yun, awesome!”

“Hahaha! Impressive!”

“Class Monitor, awesome!”

“Beautiful, awesome!”

The crowd started to cheer, and Ji Yun was gasping for breath. The girl who finished behind her walked over leisurely.

“Ji Yun, how did you do that?”

“I… don’t know.”

Ji Yun shook her head, she herself didn’t know what she did in that last moment, but now she felt very exhausted, completely drained.

She never felt this way during normal runs, feeling empty inside, and her body started to sway.

Then, an arm wrapped around her waist from behind, startling her, thinking some guy was taking advantage.

But when she turned around, she instantly recognized the masked and hatted person.

“Sister Chu!”

“I’ll help you to rest.”


At this moment, Xu Lin stood above, hearing many discussions below about how pretty Ji Yun was and how she was so fast in the end.

But he was very familiar with Ji Yun’s last move, a step from the light skill he bought from the system, known as “Bright Morning Steps.”

He usually used it while practicing with Chu Fengyi, avoiding attacks, and had never demonstrated it in front of Ji Yun.

She couldn’t have learned it from him, nor from anyone else. Even Chu Fengyi, with her high talent, hadn’t secretly learned this skill.

But Ji Yun had used it perfectly, even better than him, as it was one of the more advanced steps.

He himself hadn’t practiced it very well, using it in combat mainly for quick advances, face-to-face engagements, or dodging attacks.

He had to ask her, it couldn’t be the system’s doing, right? The system, which didn’t even have voice commands, helping Ji Yun remotely was just unbelievable.

“I’ll go down for a bit.”

“Why? There’s so many people, our race is last.”

“To find my girlfriend.”

“Hey, hey, Ma Zhiyu, do you know what Xu Lin just claimed? He said that hot girl with a great figure and aura, wearing the hat, is his girlfriend.”

“Haha, Xu Lin, next time say that in front of the class monitor, see how many days she ignores you.”

“Want to bet? Chicken rice bowls for a week!” Xu Lin extended a finger.


“Wait, brother Ma, but the beauty knows Teacher Chu, maybe she really knows Xu Lin too. Last time we were fooled when we went for hotpot!”

“Right! We can’t let you trick us again.” Ma Zhiyu sighed in relief, almost losing his week’s worth of chicken rice bowls.

At this moment, a figure came down from upstairs, and the three looked over. Ma Zhiyu and Li Bin were stunned, seeing a cool, uniformed beauty.

Ma Zhiyu lowered his voice, jokingly saying, “Xu Lin, if you can strike up a conversation with that beautiful police officer, I’ll treat you to chicken rice bowls for a month.”


Xu Lin walked over, and to their amazement, he directly took the cool beauty’s hand, raised it, and waved at them flauntingly.

The two stared at each other and blurted out, “What the hell! He actually did it?!”

“Damn it, my chicken rice bowls!”

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