I Quit Being The Villain

Chapter 72 The Heroine's Endings. [2]

Opening his eyes, Gu Xia stretched his arms forward as he let out a yawn.

"That was a great nap."

He commented to himself with a satisfied expression on his handsome face.

Though, he didn't really like the dream about... His past life...

Without realizing it, he began clenching his hands together, his nails dug into his skin.

'Linde... If the Earth had aged then... I promise I'll get revenge for... us...'

As he was thinking to himself, Shu Ling suddenly awoke and let out a cute yawn.

Gently wiping her eyes, she looked over at Gu Xia with a worried smile.

"Are you ok?"

She asked, simply because she noticed his dark expression and empty eyes.

Gu Xia's ears twitched and he instantly looked over at Shu Ling, which is where the voice came from.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine..."

He told the iceberg heroine, his expression changed from darkness to a nice light.

"Let's meet up with the rest."

Leaving these words, he got out of the bed and walked toward the door, leaving Shu Ling to nod her head and follow behind.

Once the two arrived at the bedroom where they were at first, they saw the heroines all sleeping soundly.

Without a shred of care, Gu Xia clapped his hands together in order to wake them up.

"Alright, time to get up! Let's go!"

His words resounded throughout the room.

Shu Ling wanted to say something, but decided not to. She wanted to ask if he could just let them sleep... But, who was she to question him?

The heroines who felt their ears curling all opened their eyes at the unpleasant voice which interrupted their sleep.

"Who dares interrupt my beauty sleep!"

Sun Chang growled, she was clearly annoyed. Lifting her body up from the bed she looked over where the voice was coming from, ready to throw a barrage of unpleasant remarks.

But, that was quickly out of the question when she saw Gu Xia who had his right eyebrow raised, as if asking, "what?"

"!?... Ah, I meant to say... Well... I mean... I was just waking up anyway!"

Sun Chang forced a smile, her body slightly trembling.

"Good to know."

Gu Xia calmly spoke, he smiled internally.

Not long after this exchange between Gu Xia and Sun Chang the other heroines all lazily awakened.

After a couple of minutes all the women seemed to have fully woken up.

Not soon after, Gu Xia gave them an order to sit on the ground.

They obeyed without complaints, they all sat on their knees on the floor while Gu Xia sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at all of them.

Clearing his throat, Gu Xia looked at the heroines who hadn't heard their ending yet.

The heroines who had yet to know were: Ai Yao, Ling Shui, Chang Wen, Sun Chang, Chu Qing, Li Min, and Ning Meng.

"Do you want to know about your ending?"

Gu Xia asked, he gazed at the heroines as his red blood eyes seemed to have slightly glowed.

He wanted to make sure they were mentally prepared as last time, the other heroines who were told their endings started crying...

Those heroines were: Shu Ling, Xu Ruo, Lin Yen, and Yen Ying.

He truly didn't want to go through that again, as of right now he just wanted to get this over with so he could start destroying the new protagonist who had appeared recently.

At the current second, he's been getting live updates about Wu Kuang's movements.

Gu Xia would NEVER allow the protagonist to have any privacy or free movement.

He needed to make sure this medical genius wouldn't grow in influence.

After some deep thought, the heroines who had yet heard their endings all silently looked at each other then as if they were communicating.

Once that little action was done, they all looked up at Gu Xia and nodded their heads.

"We're ready."

Chang Wen said with full confidence.

It seemed she spoke for everyone... So, Gu Xia let out a deep sigh before cracking his knuckles.

"Ok, I'll start with..."

He looked from left to right, like a sentry gun.

Tapping his cheek, his eyes landed on Ning Meng.

"Let's start with you."

He lazily pointed his pointer finger at the second oldest heroine.

Ning Meng's entire body jumped, but soon calmed down after a deep breath.

Closing her eyes, a second later she reopened them and directly looked at Gu Xia as if saying she was prepared.

Gu Xia shrugged his shoulders and started leaking her ending.

"Ning Meng... Your ending is becoming the 11th wife to Lin Fan and becoming China's number one scientist, you accomplished your goal of infinite life by using a small amount of Qi and fusing that with nuclear energy."

"Your daily life regarding marriage with Lin Fan was terrible, like really terrible. He lost his lust and 'love' for you when you started getting older and your appeal going down."

"He soon asked for a divorce, before he left for the cultivation world in which you accepted with no argument."

"After that you lived a fairly decent life, you didn't remarry nor did you get a boyfriend because you spent your entire time in your lab, but you did get a dog... If that helps..."

"You died peacefully on your office chair inside your lab with satisfaction at completing your goal, and you realized you never loved Lin Fan."

Ning Meng's eyes were wide open as she showed a large smile.

"I completed my goal!"

She let out a yell, as she looked at Gu Xia.

"Yep, congrats... I guess?"

Gu Xia scratched his cheek awkwardly, he then moved his eyesight to Chang Wen.

His awkward smile was instantly shattered and replaced with a frown and his eyes showed genuine pity.

Chang Wen who noticed such deep pity directed at her, gently bit her lip ushering for Gu Xia to say her ending as she clearly wanted to know.

Gu Xia placed his right hand on his cheek and started talking.

"Chang Wen... Your ending is becoming Lin Fan's... 12th wife... You never completed your dream of opening up a bakery..."

Sighing, he decided just to get straight to the point.

"Listen, Chang Wen... Lin Fan never loved you or any of the sort, he only married you out of revenge and immediately divorced you in front of the entire country."

"You broke down crying, asking, "why?".

"Lin Fan merely scoffed and said, "why? You rejected me in college so I had to repay that humiliation!".

"It got so bad, that your family had to shut down their small sushi restaurant because people kept vandalizing the building and also shattering the window with rocks and bricks..."

"You were driven to suicide by the amount of bullying you received, everywhere you went people would laugh at you and harass you..."

Chang Wen was silent, her head looking down toward the carpet.

She couldn't open her mouth, she didn't know what to say or think.

"Why did the entire country treat her so terribly!?"

Ling Shui's pink hair fluttered behind her as anger was present on her cute face.

Gu Xia looked over with an indifferent expression.

"At this point in the novel, Lin Fan became a sacred savior for the country as he protected Chinese soil from India."

(A/T: I'm not Chinese or showing any nationality for either side. I'm doing this because Chinese authors for some reason throw a shit load of nationalism in their novels! I don't mean to offend anyone, this is just for the plot, You'll never see nationalism again after this chapter.)

Ling Shui tried to open her mouth but hearing that Lin Fan protected their country's soil... She couldn't say anything...

She kind of understood now why people were bullying Chang Wen.

Still, it didn't make it right!

The rest of the heroines all glanced at Chang Wen and saw her with an emotionless expression.

The life in her eyes seemed to have disappeared.

Gu Xia couldn't just let her fall into such depression, so he opened his mouth.

"Chang Wen, that ending won't happen anymore... So, don't worry, ok?"

He smiled then continued speaking:

"I promise I'll protect you and your family."

Chang Wen slowly looked up with small tears forming in her eyes.

Hearing Gu Xia's words put her in this type of peace, she felt that she could 100,000,000,000% rely on him for anything.

Without realizing it, her heart was thumping inside her chest, rapidly.

Ai Yao the loli who was directly sitting next to Chang Wen could clearly hear the thumping and this caused a slight annoyance.

Because of her amazing hearing and on top of that her cultivation it was like a steam train entering her ears...

Now... She could turn down her hearing... But! That would make her vulnerable.

She would never allow herself to be easy prey!

Gu Xia hopped off the bed and got on one knee, he gently and quietly wiped the small tears in Chang Wen's eyes.

"Don't worry, ok?"

He whispered in her ear.

Chang Wen sniffled and whispered back.

"I'm fine... Thank you, master."


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