I Really Didn’t Want to Increase My Favorability!

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

After two classes, the students, under the arrangement of their respective class teachers, headed towards the playground.

It’s fortunate it’s winter now; otherwise, sitting on the playground for over two hours in the summer, they’d rather not have free shoes!

Each student brought their own chair; the school chairs are quite heavy, but the boys are very considerate of the girls, willingly helping to carry them.

One boy with two chairs created a harmonious scene, although there are also guys like Li Bin who seem clueless.

Unconsciously, he ended up with three more chairs in his hands, feeling awkward to refuse the girls.

However, once people saw him holding five chairs, no one else came to ask him for help.

Xu Lin originally thought Class Monitor Ji wouldn’t let him carry her chair, but to his surprise, when everyone else stood up, Ji Yun shoved her chair into his hands.

“Attention everyone, when we finish, make sure to take our class’s chairs. Don’t mix them up with other classes’ chairs; it’ll be hard to find them later!”

Zhuo Yan shouted, and then Ji Yun also repeated it, and everyone nodded.

“Over here, follow He Run!”

The teacher shouted, and the tall He Run raised his arm and led the way, breaking through the crowd to the marked playground.

“Three people per row, don’t push, and don’t take other seats, sit where you are, no seat swapping!”

“Xu Lin, let’s sit here.”

“Sure, hold on, I’m carrying Ji Yun’s chair. I’ll save a seat for the class monitor, it doesn’t count as saving seats, right, Zhuo Yan?”

“It doesn’t count, it doesn’t count.”

Zhuo Yan glanced at him coldly, but still nodded. Xu Lin also found a seat towards the back and placed a chair next to it for Ji Yun.

Once the group settled, Ji Yun looked around for a seat, and a few girls teased her, “Your seat is behind your husband.”

“Don’t talk nonsense,” she replied.

Towards the back, Xu Lin smiled and patted the seat next to him. Ji Yun ignored him and sat down directly.

“If you have something to say, just tell me. Don’t sulk like this. If you’re mad at me, just punch me twice.”

“I’m not mad at you, it’s just… forget it! The principal is here.”

Ji Yun spoke, but her expression remained the same. Following her gaze, the vice principal and several directors walked up to the platform.

The head teacher cleared his throat at the microphone and took a few deep breaths before speaking.

“Dear students, let me just say one thing today: we won’t be boring you with a scripted speech.”

With that sentence, the students below burst into laughter instantly.

It’s worth noting that this head teacher was known for reading long, boring scripts with little useful content.

The vice principal, on the other hand, was well-liked because he never wasted time with unnecessary words. At any major meeting, he would simply start with “Let’s begin,” and end with “Meeting adjourned,” without any further ado.

So when he said “Let me just say one thing,” everyone expected a lengthy speech, but they were surprised by his brevity.

“You probably already know the purpose of today’s assembly. Feidu has always adhered to three simple yet challenging principles: domestic production, affordable pricing, and high quality.”

“Today, the general manager of Feidu, Ye Fanleng, personally came to our school and brought us 5,000 pairs of sports shoes.”

“In addition, this time, General Manager Ye also selected 300 schools in 300 cities across the country to deliver comfortable professional running shoes to the children.”

“General Manager Ye is going to hold a new product launch event the day after tomorrow, but she chose to come to our Linshui No.3 Middle School. Amidst her busy schedule, she wants to chat with everyone. Everyone is welcome!”

“Ye… what cold(leng)?”

“Ye Fanleng, she is a woman, right? I remember reading about her in the news.”

“Oh, usually female bosses are quite reserved, so hopefully we can wrap this up quickly.”

“Yeah, but you know, in novels and TV dramas, they always depict beautiful female CEOs with fair skin and long legs. Why is reality full of middle-aged women?”

“Haha, dreaming of beautiful CEOs, huh? They’re just not as common in reality as they are in fiction.”

The youths below were whispering among themselves, but before they could finish, they saw an urban beauty in a black windbreaker and white shirt walking up the platform from behind.

Then, there was a collective long gasp from the students. What’s going on? Did I suddenly develop vision problems?

She’s so beautiful, is she a secretary?! But how could a secretary have such charisma and presence? Oh my god, novels aren’t just random stories!

The headmaster also hurried over, shook hands with Ye Fanleng, and Ye Fanleng nodded slightly before stepping up to the microphone and taking a deep breath.

“Good afternoon, everyone. Originally, I didn’t want to disturb everyone’s class and study time. But seeing that the weather is nice today, neither too hot nor too cold, I’ve managed to secure an afternoon of break time for everyone.”

“Thank you, Miss Ye!”

“Thank you, Miss Ye!!”

“Thank you, Sister Ye!”


Don’t know which guy shouted, and then everyone below started shouting too. Later, the girls also began to shout, making Ye Fanleng feel a little embarrassed.

“Okay, okay, no need to thank me. I’m here today mainly to chat with everyone. I won’t give any long speeches or clichés. You can think of it as an open class.”

“I’ll start by talking about some things from my high school life, as well as about the college entrance examination, university matters, and of course, work-related topics. I hope everyone can learn something.”

“You can raise your hand to ask questions anytime during the session, but please don’t be noisy. Raise your hand, one at a time.”


Listening to the unanimous response around him, Xu Lin couldn’t help but smile helplessly. It turns out everyone here is a fan of beauty.

Oh well, count me in too!

But today, President Ye’s attire is so chic and formal, yet her demeanor is not as imposing as last time. Instead, she seems very serene.

It’s no wonder she’s an entrepreneur; having the ability to adapt is crucial. Being more approachable in front of the camera and with students is definitely a plus.

But relying solely on her charisma won’t guarantee high sales. Actually, the boss herself can be considered a flagship of the brand.

Take, for example, the boss of a certain phone company; his song became so famous, and he himself follows a more down-to-earth approach.

If we were to go back a few years, he could have invested and collaborated, but now the rice has already been cooked, at least in terms of success.

Later on, Ms. Ye started telling stories, and at first, everyone was just listening for fun, but the more they listened, the more captivated they became.

Because it’s not just stories; it also includes a lot of experiences in dealing with learning and life issues, which many students suddenly felt benefited from.

In the college section, many students started raising their hands to ask questions, and Ye Fanleng also chose to answer a few.

In an instant, Xu Lin felt as if he was attending a high-quality open lecture at university.

Miss Ji Yun also listened with shining eyes, feeling some of her previous frustration dissipate.

And so, an hour and a half passed, with a few reminders from the teachers before the students below realized how much time had elapsed.

“Alright, everyone, let’s stop here. Now we move on to the most anticipated part of today!”


They all shouted together, having already noticed the shoe boxes not far away, their blue and white packaging sparking their excitement.

Of course, there were also many students who weren’t too happy, after all, they didn’t have their own shoes, feeling a bit sour!

“Everyone coming up together might be a bit chaotic. The school has already provided me with a list. There are 1500 people with matching shoe sizes, but we only have 1000 pairs this time.”

“So, I can only randomly select 1000 people using the computer. Sorry, everyone.”

“No problem! General Manager Ye is generous!”


It was the same guy from earlier who shouted, followed by laughter from below.

“Okay, then I’ll call up two students. They’ll come up with this list and call out names for everyone to collect. That way, it won’t be chaotic.”

“I’ll randomly choose one.”

Ms. Ye lowered her head, looked for about half a minute, and then said, “Xu Lin, come up here.”

Xu Lin, who was adjusting his collar, suddenly paused and looked towards Ye Fanleng on the stage, marveling at the truly random selection!

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