I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 522: 342: You're Arrogant, Need Healing 2

Harrison Clark nodded, “I know about that. While I personally think it’s pointless, if Lion wants to come, I won’t stop him.”

Needham Brown grinned viciously, “Let me show you my lecture video.” As soon as he finished speaking, a huge image appeared in mid-air.

Harrison looked up and saw a swollen face – it was a tragic sight of Daniel Thompson being beaten black and blue.

Lion was getting pummeled while wearing a basic battle armor, looking terrible.

Of course, the person beating him was Needham, but that wasn’t the end of it.

While beating him, Needham also sneered and made fun of him with continuous insults like “trash,” “garbage,” “shame of a warrior,” and “go home to drink milk.”

It lasted less than thirty seconds before Daniel Thompson fell.

Unconscious, Daniel lay flat on the ground, with his limbs unnaturally flattened.

Needham said coldly, “I have, in fact, given Daniel quite a bit of knowledge. Your instructor has put his life on the line at my lecture to modify your training materials for you rookies. What do you think of your current attitude?”

“Alright, I understand now.” Harrison’s gaze changed abruptly.

He checked the Black Bear Training Base system.

After updating his own training materials, Daniel had indeed gone ahead and revised them once more.

This time, however, the changes were not implemented army-wide, but only targeted the other members of the rookie class, excluding Harrison.

Daniel had made individualized training arrangements for each person.

Harrison understood that there must indeed be some new content added by Lion.

Furthermore, Lion had confidently added a “Daniel Thompson Refined Edition” suffix to “Clark’s Tutorial,” showing that it was his masterpiece.

If this had happened before, Harrison would be pleased, thinking Lion finally learned to take credit for his work.

But now, Harrison realized that these targeted refinements were actually acquired at the cost of Daniel risking his legacy.

General Brown, did you really have to beat him so badly just to train Daniel?”

Harrison asked coldly.

Needham scoffed, “Because he refused to show respect and yet wanted to gain something from me, naturally, he should pay a higher price.”

“Not showing respect?”

This was another thing Harrison didn’t know about.

But he had already contacted Marthus through his personal information system, “What happened to Instructor Hill this month?”

Marthus replied quickly, “Instructor told me not to tell.”

“lam now the General’s security officer, Marthus, do you want to be selected into the directly affiliated guard?”

“Weren’t you called back to your dorm by the instructor one day to rest? On that day, General Brown came looking for you, but Instructor Hill argued with him. Over two weeks ago, he attended General Brown’s lecture and was brought back unconscious, with his limbs being restructured. He didn’t fully recover until two days before the selection match. But he asked us to keep this from you, so you wouldn’t worry for no reason.”

Harrison suddenly understood, and said slowly, “Good job. Needham, you really did well.”

He was now truly infuriated.

When Harrison saw Needham torturing the Lost Warriors before, he had already felt a bit unhappy about it.

But Needham had always been a good friend in the past, so he tried to be more forgiving, after all, Needham didn’t actually kill anyone.

However, when Harrison later saw Needham making things difficult for the kid’s mother during the selection meeting, his displeasure turned into resentment.

This was disclosed by a star.

Now, his anger was truly burning.

What a bastard, with a rotten personality, showing contempt for everyone, extremely self-centered, bullying others with his position, and completely disregarding people’s feelings.

Harrison felt that Needham was very deserving of a beating this time, and it made his hands itch.

Since Needham deserved it, he decided to teach him a lesson and make him remember it well.

Harrison had put Needham together many times, but it had always been a passive counterattack or a difference in position. This was the first time he was genuinely angered.

“If you’re seeking death, then I’ll grant you that. Remember your words and de-load your parameters to match mine.”

After saying that, Harrison Clark’s Galaxy Basic Armor Pseudo-Curvature Engine roared to life, and he charged out like a bolt of black lightning.

Needham smirked, “Of course, I could even be one-thousandth lower than you!”

As he said that, he quickly adjusted his custom training armor’s parameters to match the standard performance and locked his awakening level adaptation to 36.6%.As a Major General, Lin Bu knew that Chen Feng’s current awakening level was 36.7%.

In fact, Chen Feng was already very strong, but there was still a huge gap between him and Lin Bu.

At the same time, Lin Bu’s bodyguards skillfully activated the isolation shield for training purposes, avoiding the aftermath of their fight affecting innocent bystanders.

The Lost Warriors who thought they would be punished became spectators with mixed feelings, glad they didn’t have to suffer but also slightly disappointed, and excited to watch a live combat between experts.

In the next instant, Chen Feng lunged towards Lin Bu.

Lin Bu faced him head-on.

A fierce explosion erupted as the two engaged in battle.


Perhaps it lasted less than a tenth of a second.

Lin Bu’s figure was sent flying backwards at a high speed, slamming into the seemingly solid isolation shield and causing ripples of energy to spread out.

The onlookers were astonished.

Although the isolation shield appeared to be a thin, transparent layer, it was small enough to be carried in portable equipment but could withstand an attack at 50% power capacity from a Galaxy Equipment Full Power Soldier.

General Lin actually made it ripple.

This meant that in that instant, Chen Feng had directed all the maximum power of his Galaxy Basic Armor at him!

The bodyguards had a battlefield support system that allowed them to see what was happening.

General Lin had underestimated his opponent.

He had set his parameters at 36.6%, only 0.1% below Chen Feng’s.

Chen Feng had initially feigned a melee attack with his blade, but as he closed in, he had fully charged his mid-range weapon and released it all at once!

Additionally, Chen Feng used the energy turbulence released by his melee weapon to disrupt Lin Bu’s Basic Armor’s detection equipment!

Even though the two fighters’ actual skills were close to each other, Chen Feng’s experience far exceeded that of a novice, making his battle prowess incomparable to Lin Bu’s.

Caught off guard, General Lin was successfully ambushed by Chen Feng, and in the next instant, both of them wielded energy-shock dual blades, clashing furiously for hundreds of times.

General Lin kept giving ground in the process.

Almost every attack from Chen Feng was deflected by Lin Bu’s sword, yet every counter strike was swept away, with the result that Lin Bu’s shield was shattered, leaving only his Battle Armor’s physical protection layer intact.

“Chen Feng, you…”

On the other side, Lin Bu struggled to suppress his urge to cough up blood while activating his battlefield emergency medical device, trying to say something.

But Chen Feng didn’t give him a chance.

“Idiot, you dare to underestimate me in a fight. You think your 36.6% awakening is enough? How arrogant can you be!”

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The next moment, tens of thousands of nano-neutron tracking bullets flew through the air from somewhere and pounced on Lin Bu like a swarm of locusts.

This was another tactic Chen Feng had stealthily prepared during their close­quarters combat.

His savvy fighting abilities were simply astonishing.

At last, Lin Bu adjusted his parameters to 36.7% and reactivated his shield just in time to barely withstand Chen Feng’s attack using a combination of his shield and weapon-based defenses.

However, Chen Feng rushed towards Lin Bu again, launching another continuous onslaught.

At this point, both of their basic armors had turned pitch black under the cover of an ultra-thin space compression layer created by the pseudo-curvature engine.

Nonetheless, the light they generated as they fought was ever-changing.

The sight left Lin Bu’s bodyguards dumbstruck.

“Captain Chen Feng is constantly changing his weapons. The energy weapon system in his hands is undergoing a rapid transformation at over a hundred times per second!”

He’s also insanely activating the various ammunition storages on his body.

My God… I didn’t know that tracking bullets could be switched to manual mode and controlled to such an extent…”

“At the same awakening level, the number of commands his brain sends out every second is at least double that of General Lin’s.”

“That… that’s impossible…”

“Even though both General Lin and his Galaxy Equipment have a 100% proficiency rating, why is there such a huge difference?”

“Hold on, actually, General Lin’s commands are equal in number, but his command efficiency is as high as 100%!”



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