I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 27 - 27: 26: Social Class_l

Chapter 27: Chapter 26: Social Class_l

Translator: 549690339

Boom, boom, boom!

Harrison Clark knocked on the door, making a thunderous noise.

Carrie Thomas was startled awake from her sleep, not even having time to put on her pajamas. In her half-awake state, she thought it was an earthquake. She hurriedly rolled out of bed, opened the door, and was about to rush out.

Their heads collided with a full embrace.

If it were the old Harrison, he probably would have been knocked down.

But now, after four months of military training in his dreams and persistent physical training, his physique was very solid. His subconscious strength and stability in change made his lower body steady.

Not only did he not fall, but he also caught Carrie in the process.

And now, her fair skin with a faint body fragrance fell into his arms.

Feeling the impact on his chest, he lowered his head slightly.

White, lace.

Quite impressive.

Normally, she would wrap herself up tightly, and Harrison hadn’t noticed before.

It’s true that appearances can be deceiving. Carrie looked slim in clothes but had some extra meat when not clothed.

“What are you doing! What on earth are you trying to do!

Carrie struggled out of Harrison’s arms, almost roaring.

Harrison turned his head and ran downstairs, “I have something to discuss with you. Get dressed first.”

Ten minutes later…

“So, early in the morning, you knocked me out of bed and scared me half to death because you had a sleep and then, without any reason, you’re telling me to refuse to sign with Spotify Top?”

In Carrie’s room, she was dressed in her pajamas, hands on her hips, glaring at Harrison who was sitting on the sofa with his hands resting on his knees.

Initially, he didn’t think his actions were abrupt, but later events proved that they were.

Very abrupt and sudden.

Now, still with a guilty conscience, Harrison lowered his head, trying his best not to recall the scene just now.

“I’m asking you a question. You have to give me an explanation today.” Carrie was really angry, as if she were an active volcano on the verge of erupting.

This time, it wasn’t her being unreasonable. Anyone encountering this kind of thing would have their lungs explode with anger, firmly believing that the other person had ill intentions, deliberately smashing the door early in the morning just to see her disheveled appearance and take advantage of her. If it had been before, she probably would have already started yelling and cursing at Harrison.

But now, their relationship was different from before. She believed in Harrison’s talent and didn’t think he could be that kind of person.


Harrison replied honestly.

Carrie was taken aback, “What do you mean?

“I called you to tell you that I decided not to sign with Spotify Top. What else could it be?”

Harrison continued to speak bluntly.

Carrie was dumbfounded, “Have you gone mad?”

Even though the copyright of the song belonged entirely to him, and he held 70% of the rights, he should have the final say. However, his sudden and unreasonable demand really upset Carrie.

“Are you playing with me? I’ve been running to Spotify Top for so many days, what am I doing it for? Now that things have come to a critical point, you suddenly say you don’t want to sign?”

Carrie couldn’t accept it in her heart, as it completely negated her efforts over the past few days.

Seeing that she was dead set against it, Harrison was in a dilemma. Although according to their private agreement, he had the right to veto the decision.

But he also couldn’t completely ignore Carrie’s feelings.

Harrison pondered for a while before finally coming up with an excuse to tell her.

“Alright, I actually didn’t want to tell you about this, but if you insist on asking, I’ll have to explain.””You tell me.”

Harrison Clark revealed a mysterious smile, “Don’t you think Spotify Top’s reaction is a bit strange? Their attitude towards you changed 180 degrees, did it happen before or after they listened to the DEMO?”

Carrie Thomas thought about it carefully, “Their argument was that the copyright department manager listened to the DEMO and thought it was quite good, very satisfied, so they gave a Tire 2 Contract.

Harrison Clark held up two fingers, “Two doubts. First, is it just quite good? Second, they didn’t want to listen before and just told you to wait in line for a notification, after all, they had too many copyrights recently, right? But why did they suddenly send it to the manager and listen to it then?”

Carrie Thomas looked puzzled, and her intuition told her that there was something wrong here, but she was not an old cunning schemer, so it was a bit difficult for her to sort out the twists and turns inside.action

Harrison Clark laughed, “Can’t figure it out? Let me tell you. Spotify Top’s previous cold attitude was normal, after all, bigger businesses bully the smaller ones. Spotify Top treats newcomers better than No. 1 Fly, but to a limited extent. They receive at least dozens or hundreds of new submissions every day, and it would take at least ten days to half a month to review them all.” Carrie Thomas nodded, “I can understand that, but I don’t understand the change afterward.”

“The reason they suddenly became enthusiastic is that someone reached out to them on our behalf.”

Carrie Thomas was stunned, “Who would help us like that?

“Help us? You’re overthinking it. Their response to you was that it’s quite good, very satisfied. These two inappropriate phrases exposed a fact: they haven’t listened to the song at all! You and I know what level this song is at.” Carrie Thomas thought for a long time, “Although your analysis makes sense, it’s still just reasoning, and it can’t be evidence in court. Your reasoning alone is not enough to negate my efforts for several days, is it?” Harrison Clark shook his head with a bitter smile, “I knew you would say that. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you. You know my job situation, right? I deal with many people from all walks of life. I have an informant who leaked some information to me.”

“What information?”

“Oxfordshire is so small, it’s only normal for some people to know each other. The person who reached out to Spotify Top’s Copyright Department Manager, Lewis Brown, was none other than Eric Mitchell, whom we offended a few days ago! They’re digging a huge pit for us!”

Carrie Thomas was shocked, “What? It’s him? How did you find out?” Harrison Clark snorted through his nose, “I told you it’s an undercover informant, don’t ask any more questions, just know that’s how it is.” Carrie Thomas pretended to suddenly understand, “Yesterday afternoon when I left Spotify Top, I did indeed bump into Eric Mitchell, but he didn’t provoke me, and I didn’t bother with him either. I didn’t expect him to still plan something against us.”

Harrison Clark’s mouth twitched, wanting to curse.

This important piece of information, you didn’t tell me yesterday, if I didn’t travel to a thousand years later and then carefully study your biography, and gradually reveal the truth of this matter from multiple versions of the biographies, I might have really been caught in a big trap.

“You meeting Eric Mitchell was just a coincidence, he went to Spotify Top for another matter. But when he saw you coming out of Spotify Top, and he has some connections at that platform, he only had to ask a little bit to know that we are trying to sell songs to Spotify Top. So, following the plans of Eric Mitchell and Lewis Brown, they probably lured us in with a fake Tire 2 Contract first. But what happens next, I’m afraid we won’t have any say in it.” Carrie Thomas shuddered and nodded repeatedly, “That’s true.

Seeing that he had finally convinced her, Harrison Clark was relieved and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, “I’ll go downstairs and get some sleep, and we’ll figure it out later, let’s contact No. 1 Fly directly. No matter how long Eric Mitchell’s reach is, it won’t extend to No. 1 Fly’s headquarters in Abertawe. It’s no big deal to suffer a little loss in the beginning, better than being caught in a pit and frozen out for a few years.”

After saying this, Harrison Clark ran down the stairs.

Thinking back to Carrie Thomas’ biography in the following years, he felt quite emotional.

Carrie Thomas’ life has now been changed by him once, including the first time, for a total of two versions.

In both of these future versions, Carrie Thomas suffered losses from Eric Mitchell twice, but the losses were different.

The first time, Eric Mitchell used his connections in various nightclubs in Oxfordshire to severely suppress Carrie Thomas, to the point where she almost ended up homeless at her most desperate.

Carrie Thomas had no choice but to play guitar and sing on the streets, enduring until several years later when she wrote “Boring” and became an overnight sensation online, barely overcoming the difficult situation. This time it was because Harrison Clark changed history and let Carrie Thomas sing “Boring” a few years earlier, but she still didn’t become famous until 2024. In the following months, Carrie Thomas wrote “A Dull Life” and sang “Deep in the Night,” the release dates didn’t change, and they were all on Spotify Top platform.

But these works were suppressed on Spotify Top for a full five years before finally breaking free and shining as they should have.

The reason was that the Tire 2 Contract that Lewis Brown provided was not the standard version, and two underhanded clauses were added.

Under the provisions of these clauses, Spotify Top had a five-year priority on Carrie Thomas’ songs, which meant that all songs created by Carrie Thomas in these five years could only be transferred to other platforms if Spotify Top didn’t want them.

Spotify Top, however, always held back, not only refusing to provide any support resources, but also madly lowering the weighting and reducing the exposure of the songs. As soon as something started to happen, they would technically block the songs, making it impossible for them to become popular. Harrison Clark and Carrie Thomas were caught off guard and didn’t understand the law enough to detect the pitfalls.

Together, they struggled for five years before their contract expired, the songs were re-released on No. 1 Fly, and they finally saw the light of day.

Such a vicious move, for someone like Eric Mitchell, was just a trivial trick after dinner, but it severely impacted the lives of Harrison Clark and Carrie Thomas.

And the two had no power to resist.

This was the class difference, just like a servant in the immortal world coming to the human world, a casual sneeze could kill the top martial artist in the human world.

But this time, Harrison Clark won, and the eager Eric Mitchell was destined to wait for nothing.

Because Harrison Clark cheated..


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